Friday, October 5, 2018

The Orb of Fire

Abadius 22, 4713, continued

Dhukhean awakens in a cave, bruised and battered but very much alive following his near death drop from the sky during the manticore hunt. The dwarf can hear several voices speaking in elvish. As he gather his thoughts, he notices that he is neither restrained nor unarmed, as his weapons and gear sit neatly next to him. He listens to the elves, who discuss the fall of the dwarf from the sky and what role he plays in the fact that several cults in the area have been kidnapping dwarves.

Pretending to awaken, Dhukhean grunts and shifts in his bed. When he opens his eyes, he sees four elves wearing dark green cloaks and adventuring gear looking at him with concern. After making introductions, the elves identify themselves as Sephyr, Arral, Nyin and Malsal, members of the Lord's Alliance, a group dedicated to promoting security and prosperity throughout Golarion. This group has been monitoring the Sumber Hills for the last six months, ever since the area began to attract an ever increasing number of ruffians. With law and order already on shaky foundations even before these arrivals in the area, the Alliance has taken it on itself to investigate the cause of this attraction and plans military actions to deal with it.

Dhukhean mentions his missing caravan, and he recounts the details that led him to fall from the sky. The dwarf is concerned that cultists have hoodwinked well-bred members of Feathergale Spire and have taken control of it for their own nefarious ends. The elves inform Dhukhean that they have discovered the presence of four cults in the area, and they identify them as the Black Earth Cult, the Howling Hatred Cult, the Eternal Flame Cult, and the Crushing Wave Cult, and they draw the symbol of each in the dirt.
Black Earth Cult

Crushing Wave Cult

Eternal Flame Cult

Howling Hatred Cult

These cults are not only terrifying the local population, they have also taken to fighting among themselves. Dhukhean wonders if the rise of these cults is somehow tied to the lost city of Tyar-Basil, which he himself has been researching. The elves speculate that perhaps the cults are looking for dwarves to open an ancient gate to this city.

The elves then propose to escort Dhukhean to a safe location. Worried for the Cooper sisters he has left behind, he asks them to bring him back to Feathergale Spire instead, and asks them if there is a way for him to communicate with them if he finds more information or has a pressing need. They reply that they spend most of their time in the wilderness, but that their contact in Red Larch can get them information fairly easily as they stealthily stop at the village once every ten days or so. Their contact there is Maegla Tarnlar, the wife of the clothier. Malsal shows Dhukhean the Lord Alliance's hand signal to make during a conversation to establish a relationship with the woman.

Following the hunt, Darelle returns to Feathergale Spire to report the treachery that took place in the skies to her comrades, closely followed by Savra and Ruddy, who carry the head of the slain monster. Darelle tells Savra about how Dhukhean went missing. Savra apologizes as she had not noticed the dwarf's disappearance. Savra, Ruddy and Darelle depart the Spire again on their flying mounts and look for Dhukhean, but the unseasonal fog at the bottom of the canyons hide any visibility of the ground below, and they are unsuccessful in locating him. Darelle decides to use a tree token to tell him she is back at Feathergale Spire and awaits him there. Looking for her sister, Darelle eventually ends up in their shared room, avoiding the party going on in the knights' hall.

After her sister and friends departed on their flying mountsDaryle found herself exploring the basement of the Feathergale Spire, where she discovered prisoners. Needing help to free them, she climbs the ladder and checks on the time. It is early afternoon. Daryle sneaks out and avoids the angry animal in the pen. She returns to their shared room, figuring that her sister Darelle will eventually come back and check on her here.

When Darelle finally arrives, Daryle discusses the prisoners kept in the basement of the Spire and whether they should free them. The sisters agree that they should, and they both wonder whether Dhukhean survived the fall. Darelle hears the wind howling outside, and she takes a look through the window. A small figure crouches next to the pillar by the edge of the cliff where the drawbridge would be lowered. She recognizes the dwarven paladin. Opening the window, Darelle drives her cloud down from her bedroom window, and takes the dwarf back to the Spire. Dhukhean tells the sisters about the Lord's Alliance and how they are investigating four separate cults. The sisters fill the dwarf in on the happenings at the Spire and in its basement. They decide it is time to free the prisoners.

