
This is where the magical items acquired or discovered by the players are listed.

Amulet of Achaekek

A large silver medallion attached to a slender silver chain, the amulet of Achaekek grants a continuous +2 resistance bonus on saves versus mind-affecting spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. If the wearer fails a save to avoid becoming dominated or confused, the amulet immediately grants the wearer a second saving throw to resist the effect. If this second save is successful, the medallion’s power fades away entirely and it becomes a simple piece of silver jewelry. This amulet possesses a faint lawful evil aura.

Amulet of Attract Gerald


Amulet of Nurgal 

An orange tourmaline carved with the symbol of Nurgal inserted in an otherwise plain iron disk provides the wearer with a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks when it can be seen by the intended target. It also increases the DC of any fear effect created by the wearer by +1. This amulet possesses a faint chaotic evil aura.

Amulet of Spell Storing

A large earthen medallion on a small gold chain, this amulet allows a spell caster to store any spell of level 1 and recall it out at a later time. Any spell placed in the amulet remains there until either recalled by the spellcaster or dismissed.

Arald's Great Sword

A speed and bane great sword.

Price +1 bonus; Aura moderate conjuration; CL 8th; WeightPrice +3 bonus; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Weight

Belt of the Fair Lady

A slim belt made of leather and inscribed with silvery runes all around, the belt of the fair lady sports a refined silver buckle shaped like a wild rose. The belt provides a +4 Strength bonus to its wearer, as well as a +4 competence bonus on acrobatic rolls.

Belt of Swords


Bishop's Weed

A small plant with pale blue flowers and pale green leaves with blue veins, bishop's weed can be crushed and mixed in with wine to provide a certain level of protection (+5 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist a disease or a plague) against non-magical plagues. Its effectiveness lasts for about a week. Over 100 crowns a bundle, the price of bishop's weed goes up rapidly in times when diseases spread far and wide. 

Blue Fluorite of Slumber

A small gem the color of a cloudless noon sky, the blue fluorite of slumber is designed to immobilize a target. Once place on a humanoid's chest, the target must succeed a Will save DC 23 or fall into a slumber from which it cannot be awakened without prying the gem off its chest (DC 22 Strength) or using the command word. The gem itself crafted by a powerful witch in collaboration with an arcane caster.

Aura enchantment; CL 17th
Slot —; Price 92,000 gp; Weight —.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, permanency, slumber; Cost 46,000 gp.

Blue Pegasus

A strange blue powder can be shaped in the form of a pegasus, which immediately comes to life. This construct obeys the summoner's orders and continues to serve until destroyed or dismissed. Unfortunately, there is only a limited amount of blue powder left following the fire in Fort Inevitable that destroyed Darelle's house along with that of many others. Dr. Mordel investigated the powder and did some research on how to recreate it, and discovered that the main ingredient is a pegasus' hoof.

Book: Book of the Craven

Hidden by Karolina Shadowborn in the Hungry Mountains of Ustalav, near the peak of Crow’s Blood, this book contains a part of the spirit of Dlagro’azdra.

