Friday, November 2, 2018

Rivergard Keep

Calistril 7, 4713

Better equipped after their trip to Yartar and provisioned following their first failed foray, the Coopers, Dhukhean and Ruddy decide to stop by the Sacred Stone Monastery once again and see if infiltration will be easier. Darelle drinks a potion of gaseous form and enters the building through the kitchen door. She travels quickly throughout the upper level of the monastery, taking mental notes as she moves. She notices that many of the acolytes are glancing furtively at the monks, and angry whispers are exchanged. Clearly the whisper campaign she started a few days ago has already begun to bear fruit.

Unfortunately, the Sacred Stone Monastery appears too well defended for their small group to infiltrate successfully. In her exploration, Darelle notices a secret entrance into the Monastery's garden. Returning outside, she quickly sketches her discoveries, and faced with the possibility of a deadly encounter with the monks, the Coopers decide to return to Red Larch and consult their maps to get a more accurate location for Rivergard Keep, the rumored home of the Crushing Wave. Perhaps these cultists will not be expecting a visit from the Coopers.

During their research, Dhukhean realizes that the symbol of the Crushing Wave closely resembles other religious symbols of Olhydra, Princess of Evil Water. Using books at the Allsfaith Shrine, the dwarf deepens his understanding of this elemental power. Olhydra displays a certain interest in mortals, especially pirates and waterborne raiders.

Calistril 8, 4713

In the morning, the Coopers depart Red Larch and head northeast on Darelle's cloud, looking for Rivergard Keep. They reach the Dessarin River, and, flying high, travel north. Late in the afternoon, they spot a large stone fortification on the west bank of the Dessarin River. The Keep is located roughly 40 miles south of the Stone Bridge, 90 miles north of the Bargewright Inn, and 80 miles east of Red Larch. A large stone fortification, Rivergard Keep features a central keep surrounded by a twenty feet tall curtain wall on three sides and a sheltered harbor featuring a set of docks where ships can take refuge behind a massive chain designed to block entry into the keep. Three round towers protect the approach, while the old keep anchors the northeast wall. A gatehouse allows access to the inner courtyard. The entire structure looks in disrepair, but efforts are clearly being made to shore up the defenses. Scaffolding are spread out around three different sections of the keep, and construction crews continue to work even this late in the afternoon, with the sun rapidly sinking over the horizon.

The Coopers land the cloud and set up an observation post on a hill about a mile away from theKeep. Dhukhean constructs a base, and realizing he smells of gnome urine, he also builds a small bath, heats up some water, and bathes. They keep a watch, and realize that construction continues overnight.

Calistril 10, 4713

In the morning, with dawn rising, a bell rings for a few minutes, and a stream of workers come out of the new keep and head to a small building next to the old keep. An hour later, they emerge from that building and go to the old keep for a few minutes, before returning to their tools and scaffolding areas. The Coopers then notice a steady flow of traffic from the countryside. Farmers' wagons carrying goods and provisions pull to the gatehouse and after a cursory interrogation are allowed inside. Seeing how lackadaisical security seems to be, Daryle comes up with a plan. She goes hunting. She slays a deer and heads to the main gate to sell them her catch.

Tom the gatekeeper opens the door to the gatehouse and lets her in after she gives him a few copper coins. He directs her to the docks and tells her to ask for Pike. She finds two ships enclosed in the ice. The small one is a small oar propelled rivercraft. The second one is a two masted brig named the Rivermaid.

A large hole is in its port keel, evidence that it was rammed in the recent past. Sailors are busy repairing the ship, even in this cold weather. Daryle walks up the plank, and meets Shoalar, the ship's captain. Shoalar resembles a human but has blue skin and is heavy set. He gruffly greets her, and when she tells him her reason for being there, he introduces her to Pike, his halfling assistant. Pike offers her twelve silver pieces for her deer, and Daryle accepts. Her bargaining concluded, she departs the Keep.

That night, Dhukhean leaves the Coopers's camp and gets close to the curtain wall. None of the guards walking the parapets notice the dwarf. He closely examines the wall and notices three different sections that are weak and could easily be taken down given time and the right equipment. Returning to camp, Dhukhean reports his findings.

Calistril 11, 4713

A few hours following Dhukhean's return, Ruddy begins his own expedition. He climbs the eastern wall after the lonely guard has passed, and he begins to explore the structure. Workers are still out and about building under the lights of torches, but no one pays him any attention. In the new keep he finds workers' quarters, and meets a worker named Mikael who happily shares some of the details of what he is working on. Mikael reveals that Gar Shutterkeel is the lord of Rivergard Keep, but he hasn't been here for at least a month, and even when he visits he doesn't stay very long. Shoalar is second in command and controls the ship, with Pike his halfling servant, while Grimsaw is third in command and controls the keep. As he meets workers, Ruddy uses every opportunity to spread the rumor that the Sacred Stone Monastery is planning an attack on Rivergard Keep.

One of the buildings he enters is clearly a chapel, and he finally comes upon proof that the Crushing Wave is at the very least implanted in the Keep, if not running it. On the altar is the symbol of Olhydra.
Symbol of the Crushing Wave

Desiring to create mischief, Ruddy steals a ceremonial chalice and plate from the chapel, and leaves the Keep. In the morning, with dawn rising, the chapel bell rings, announcing the start of the service. Then a different set of bells rings, and workers and guards spill out of the chapel in a hurry.

Darelle decides she will send a message to the monks at the Sacred Stone Monastery to inform them that the Crushing Wave is behind the current unrest among their acolytes.

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