Friday, October 19, 2018

Assault on the Monastery

Abadius 27, 4713

After a successful hunt of the manticore, but following an unsuccessful attempt at finding Dhukhean. Ruddy and Savra return to Feathergale Spire and join the Feathergale Knights to celebrate. Before he knows it, the gnome has been partying hard for five days. Awakening with a hangover, Ruddy realizes that he hasn't seen any member of his party since his return to the Spire. Discret inquiries indicate that none of them have been spotted, but the knights suspect that they sabotaged the flying animals' pens in the basement, as about half of the creatures had to be guided back to their stable. Ruddy decides to head back to Red Larch. 

Naga has spent an entire week alone in his room in Feathergale Spire, surviving on the rations in his adventurer's pack. He has been waiting for others to come and get him, but it has now become obvious that no one will retrieve him. Spotting Ruddy leaving the Spire, Naga flies out of the window and joins the gnome for the long trip back to Red Larch.

Thorne and Lawrence spend a week exploring the Spire, staying away from Thurl and his men. Aside from the prisoners they previously located in the basement of the tower, they find no additional victims of the Howling Hatred. Their investigation reveals that about a third of the Spire's personnel are members of the cult. The knights are oblivious, but the rest of the staff give the cultists a wide berth. Thorne also discovered several letters that strongly suggest a link between Thurl Merosska, commander of the Feathergale Knights and the Howling Hatred. Desiring to share their discoveries, they surmise that their friends most likely headed back to Red Larch. Even if they didn't, the village seems like a good place to look for them.

All four of them meet on the road. Arriving late in Red Larch, they are informed that the Cooper sisters and the dwarf Dhukhean were here four days ago with a female dwarf and a female elf. They left early in the morning following breakfast, and have not returned since. Ruddy decides to order a late dinner, and they then head up to their rooms for a well-deserved rest.

Abadius 28, 4713

Dhukhean and the Cooper sisters return to Red Larch on the cloud following their accidental destruction of Yartar's merchant quarter. Landing a mile outside of the village, they trek in, and arrive at the Swinging Sword Inn in time to join their friends for lunch. Reunited, the group share news of what they learned over the last week. Ruddy regale the dwarf with his exploits with Savra, much to the sisters' dismay.

Now aware that there are several cults operating in the Sumber Hills, the party argues as to their next location to explore. Eventually, Dhukhean convinces everyone else that the Sacred Stone Monastery might be the place that holds information about Tyar-Besil. After packing their gear and bundling in their winter clothes, the Coopers head out in the cold afternoon, and trek towards the Monastery.

Abadius 30, 4713

Light flurries are the only events that change the monotony of trekking in the wilderness of the Sumber Hills. Darelle and Daryle successfully hunt winter hare, but larger game proves elusive. During the trip Dhukhean asks Ruddy for advice on how to disguise himself as a gnome, given that he has been attacked several times for being a dwarf. Ruddy suggests that only shaving his beard would help. Dhukhean is opposed to the idea, so Ruddy proposes using a high collar to hide most of his face and walk hunched over. Dhukhean agrees that this is a good idea, and he modifies his outfit to hide as much of his true nature as possible.

Late in the morning, they clear the treeline and see, sitting on a small hill, an imposing stone structure about fifty feet tall, with two large metal doors up three steps. Windows about four inches wide and four feet tall sprinkle the facade of the building. A dozen chimneys on top of the structure release smoke in the air, indicating that the building is occupied. The fresh coat of snow that fell on their way here shows no tracks in or out of the Sacred Stone Monastery.

Carefully, the party approaches the building. Stepping up the three steps, Thorne reaches the stone porch. The metal doors are twelve feet tall, and each has a large iron knocker attached to it. The rogue uses the knocker to rap against the door. A few moments pass, and the door silently cracks open. A monk dressed in robes of various shades of brown informs Thorne and his friends that the Monastery does not receive guests. Using his intimidate stature, Naga pushes the monk aside and enters the Monastery. He is immediately attacked by four stone golems, while the receiving monk and one of his colleagues engage as well. Overpowered and outmatched, Naga manage to leave the Monastery's receiving hall. The golems do not exit, and the door is soon closed.

Dismayed, the party attempts to attract the occupants' attention by yelling in dwarven, but they get no reaction. Dhukhean's disguise worked as planned. The dwarf steps up to the door, but the door has been locked. Thorne tries to wedge the visor opened, and is almost successful. While the dwarf and the rogue struggle with the front door, the rest of the party splits up. Darelle and Daryle head left. Lawrence and Naga move right. Ruddy climbs the Monastery's facade, and makes for the roof.

