Random Tables

Random tables collected from various places, including

Medieval Professions
Book maker
Paper maker

Quick Curse Generator
Here's a Mad Lib and generator to help get your creative juices flowing. Remember, the chart and mad libs won't make the cursed items for you but can point you in the right direction to get started. These are inspirational ideas to help you make cursed items for your campaigns:

The Family Heirloom
The [ITEM] is a family heirloom from the characters [FAMILY MEMBER] and it can [USEFUL ABILITY]. After a while [UNCOMFORTABLE EVENT] happens and if the character ignores it then [SOMETHING IS WRONG] happens. When the character looks into the [ITEM] they learn it came from [HISTORY] and then they can break the curse by [BREAKING].

Item (1d10)
1 Ring
2 Sword
3 Item of clothing
4 Boots
5 Belt
6 Gloves
7 Weapon
8 Gem
9 Coin
10 Figurine

Family Member (1d10)
1 Cousin
2 Nephew
3 Niece
4 Grandparent
5 Brother
6 Aunt
7 Sister
8 Uncle
9 Father
10 Mother

Useful Ability (1d0)
1 Protection
2 Offensive ability
3 Visions of the past, present, or future
4 Time manipulation
5 Travel
6 Elemental power
7 Mental manipulation
8 Alter reality
9 Enhance physical ability
10 Enhance mental ability

Uncomfortable Event (1d10)
1 Nightmares
2 People notice things different about the character that the character doesn't notice
3 Minor physical alterations
4 Blanks in the character's memory
5 People remembering the character doing things the character doesn't remember doing
6 The character hears whispers they can't identify
7 The character's perception of reality is shifted
8 The character has fits of an emotion
9 The character must have the item nearby or grow anxious
10 Natural creatures become fearful or aggressive towards character

Something is Wrong (1d10)
1 The character wakes up covered in blood that isn't theirs
2 The character dreams of things then discovers they've actually happened
3 The character tries to get rid of or destroy the item and finds it in their possession again
4 The character suffers major physical alterations
5 Something destructive happens from the item's special ability
6 The character hears voices
7 The character's perception of reality shifts greatly
8 The character must have the item in hand or worn
9 Ideas and ideologies the character never would have agreed with before seem like good ideas
10 Natural creatures attack the character or flee

History (1d10)
1 The item is of unknown origin but there are people who've survived the curse know its story and how to break the curse.
2 The item is of extra dimensional origin and only in its home dimension can the items story be discovered.
3 The item's story is tied to a lost kingdom and only within those ruins can the items story be discovered.
4 An ancient creature knows the secret to the item.
5 The story of the item and the way to break the curse is in an old book. Unfortunately the book's pages are in different collections around the campaign setting.
6 It's the story of a family feud and only family members know the whole tale.
7 The truth of the item is only know by a secret organization.
8 The item's story is jumbled in myths, legends, and histories. Only by assembling the knowledge and getting an expert's help can the story be learned.
9 The item was cursed by a god to punish a mortal, and the story is now the core doctrine of a cult.
10 The story is etched in the walls of a cave deep within a cavern complex filled with monsters and dangers.

Breaking (1d10)
1 There's just one terrible way to break the curse. For example, thrown in the fires of Mount Doom, or bathed in Dragon fire while in magical darkness.
2 Perform a specific act to break the curse: True loves kiss, die by your own hand, bathe in the waters of Elysium.
3 Pass the item onto someone else who wants it.
4 Survive the curse until it's run its course.
5 Discover another item that can nullify the curse.
6 A difficult ritual or rite of passage can break the curse.
7 A great personal sacrifice will break the curse.
8 Discover specific knowledge to break or accept the curse and change it.
9 A loved one must willing make a sacrifice on the cursed's behalf.
10 A powerful and magical counter-item must be crafted.

Random Book Titles
 Carrion Golems, Necromancy's Nightmare
The Devilfish, a Name Well Deserved
When the Dream Spider Came
The Soulbound Doll
Raktavarna, The Snake Sword
The Reefclaw that Lurks in the Water

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