Friday, August 24, 2018

The hospitality of the Feathergale Society

Abadius 21, 4713 

The sun rises on a beautiful if cold winter day in Red Larch. Following the blizzard that has affected the area, the Coopers are happy to have a second straight day without any snow precipitation. Last night, when the party had returned to the Swinging Sword Inn, Ruddy had retold their fight against the Lord of Lance Rock, embellishing some of the encounters. The patrons present in the inn's common room had listened to the gnome, mesmerized by the tale. So it is not surprising, when the Coopers and their friends come downstairs for breakfast, that every seat in the  common room is taken by locals, who cheer and demand to hear the story again. Ruddy regales them again, adding even more fanciful details. Kaylessa Irkell, proprietress of the inn, thanks the gnome and his friends profusely for drawing such a large crowd and offers them a free breakfast. Thorne uses the occasion to pick some pockets and collects 24 crowns during Ruddy's tale.

Following this hearty breakfast, the Coopers pack their gear and head out to Feathergale Spire. They lost track of the raiders they were trailing in the area, and their morning encounter with Savra Belabranta, a griffon rider who invited them to visit, seals the deal. Hopefully this trip will prove less dangerous than that to Lance Rock.

Though no snow falls from the sky, the winds blow hard enough that large snow drifts have formed, and visibility is limited. Darelle uses her jar of cloud to protect the party from the worst of the elements. In the late afternoon, as the sun begins to set, the party reaches the imposing structure of the Feathergale Spire. Standing hundreds of feet higher than the surrounding hills, the Spire can be approached by a large road climbing a steep hill to a drawbridge. The base of the tower is about a hundred feet lower, with wide arches about halfway up. Aside from the drawbridge level, there are two more stories above, and the structure is topped by a parapet. Throughout the afternoon, the Coopers have kept their eyes on flying patrols high up in the sky.

As they near the structure, Ruddy suggest they approach the main entrance in a sign of respect, instead of the usual sneaking the party is known for. Climbing the path, they reach the top and stand on the edge of a lowered drawbridge. A large set of double doors stand at the other end of the drawbridge. Ruddy calmly strolls on the bridge and knocks on the door. Darelle, who followed the gnome, rings the bell attached to the wall. Daryle and the remaining party members stand on the other side, ready if combat proves necessary.

A small panel soon opens, and the familiar face of Savra Belabranta appears. Upon seeing Ruddy, her face lights up, and she gushes her excitement at seeing him, and his friends, again. Opening one of the doors, she welcomes them to Feathergale Spire. The Coopers enter the main hall, made of marble with a giant iron eagle hanging from the ceiling. Two other guards stand in this room, but a quick assessment reveal that they are poorly trained. Savra questions them on the newest developments since their last encounter, and Ruddy tells her he has a tale to recount. She invites them to the Great Hall, where they are joined by four Feathergale knights, as well as Thurl Merosska, leader of the Feathergale Spire. Over a delicious meal, Ruddy once again retells the tale once again. Savra offers a toast, and the knights heartily partake. Ruddy draws the symbol they observed at Lance Rock. Thurl closely examines the symbol. He shows the parchment to everyone, and during the discussion he pockets the drawing. Dhukean notices and attempts to discern Thurl's  motive. The dwarf suspects that Thurl has seen this symbol before. When questioned, Thurl replies that he wishes to compare this drawing to information he has in his chambers.

The knights are clearly unaware of the larger happenings in the Dessarin Valley, for they relentlessly question the Coopers about happenings around them. Darelle questions Savra about the Spire. Savra replies that the Feathergale Society moved in a dozen years ago in what was then an abandoned keep, and made it their own. Dhukhean overhears the exchange between Savra and Darelle about the tower being empty before the Feathergale Society's arrival. He suspects that this might have been part of the Bessamir kingdom, but the tower is clearly of human craftmanship.

Seeing that it is late, Thurl invites the Coopers to spend the night with them. Savra and the other knights can barely contain their excitement. Thurl then excuses himself,  claiming a headache. However, he invites the Coopers to participate in a manticore hunt on the morrow. The Coopers are assigned three bunk rooms that usually serve as bedrooms to the knights. One for the ladies, one for the men, and one for the short people. Of course, everyone is invited to remain in the Great Hall and enjoy the knights' hospitality. Every member of the party claims to be tired, however, and they withdraw to their lodgings. 