Returning down to the stables, they notice that there are neither guards nor stablehands. Dhukhean attempts to convince the griffon sitting on top of the trapdoor leading to the dungeon to treat him well, but the griffon is unconvinced and attempts to shred him to pieces. Darelle decides to charm him, but this also fails due to his strong will. Finally, the ranger speaks with animals, and understands that the griffon is both mean due to his disposition, but also because he's being tortured by the stablehands so that he can act as a guardian in case prisoners made it to the hatch in the floor.

Using all of her charm and diplomacy, Darelle convinces the griffon to stand out of the way and let them through. The Coopers climb down into the dungeon. Dhukhean detects evil and identify all but the elf and the dwarf prisoners as evil. Dhukhean approaches the elf and asks her a few questions, making the Lord Alliance's hand signal, but he doesn't get a reaction out of her. She had been caught while traveling on the long road and had been brought here to be questioned by a masked man.

Dhukhean then talks with Broga, the female dwarf, who reports she was on a pilgrimage to the Sacred Stone Monastery, hoping to discover the fabled city of Tyar-Besil. Though she was welcomed with open arms by the monks currently dwelling in the monastery, she quickly realized that not all was well with the monastic order. It had been infiltrated by a cult called the Black Earth. Broga barely escaped with her life, but was later captured by members of the Howling Hatred and brought here. She has been in this dungeon ever since. Broga mentions the relative location of the Sacred Stone Monastery, and also that of the Rivergard Keep, the rumored headquarters of the Crushing Wave.

Both prisoners are weak and in no condition to trek the wilderness on their own. Daryle climbs the ladder, and frees the griffon. Since no one notices, the Coopers release the other mounts. Some of them fly away, but others remain in their stalls, content with their current conditions. Flying with the cloud, they head to Red Larch.

Abadius 23, 4713,

Arriving early in the morning in Red Larch, they land outside of town and then trek in the village. They head to the clothier, where Dhukhean is able to identify himself to Maegla Tarnlar as a supporter of the Lord's Alliance. She dismisses her husband, and the four of them talk about what happened and how two local landmarks have been infiltrated by cults. Dhukhean introduces them to Broga and the elf. How two local landmarks have been infiltrated by the cults. Finding these news filled with evil portent, Maegla asks Dhukhean to travel to Yartar with haste and notify Nestra Ruthiol, Waterbaroness of Yartar and head of the Lord's Alliance in the Sumber Hills, of what he discovered. In exchange, Maegla will shelter the two escapees and provide them with safe passage out of the Dessarin Valley on the next well-protected caravan. The paladin agrees to these terms and the Coopers head out on the cloud.

Abadius 25, 4713,

After two days of travel on the cloud, they arrive in Yartar. Entering the city, they head for the Waterbaron's Hall, in the center of the marketplace, where they solicit a meeting with the Waterbaroness. Informed of his Lord's Alliance credentials, Nestra Ruthiol welcomes the party and listens to Dhukhean retells of the events that happened. Nestra thanks them profusely for reporting this information, and advises them the Lord's Alliance will increase its patrols and investigative activities in the area.

Nestra then asks them for a favor. The Hand of Yartar, a local criminal gang composed exclusively of women, is auctioning off an item called the orb of fire. Its magical abilities are unknown, but it is believed to be a very powerful item. The auction is being conducted at the Wink and Kiss tavern by a cutthroat named Nareem Dhest, with bidding starting at 1,500 crowns. As Waterbaroness Nestra must balance several factions within the city, and she cannot be seen as seizing this item. She would like the Coopers to acquire the item and remove it from Yartar, and she is willing to compensate them with 1,000 crowns each. Dhukhean and the sisters agree to help her.