Book: Book of the Damned

Made of humanoid skin and covered in lettering written in blood in Infernal of the 7th level, the book oozes evil. This book actually consists of six parts, or chapters. Each chapter of the  Book of the Damned provides magical enhancements, but at the cost of one's sanity and a shift towards evil.
  1.  The first chapter of this book, which can only be read with glasses of truth or other similar powerful magic, grants  +2 intelligence, as well as the ability to control 10 HD of undead. 
  2. The second chapter grants the ability to corrupt spells but it also shifts one's alignment one step towards evil. A person already evil shifts instead one step towards chaos. A chaotic evil person does not experience this shift. 
  3. The third chapter grants the reader a permanent death ward. It also shifts one's alignment one step towards evil. A person already evil shifts instead one step towards chaos. A chaotic evil person does not experience this shift.
  4. The fourth chapter grants the reader a +2 charisma, as well as the ability to control an additional 5 HD of undead. However, the reader can no longer use healing spells of any kind on himself or others. He can instead recuperate 1d8 hit points by ritually bleeding a living humanoid and drinking its blood. The reader can perform this action a maximum of four times a day. It also shifts one's alignment one step towards evil. A person already evil shifts instead one step towards chaos. A chaotic evil person does not experience this shift but must instead succeed a DC 20 Will save or immediately become insane.
  5. The fifth chapter grants the reader the ability to inflict a killing blow with his favorite weapon. Whenever a critical is confirmed with that weapon, the reader's attack deals an additional amount of damage equal to half the reader's level. The victim must roll a Fortitude save with a DC equal to the reader's level or die. Creatures immune to critical hits are unaffected. It also shifts one's alignment one step towards evil. A person already evil shifts instead one step towards chaos. A chaotic evil person does not experience this shift but must instead succeed a DC 25 Will save or immediately become insane.
  6. The sixth chapter transfers the reader's soul into a phylactery, effectively transforming the reader into a lich. Apply the lich template to the character. It also shifts one's alignment one step towards evil. A person already evil shifts instead one step towards chaos. A chaotic evil person does not experience this shift but must instead succeed a DC 30 Will save or immediately become insane.

Book: Book of Geometry

Designed to create the appearance of another space, a Book of Geometry is used by individuals who wish to hide structures in plain sight. The owner of the book draws floor plan(s) to scale within the blank pages of the book, then indicate on the floor plan what visual or spacial differences can be perceived by those not privy to the power of the book. For example, a two story house can be seen as a single story house by all but the owner and his friends. Extra-dimensional space can also be created by means of this book, for example by adding another room to the drawing and indicating that only the owner and those he names can have access to it. The book's owner identifies which individuals can see the actual structure by name. True sight and similar spells can perceive there is a difference between the way the structure looks and its actual shape, but are unable to further determine what said difference is.

Book: Strength of the Mighty

Written in dwarven, this thick tome about three feet wide by two feet long and a foot thick is bound in two heavy iron plates with iron ring bindings. The pages are carefully calligraphed in colorful inks on silvery thin and foldable metal. At over five hundred pages, this book contains an extensive collection of physical exercise, each with purpose, description, and illustrations. The book also contains suggestions for healthy diets in a multitude of different environments. Entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, she gains an inherent +3 bonus to her Strength score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book. 

Aura strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th
Slot —; Price 82,500 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Cost 78,750 gp.

+3 Breastplate of the Planes

This battle-scarred but otherwise plain iron breastplate with black linen underneath provides a +3 enhancement bonus while the wearer is on the Material Plane. While traveling on any of the Elemental Planes, or when defending against attacks made by creatures native to any Elemental Planes, the breastplate of the planes' enhancement bonus increases to +5, while any attacks made by any outsider, increases the enhancement bonus to +7.

Aura strong evocation; CL 15th
Slot armor; Price 20,350 gp; Weight 30 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, plane shift; Cost 5,580 gp.

Call of the Undead

This small bone idol in the shape of a screaming monkey holding its hands to its mouth is crafted out of a ogre's humerus. The arms can be moved down away from the mouth, releasing a shattering ear-splitting scream filled with anguish and hatred. Every mindless undead within earshot immediately moves towards the idol. Necromancers and evil-aligned characters may be able to control the undead through spells or other means. Good-aligned characters are immediately attacked by the summoned undead.

Cloak of Memory Loss

Preferred by many powerful organizations or individuals with a need for the utmost discretion, the cloak of memory loss appears to be a simple +2 cloak of armor made of black wool. In fact the cloak of memory can be used to erase the wearer's memories from the last 1 hour when the command word is spoken. Organizations use it to ensure secrecy and to prevent agents from succumbing to powerful spells like zone of truth. Those who wear the cloak must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) or lose their memories from the last hour. Success indicate that the wearer of the cloak is aware someone attempted to steal their memory, but does not know where the attempt originated. Other variants of the cloak of memory loss have been known to exist.

Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th;
Slot wrists; Price 74,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, memory loss, creator’s caster level must be at least two times that of the bonus placed on the cloak; Cost 37,400 gp

Corset of the Fair Lady

Made of light brown leather, this corset fits the wearer perfectly. Once laced up, it provides a +2 magical bonus to AC as well as a free action twice per day that allows the wearer to squeeze herself into tight spots. Its estimated value is 10,000 crowns.