After about an hour, Thorne opens the window and sees two knights flying in the air. Carefully hiding in the shadows, he climbs to the third floor. In the first window he sees a room very much like his own. A man is sleeping in one of the bunks. He maneuvers to the next window on his left. Through the panes of glass he sees Thurl, sitting at a desk and writing a letter. Thorne returns to the other window, and breaks in without waking up the sleeping knight. He then sneaks out through the door, and moves to Thurl's door. His attempt to pick the lock is noisy, however, and he suddenly hears footsteps from the other side. Thurl has gotten up and is coming this way. Thorne rushes back to the room and closes the door. Thurl's door does not immediately open, however. It takes a few minutes, but eventually Thurl himself steps on the landing and goes downstairs.

Not knowing that Thorne is gone, Lawrence silently opens his door, and steps in the short hallway leading back to the Great Hall. He plans on moving down the stairs, but is unfortunately spotted by the partying knights and is invited to join them. Unable to leave without arising suspicion, the thief stays with the crowd.

A knock on the short people's door awakens Ruddy. Savra is at the door, and invites the gnome to her chambers. He readily agrees, proving the old adage, "Once you go gnome you never go home."

With Thurl gone, Thorne enters his room. He finds a letter scribbled in a child's hand writing. He memorizes it, before putting it back on Thurl's desk. Who is this Aerisi Kalinoth?

We are pleased to hear about the outcome of
your altercation with the Black Earth cult, 
and we praise you for the capture of one of their
prisoners. This noblewoman from Ustalav
has an interesting tale to tell, 
and we shall enjoy interrogating her further. 
Keep a close watch on the Sacred Stone Monastery
I want to know what our enemy is planning next.
Your beloved queen,  
Aerisi Kalinoth

As Lawrence pretends to laugh at the antics of the drunken knights, he notices four burly guards make their ways to his room. The guards knock on the door, and awaken the dwarf. They politely request that Dhukhean follow them, as Thurl wants to share a startling discovery. The dwarf grabs his weapons and agrees to go with them. The noise was loud enough to alert the Cooper sisters, who also emerge from their room. Lawrence joins the party as well, and the now large group heads back to the ground floor. They are led to a conservatory where they find Thurl. The master of Feathergale Spire is clearly unhappy to see that Dhukhean is not alone, but he makes the most of it by showing the group what he discovered. One of the exotic plants in the conservatory features a similar pattern to the symbol Ruddy drew on its leaves. Darelle cannot identify the plant, but knows that it is very poisonous. The ranger takes a few cuttings. Dhukhean suspects it could be used in ceremonies by cult members.

Map of Feathergale Spire

The party then returns to their respective rooms accompanied by their guards. Thorne, meanwhile, had rejoined his bedroom and shares what he learned with Naga.

Abadius 22, 4713 

The Coopers awaken in the morning to find a clear sky but bitterly cold temperature. As they come out of their respective rooms, Thorne informs the rest of the party about the letter he discovered in Thurl's room. Welcomed to breakfast by the knights, they are soon joined by Thurl, who appears not to have slept very well. Thorne questions Thurl about the Black Earth Cult. Thurl tells them this renegade cult is made up of scoundrels and beggars who hide their desire for wealth behind a facade of worshiping the ground. He then shares with them the location of the Sacred Stone Monastery, the headquarters of the Black Earth Cult.

As the Coopers ready to hunt the manticore, Thorne, Daryle and Lawrence decide to stay behind and investigate Feathergale Spire. While the Coopers ready their mounts, Thorne begins exploring the Spire. He first stops in the kitchen. A team of servants is busy preparing the noon meal. The rogue approaches one of the servants, and quietly engages in conversation with him. After he pays the servant five crowns, Thorne hears about the prisoner the knights are keeping in the basement of the Spire. He decides to return to the basement and watch the remaining members of the party outfit themselves for the hunt.