The Wink and Kiss is filled with patrons, drinking and enjoying the dancing girls on stage. Dhukhean goes to the bar and orders dwarven ale. After a quick exchange of coins, the barman tells Dhukhean where he can find Nareem Dhest, but warns him that she will not be pleased if they do not have gold to make a bid.

Entering a backroom near the stage, the Coopers find Nareem surrounding by two burly female bodyguards. After a few pleasantries, she tells them that she's accepting written bids for the orb of fire on behalf of the Hand of Yartar, and she will reveal the highest bid tomorrow at noon. She's not asking for the full amount to be paid now, but does need to see enough coins to convince her it is a serious bid. Dhukhean bids 3,952 crowns, and reveals enough wealth to assuage Nareem that it is a more than serious offer.

As they conclude their transaction, the window behind Nareem shatters as a bolt pierces her shoulder. Smelling treachery, her bodyguards jump into action and attack the Coopers. During the combat Darelle summons an earth elemental, while Dhukhean turns into an angel. The bodyguards are killed, and a wounded Nareem has no choice but to accept the Coopers as her protectors.

Throughout the rest of the day, other individuals and representatives of organizations come in and place bids, but none of them are as high as Dhukhean's. In conversation with Nareem, they realize that she's hoping this money will allow her to leave this area and this life behind. Near midnight, a cloaked man enters the room and lays five gold ingots worth a thousand crowns each. Daryle immediately recognizes the coats of arms of Duke Mosley. The bidder is a Hellknight sent on behalf of the Duke to purchase the orb of fire. Daryle reveals she's an officer in the Hellknights, and instructs the man to keep his gold and notify the Duke that she's taking care of the item. The Hellknight reluctantly agrees, pockets the gold, and leaves. Nareem is besides herself and claims the Coopers are trying to rig the bidding. They point out that she's a thief selling an item that's not really hers, and that the sum they propose is more than enough to help her out.

At noon the next day Nareem revels to a packed house that Dhukhean has made the highest bid for the orb of fire. Hoping to gain a quick exit from the Wink and Kiss, Dhukhean pays for a round of drinks for everyone, and the small party exits the tavern and heads to the cemetery on the edge of Yartar. Darelle and Daryle both notice that they are being trailed by three ruffians, but Nareem does not seem worried. She is unsettled, however, when a woman dressed like a pirate steps out of the shadows of a mausoleum, accompanied by four others. Identifying herself as Abdel, she tells the Coopers she will trade the money and Nareem for the item. The real leader of the Hand of Yartar, Abdel was attacked and left for dead by Nareem and her cronies, and now she plans on exacting vengeance on her former subordinate.

In the battle that ensues, the Coopers kill most of the guards, but both Nareem and Abdel manage to escape, the former disappearing in the cemetery, while the other is tracked through the sewers back to the center of Yartar before her trail disappears. Daryle secures a wooden and led container about two feet on all sides that weights about 30 pounds, and the Coopers return to meet with Nestra, who pays them 1,000 crowns each and ask them to take the orb away from Yartar.  

Dhukhean announces that they should find a proper church or temple, where they can check on the item and see how it should be disposed of. Finding a suitable place on the edge of the river by a bridge, Dhukhean channels positive energy before smashing the lock. In it is an orb that measures 12 inches in diameter. It weighs 10 pounds, and has a solid outer shell with swirling flames clearly visible inside of it. Daryle takes it out of the wooden and led case, and places the orb in her bag of holding to keep it safe. When smoke begins to drift out of her bag, she takes the orb out and notices it is glowing and getting warmer. The ranger rushes to the river, and drops the orb of fire into it.

Instantly, the water in the river is turned to steam and evaporates. The resulting heat wave blows over the sisters, who are immune, but affect Dhukhean and many of the people standing on the docks. Wooden buildings catch on fire due to the heat, while a rush of water fills the void in the river. The Coopers wisely decide to leave Yartar during this pandemonium, and they head back to Red Larch. Eventually, news will travel back to them that over 800 people died from the catastrophe, and a large swat of the city was incinerated, reminding them of a previous incident...

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