+3 Wasp's Kiss Crossbow

Each bolt fired by this +3 crossbow is immediately coated by black adder venom. A target hit with this bolt suffers normal damage and must succeed a Fortitude (DC 17) or be poisoned and suffer 1d2 Constitution damage per round for 6 rounds. Once hit, a target cannot be poisoned again by this weapon until the next day.

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 7th;
Slot none; Price 26,380 gp; Weight 4 lbs.

Earring of Handsome Gnome Nose

Made of finely crafted silver, these matching earrings are shaped like a small gnome nose. Gnome lore indicates that these were once created by Sinmop the Polymorphist, who wished to alter the size of her otherwise rather small (by gnome standards) nose. Once worn, the wearer's nose quadruple in size and resembles a large potato that has sprouted in someone's face, with nostrils as big as chunks of coal and nose hair long enough to be braided.

Aura moderate transmutation (polymorph); CL 9th;
Slot head; Price 4,500 gp; Weight -.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Cost 2,250 gp 

Earthernware Jug

Crudely made, this jug nonetheless transform water into wine.

Eastern Star Ioun Stone

The eastern star ioun stone is a red crystal  perfectly cut in the shape of a five-pointed star. Its user understands spoken languages, and reads as if under the effects of comprehend languages. Worth about 6,000 crowns, it has an faint aura of divination. It costs 3,000 crowns to craft, and requires both Craft Wondrous Item and comprehend languages.

Everwar Holy Fury

Crafted by the renowned Chelaxian Evidus Bronus in 4305 AR just in time to serve in the Everwar, this +4 falchion imbued with the holy and anchoring properties was carried into battle by Severnus the Wise. Second in command of a Chelaxian army sent to expand the frontiers of Cheliax and crush its enemies in Nidal. In 4307, when the infernal general was mortally wounded, Severnus assumed command and turned the tide from defeat to victory on the fields of Ridwan, killing over three hundred men in combat with his trusted falchion in his hands. His weapon thus acquired the moniker Holy Fury based on this exploit. Severnus went on to lead his Army of Fury in several major engagements over the course of 31 years, resulting in the complete conquest of Nidal. Ensconced as the viceroy of Nidal, Severnus died in his sleep four years later, in 4342, at the age of 74.

Holy Fury became a symbol of Cheliax' control of its colony and was awarded to every viceroy that followed Severnus. The fall of the cult of Aroden and the rise of diabolism in Cheliax starting in 4606 AR caused relations between Cheliax and Nidal to warm up, and the viceroy was withdrawn. Holy Fury, which had acquired the moniker Everwar to celebrate its crucial role in that conflict, disappeared in obscurity before being found by Roscoe on the battlefield outside Fort Inevitable in 4712 AR.

Aura moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 10th
Slot —; Price 32,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, levitate, holy smite, creator must be good; Cost +4 bonus 

+3 Gloom Blade

Blacker than obsidian, this +3 long sword acts as a normal magical weapon under most conditions. In unnatural darkness, however, the gloom blade provides the wielder with the benefit of the Blind-Fight feat. Once per day when the weapon threatens a critical hit, the wielder can roll twice to confirm the critical hit and take the better result.

Aura strong evocation; CL 13th; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 26,810 gp
Construction Requirement
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, deeper darkness; Cost 13,560 gp

Goggles of Truth Seeing


+3 Gravity Bow

Any arrow fired from the gravity bow significantly increases in weight and density the instant before it strikes its target and then return them to normal a few moments later, dealing double damage.

Aura moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 7th
Slot —; Price 30,600 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, gravity bow, creator must be good; Cost +3 bonus.

Hand of Banishment

This item appears to be nothing more than a metal glove once part of a suite of full plate armor. The metal is tarnished and shows signs of major wear. In fact, the hand of banishment has been imbued with the ability to repel demons. When a demon comes within 75 feet of the hand of banishment, it immediately suffers the effects of a banishment spell as if cast by a 20th level wizard. This item works once before it must be recharged.