In the basement the Coopers find stables. Though most of the alcoves are empty, there are three giant vultures, two griffons, and one hippogriff. Ruddy agrees to ride with Savra her griffon. Darelle and Dhukhean also ride on a griffon. Two knights accompany them on their own mounts. As they fly away, Lawrence realizes that he had not seen the two riders accompanying the party before.

The mounts quick rise above the clouds, and begin searching the canyon where the manticore dwells. Savra explains to Ruddy that the Feathergale Knights have been hunting it for months, but have never successfully gotten close enough to kill it. They've struck a few blows, but have been unable to wound it enough to force it to land.

The group separates but remain within visual range. As they fly, Savra points out evidence of the manticore's passage to Ruddy. The canyon where they are flying is filled with low-level fog, making the ground all but impossible to spot. Darelle is the first one to spot the creature, and she banks her flying mount. Spotting the maneuver, Ruddy points, and Savra imitates the ranger. The other knights follow suit. A pursuit ensues, and when they get close enough the party engage the manticore. While Darelle fires volleys of magic missiles at it, Savra launches arrows. Ruddy, not to be outdone and perhaps showing off for Savra, signs that he wants to get closer, and when above the monster he jumps out of the saddle and on its back. The manticore attempts to shake him off, but is unable to do so.

As Ruddy lands a series of blows, the two knights spring a surprise attack on Darelle and Dhukhean's mount, which is quickly killed. Plummeting out of the sky, Darelle jumps on the jar of cloud, while Dhukhean, perhaps not thinking as clearly due to the altitude, tergiversates. As the ground rapidly approaches, he attempts an escape, but the straps holding him in place prevent him from doing so, and he hits the ground at a prodigious speed. The last conscious thing he sees before passing out are two pairs of heavy combat boots walking towards him. Darelle spends some time on the cloud looking for the paladin, but does not find him. The fog is just too thick. She decides to return to Feathergale Spire and report the treacherous news.

Meanwhile, flying now at a fair distance, Ruddy successfully kills the manticore. As it too falls to the ground, the gnome realizes his predicament. Fortunately, Savra closes the gap again, and Ruddy performs a manly jump back on her mount. When the falling body of the manticore disappears in the fog, Savra proposes that they return to Feathergale Spire. The cold will keep the body, and they can come back when the fog clears off. Ruddy ponders on why there would be fog on this freezingly clear day...

After watching their friends fly away, the remaining Coopers continue their exploration of Feathergale Spire. Carefully pacing around the stable, they come upon an angry hippogriff. When questioned, one of the stable boys informs them that this mount was hurt in a battle with the manticore a few weeks ago, and its rider was killed. It is ill tempered, and lets no one approach it. Daryle enters its stall, and uses her ranger skills to heal the hippogriff. Still distrustful, the creature nonetheless appears thankful. Lawrence then notices a trap door in the floor of the hippogriff's stall. While no one is looking, Daryle opens the door, and lowers herself in it. She is quickly followed by Lawrence and Thorne, who closes the door behind him.

In the dungeon below the stable floor, they discover a series of twelve jail cells. Each cell is occupied by a humanoid. One female dwarf is present, but she is clearly not Zeshan Wayfinder, the wife of Dhukhean's cheftain. Though the creatures are mostly human, there is an elf, a halfling, and a bugbear. The bugbear sports this symbol tattooed on his large arm. They have seen this sign before, and Daryle remembers that the tube and the message they found in the brigands' camp bore a similar triangular symbol.

Black Earth Cult
Black Earth Cult

Thorne questions the bugbear, who grudgingly reveals that he was on a mission to find and make prisonners any dwarf he could find, before he was captured by knights and imprisoned here. The female dwarf, Broga, is more talkative, and tells the Coopers she was captured by the Howling Hatred Cult, but their plans for her are not clear. She doesn't know much about them, nor how they are associated with the Feathergale Society, but she does know that they worship Yan-C Bin. Unfortunately, this name doesn't mean anything to the Coopers.

When a guard comes to check on the prisoners, the Coopers quickly dispatch him. Armed with the keys, they decide to free the prisoners ...

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