Lawrence discovers a small metal door on the side of the Monastery. It is locked. Using his magic, he shrinks the door, which falls the ground, making a clattering sound that reverberates throughout the structure. The door's absence reveals a hallway with a corner heading west. Lawrence enters the hallway, but he hears footsteps and jumps against the wall. His attempt is clumsy, however, and he is ambushed by three monks. The rogue's yells for help reach Naga, who also enters the hallway. The battle immediately goes poorly for both of them, and Naga is forced to cast shout. The sound travels throughout the Monastery, affecting one of the monks who immediately drops to the ground, bood dripping out of her ears. The other two keep on fighting, however, and soon Naga and Lawrence are forced to flee. On the way out Naga casts a lightning bolt, killing one monk. Two stone golems soon arrive and take a defending position, protecting the breach. Lawrence can see a set of legs behind the golems, and he hears the melodious sound of a spell being cast. Stones stitch themselves together, closing the space where the door used to be.

Daryle and Darelle walk around the building. They find a locked door next to a snow-covered path. This appears to be a delivery area. Darelle checks the door, but it is locked. Using her gloves of magnetism Darelle unlocks the door and pushes it open, revealing a busy kitchen, with sweet and savory smells fighting with that of freshly bread. She notices four apprentices laying prone on the floor, holding their bleeding ears, while a monk stands. She attempts to strike a conversation with the monk, but he inform her that no one is allowed in the Sacred Stone Monastery. The sisters depart the building.

Ruddy climbs the roof and looks for an entrance. He finds several chimneys, but all of them are releasing smoke. He rigs a chimney so that its flue is blocked, forcing the smoke back inside the building. Meanwhile, Dhukhean tires of standing at the front door, and he heads left. At the building's corner, he enters a gully, and misses the sisters coming out of the kitchen. He walks an arm's length away from the building, slowing exploring its perimeter. Hearing noises, Ruddy peers over the edge and spots the dwarf. Standing on the edge, he urinates on him. Bent on his quest to find an opening, Dhukhean does not notice and continues on. Ruddy returns to his blocked chimney, chuckling. He is soon joined on the roof by Naga and Lawrence, who are still bleeding from their previous encounter.

Two monks use abundant step and come to the roof to investigate. They are surprised to see enemies on the roof, but Ruddy is able to convince them they are simply lost. Dubious, the monks explain that the Sacred Stone Monastery is run by Hellenrae, an abbess. Monks and priests who spend their time here worship Ferrakus, the Lord Beneath. Lawrence questions how one could join the Monastery. The monks reply that in order to petition admittance to the Sacred Stone Monastery as an acolyte, one must present himself or herself to the front door with a precious stone or precious sand as an offering. The person must use the knocker on the door, then kneel with palms open upwards with their offering. Once admitted, they must undergo several trials and indoctrination sessions, and their faith will be severely tested. Only the righteous are allowed to become members of the Sacred Stone Monastery.

Dhukhean walks back on the path, and meets the sisters. He smells strongly of urine, and Daryle asks him: "Dhukhean, what did you do? Make out with a bobcat in a gully?" The dwarf appears confused, and only now notices the strong smell. The three of them are soon joined by Thorne, who reports seeing Lawrence and Naga join Ruddy on the roof.

Having failed to find an opening to enter the Sacred Stone Monastery, the Coopers regroup at dusk about a  mile from the Sacred Stone Monastery. With the sun about to set, the party decides to spend the night here, then head out to Yartar to purchase magical equipment that would help them in their quest. Darelle sends a tree token to each of the acolyte she saw in the kitchen to begin a whisper campaign against the monks of the monastery. She tells them that the monastery has been infiltrated by a death cult planning to kill them for their own evil purposes.

Calistril 4, 4713

Arriving in Yartar, the party discovers that though the fires are now out, the town has not recovered from its destruction. The Cooper sisters and Dhukhean decide to remain outside, knowing that they are most unwelcomed. The rest of the party heads in town and locate shops. At the Forsaken Pixie, Thorne purchases a +3 gravity bow and bracers of armor +1, which he swipes for the +5 next to them with a successful sleight of hand. Naga buys a +3 breastplate of the planes and a +3 gloom blade, while Ruddy purchases a +3 wasp's kiss crossbow. Feigning an interest in the recent incident that destroyed part of the town, Thorne questions the merchant on its causes, and reports that the Coopers have been spotted hiding at the Sacred Stone Monastery. At the Raven's Quill, Lawrence purchases the amazing I heart Kenny belt and a rod of shrinkage

Now armed with better weapons and equipment, the Coopers head back to the Sumber Hills, hoping for a more successful trip.

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