Horn of Ovtik

This legacy item can be found here. 

I Heart Kenny Belt of the Giant's Strength

This leather belt appears normal to the onlooker but is in fact a belt of giant's strength +4. It features a unique silver belt buckle that stretches from the belly button to below the groin and that is engraved in Common with the words I Kenny with a heart in between the two.

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot belt; Weight 1 lb.; Price 16,000
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength; Cost 8,000 gp 

Jar of Cloud

Invented by the great cloud giant wizard Zoarth, This item first appears to be a quart-sized glass jar. The glass lid is sealed with blue wax, and the contents are pure white and give a soft glow. When opened, the contents of the jar are revealed to be a solid cloud. This cloud, about 4,000 cubit feet, can be pulled out all at once or in as small increments as a fistful. Though the cloud feels very soft, it can easily support a large structure or a party of characters. It is unaffected by fire or lightning, and anything less than hurricane-forced wind can move the cloud.The person who opens the jar of cloud is immediately aware that he or she can mentally control the direction and the speed of the cloud. The cloud moves at a maximum of 20 miles per hour under fair weather conditions. The cloud can raise up to two miles before reaching its ceiling. The jar's owner can shape the cloud to fit his or her purpose, and can also change the color from pure white to pure black. The owner can attempt to put the cloud back in the jar, but on a roll of 1 out of 20 the cloud outside the jar dissipates instead.

Aura strong conjuration ; CL 12th
Slot —; Price 96,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, permanency, gust of wind, solid fog; Cost 17,500 gp.


This +2 marrowcracker hammer was the pride and joy of Dhorl Urhgrold, fabled leader of the united tribes of the Uthgardt barbarians. In 4543, Dhorl Urhgrold succeeded in uniting the various Uthgardt tribes of the Dessarin Valley and ranged far and wide, conquering a large territory and bringing war to the gates of Janderhoff in 4547 before being defeated. He was eventually confronted by a large force of various Varisian kingdoms and principalities and was killed at the battle of Black Maw Bog. This large blue steel hammer features a handle wrapped in tendons. One face of the warhammer features a stylized elk, while the second face sports a great horned owl. Using the elk face allows the wielder to immediately strike another target withing range on a successful hit on the first target, similar to using the great cleave feat (-2 to AC for the next round). Using the great horned owl gives the wielder the ability to transfer some of the potential damage from the weapon to protect himself or herself, up to -5 points of damage to +5 armor class. Jawcrusher was once an unholy weapon, but has now been redeemed. Jawcrusher is a +2 hammer (2d8+2 plus an additional 2d6 versus evil creatures).

Lasnia's Bread Pan

A renowned dwarven baker, Lasnia always sought to improve her skills. Working with a magical crafter, they together created a series of pots and pans that always created the perfect food. This particular cast iron pan is lighter than other cast iron pans of its size, and shows no signs of rust or other damage. Upon uttering the command word "bread" in dwarven, Lasnia's bread pan will produce a perfect loaf of wheat bread large enough to feed four people for the day. Using the pan requires neither a source of fire nor ingredients to prepare the food.

Aura strong conjuration; CL 9th;
Slot none;  Price 7,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Cost 3,500 gp

Leaves of the Sun Tree

Each plant draws sunshine through its leaves and transform it into energy to feed itself. Through magical means, leaves of the sun tree, when harvested on a tree at least five years old at high noon by a druid or ranger, can be carefully dried and preserved. When crushed in dark places, four leaves restore some of that sun light to the environment. Such leaves act as a light spell but lasts until the sun rises again where the leaves were harvested.

Aura faint evocation ; CL 1st
Slot —; Price 10 gp per four leaves; Weight –.
Construction Requirements
Harvest ritual (see description above)

Living Staff

Made of silver maple, this 5 feet long quarterstaff pulses with plant life. Thirteen different runes of power have been carefully and lovingly carved around the staff and faintly glow green. Wielders of the Living Staff gain the following abilities based on their total character level:
  • Cure Light Wounds (sp): At 1st level, the owner of the quarterstaff gains the ability to use the Living Staff to draw life energy for the purpose of healing oneself or others. Up to four times a day, activating this rune of power provides 1d8+5 hit points to a willing recipient.
  • Entangle (sp): At 1st level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to gain the ability to use nearby plant to wrap around all creatures within a 40-feet radius. Lasting one minute per character level, creatures that fail their Reflex save (DC 11) are immobilized for the duration of this spell unless they successfully free themselves in subsequent rounds by succeeding another Reflex save. This ability can be used once per day.
  • Fleet feet (su): At 2nd level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to gain a +2 circumstance bonus per level to his or her stealth check. This ability lasts 1 minute per character level and can be used once a day.
  • Quiet contemplation (ex): At 2nd level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to defuse a conflict. Any creature within a 25-feet radius who can comprehend the language spoken by the wielder must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or find themselves growing pensive and contemplative, reflecting on the harm they have inflicted on the world and others. Those who succeed at their Will save still suffer a -1 morale to attack rolls for 1d4 rounds, then a -3 morale penalty for another 1d4 rounds. Victims of this spell do not suffer penalties for defending themselves if attacked while under the influence of this spell. This ability can be used once per day.
  • Living attack (ex): At 3rd level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to  add +2d6 points of damage to attacks made. This ability lasts one minute per level and can be used once per day.
  • Barkskin (sp): At 4th level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to gain a +2 enhancement bonus to his or her existing natural armor bonus. This enhancement bonus increases by 1 for every three levels above 4th, to a maximum of +5 at 13th level. This ability can be used once per day.
  • Living Wisdom (su): At 5th level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to draw upon the collective knowledge of the living world surrounding him or her to temporarily increase his or her Wisdom by 1d4+1 points for 1 hour per level. This ability can be used once per week.
  • Dominate animal (sp): At 6th level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to establish a mental link between the owner and a target animal. The animal can be directed by silent mental command as long as it remains within 50 feet of the Living Staff, but it is not necessary to see the creature to control it. No direct sensory input is received from the creature, but the owner senses what it is experiencing. Because the owner of the Living Staff is directing the animal with his or her own intelligence, it may be able to undertake actions normally beyond its own comprehension. The wielder of the quarterstaff need not concentrate exclusively on controlling the creature unless he or she is trying to direct it to do something it normally couldn’t do. This ability can be used four times per day.
  • Living shockwave (ex): At 7th level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to deliver a melee attack beyond the physical reach of the Living Staff. By striking the ground with the staff at the same AC as the target, the force of the blow is transported through the ground up to 50 feet per level away, striking the target and dealing damage. This ability can be used four times per day.
  • Warp wood (sp): At 8th level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to  cause wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. Using this power allows one Small or smaller object or its equivalent to be warped per level. A Medium object counts as two Small objects, a Large object as four, a Huge object as eight, a Gargantuan object as 16, and a Colossal object as 32. This ability can be used once per day.
  • Wood shape (sp): At 9th level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate a rune of power to  form one existing piece of wood into any shape that suits your purpose, including fine details working pieces or mechanisms such as hinges or wooden locks. This ability can be used once per day.
  • Throw of thorns (ex): At 10 level, the owner of the quarterstaff can activate the last rune of power to hurl a volley of sharp thorns in the shape of a cone, up to 60 feet plus 5 feet per level away. The thorns are small enough to find exposed skin, causing 10d6 points of damage. On a successful Reflex save, a target receives half the damage dealt. This ability can be used twice per day.

Noble Rug

Appearing to be nothing more than a small square foot of faded red carpet surrounded by a small dirty gold fringe, the noble rug is in fact much more. When placed underneath one's feet, the noble rug immediately begins following the person as he or she moves about, regaining its lustrous red glow. The noble rug is 60 square feet, and takes any mental shape imagined by the rug's owner. It can thus stretch 60 feet long by 1 foot wide, though it much prefer to be a classical red carpet and stretch 30 feet long by 2 feet wide. Without concentration, the rug centers itself beneath the person's feet, and makes the rustling sound of someone walking on carpet. While concentrating, it is possible to move the rug about and to modify the sound that it makes, but one foot must always remain on it. Although the rug itself is not solid, it can be used to build a temporary staircase or span a chasm no longer than 20 feet. When used, the noble rug requires daily cleaning or it may "misinterpret" owner commands the next day. Using the command word "red carpet" allows the wielder to end the effect.

Aura strong illusion (figment); CL 3rd
Slot feet; Price 27,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, major image; Cost 13,500 gp.

Octillio Crystal Sphere

A powerful wizard, Octillio lived over two thousand years ago. Intrigued by the power of destruction for its own sake, Octillio spent his entire magical career investigating means of utter destruction. His discovery of a sphere of annihilation led to further research into this minor artifact. Eventually, Octillio was able to reproduce the effects of the sphere on a much larger scale. His weapon of utter destruction was built inside a large crystal sphere. The crystal sphere permits a look on the inside, which is completely black. No light that enters the crystal sphere escapes. The malevolent energy that is emitted by the crystal sphere attracts all evil creatures surrounding the sphere, with more powerful evil creatures sensing the sphere from longer distances. To diffuse some of this energy, Octillio wrapped the ball into a lead casket and added several levels of wizard locks on the casket. Unfortunatel, or fortunately, Octillio was soon after slain by a party of paladins, and his the trace of his crystal sphere disappeared.

The crystal sphere can be triggered by throwing it violently against a target. The negative and evil energies distilled inside the crystal sphere engulfs the target and everything around it up to a 100 plus 5d20 feet radius, including matter, magic, and any planar creatures unfortunate enough to be present in the same spot in both Astral and Ethereal planes. Anyone touching the crystal sphere must succeed a DC 30 Will save to be able to throw it away. Failure indicates that the individual has become mesmerized by the sphere's blackness and simply refuses to destroy it.

Aura strong transmutation, evocation, and evil ; CL 20th
Slot —; Price priceless; Weight 27 lbs.


Orb of Command

A large ball of solid gold about six inches in diameter, the orb of command appears at first to be nothing more. However, when gently rubbed, the ball becomes transluscent and a ghostly figure appears in the middle. The figure questions the wielder, "what is thy command, my lord / lady?" Upon being commanded, the figure completes the command as truthfully as possible. Commands must be mundane actions such as "tell me," "prepare," "predict," and so on. The orb of command cannot attack anyone, though it can protect against a specific attack or a specific condition. In this case, the protection lasts until this type of attack occurs or until the end of they day. The orb of command can only be used once a day. 

Every time the orb of command is used, there is a 1 in 20 chance that the ghostly figure will manage to break free of the orb and flee. If this happens, the orb of command loses its magic but remains a valuable ball of gold.

Orb Beyond

The orb beyond is a large gem from another world tied metaphysically to the spirits of those who have died wrongly but whose names are now forgotten by all remaining alive. Called the Pale Ones, these are the hungry, angry spirits of those who cannot be avenged, but forever seek vengeance. The orb slips from world to world of its own volition, enabling the creation of doorways through which the Pale Ones can travel. To use it, one need not be a spellcaster. However, the orb beyond is drawn only to those who seek revenge. The wielder of the orb beyond performs an elaborate ritual that tears a hole in the world. It’s a process without finesse, and it must be done in a locale with some significance to the wielder. The tear can be fixed with difficulty using one of the following methods:

Rainbow flower



Rainwarden Necklaces

Crafted by renowned jeweler Celestia, these two necklaces were designed for twin sisters who did not like rain. The necklaces shield the wearer from the perils of rain and moisture. Made of exquisite gold links resembling rain drops, each necklace is adorned with a shimmering sapphire pendant cut in a faceted teardrop shape, allowing it to catch the light in mesmerizing patterns that dance across its surface. When worn, the necklace forms an invisible, watertight barrier around the wearer, preventing even a single drop of moisture from touching their skin or clothing. Raindrops simply bead up and slide off, and the wearer remains completely dry, regardless of the intensity of the downpour. The necklace's enchantment also extends to other forms of moisture. Whether the wearer is caught in a torrential rainstorm, splashed by ocean waves, or even submerged in water, the Rainwarden Necklace ensures that they emerge completely dry and unaffected. It's not limited to mere protection from wetness; it also provides an uncanny sense of comfort, ensuring that the wearer always feels snug and cozy, regardless of the rain or humidity level. Captain Popov tells the tale of how these items came to be, and how he salvaged them from a shipwreck.

Ring of Life

Long ago this ring of life was created as a gift to provide better health. Little is known regarding their history. When a ring of life is worn it bestows  temporary hit points on the wearer. When the temporary hit points are expended the ring is drained of all magic and will no longer function nor be detected as magical. Creation: aid, shield other, ring of protection +1 (10 hp), +2 (20 hp), +3 (30 hp).

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 12th;
Slot hand; Price 1,000 to 6,000 gp; Weight 3 oz.

Rod of Shrinkage

Made of bronze, this 2 feet long rod is capped with a small minimizing looking glass, and is inscribed with etchings of spirals that become progressively smaller as they head from the bottom of the rod to its cap. The rod of shrinkage allows the wielder to shrink a nonmagical object of no more than 20 cubic feet up to 1/16th of its original size and mass, as per the shrink spell. The wielder can restore the item to its original size with a simple word command.

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
Slot hand; Price 24,300 gp; Weight 2 lb.

Scepter of Merciful Reprieve

A small two and a half feet tall rod of gold inlaid with five green peridot gems crowned with a golden castle, the scepter of merciful reprieve creates an extra-dimensional fortress that is impregnable to outside attacks. It can comfortably shelter ten people in a comfortable environment with plain yet nourishing food and fresh water, as well as bathing, sleeping, and storage facilities.

Upon uttering the activation word "merciful," the fortress appears and the persons indicated by the wielder are immediately transported inside. Anyone can leave the fortress, but the person is then unable to re-enter the fortress. Several windows can be opened to glance and listen upon the physical space where the fortress was conjured, but attacks from the fortress are not possible. Individuals in the physical space cannot perceive the fortress, even when the windows are opened.

The fortress effects lasts 6 hours plus 1d6 hours, and can be used once a day.

Scroll of Spells

Made of vellum, the scroll of spells transforms itself into any known 2nd level spell and can then be cast by the wielder. The scroll can be used a maximum of six times per day.

Self-Emptying Chamber Pot

This small white porcelain chamber pot features blue and red bucolic pastoral scenes. The real magic belongs on the inside of the chamber pot, which has been fitted with a portable hole to transport the waste away to a pocket dimension. This chamber pot must be emptied after ten years of heavy usage, releasing a torrent of 280 cubit feet of liquids and solids.


Shadowcloak Cufflinks

These pure silver cufflinks are shaped like seashells. The wearer can activate one of them to become invisible for 10 +1d10 minutes. The wearer can also use the second cufflink up to five times a day to teleport up to 60 feet through shadows. However, each cufflink will only work if both cufflinks are worn by the same person at the same time.

Shadowdance's Door Knob

About 3 inches in diameter, Shadowdance's door knob is made of brass and features a four-leave clover on the handle. Runes are etched around the outer edge of the handle. It features neither lock nor keyhole. Created by the famed rogue wizard Shadowdance, this door knob can be applied to any surface, causing a medium humanoid-sized door to appear in 1d4 rounds after it first touched the surface. However, the wielder also suffers 1d4 points of damage as the key pricks the skin and extracts a small amount of blood to feed the magic that powers it. The key can also be used instantly, but in that case it requires payment of 1d6 hit points.

When opened, the door generally leads to a safe place within a mile of the user's current location. However, there is a 1 in 20 chances that the door will open on something entirely unsuitable for use, such as right above a lava pit or in the middle of an epic battle on another plane of existence. The user can always close the door and try again for a better location. The door remains open until the door knob's owner closes the door, at which point Shadowdance's door knob detaches itself from the surface it was first attached to and returns to the owner's pocket. No signs of the door is left on either side of where it opened. Shadowdance's door knob can only be freely given. If stolen or removed from its rightful owner's possession, the door knob will reappear in the owner's pocket or other suitable emplacement in 1d10 rounds.

Aura moderate moderate conjuration and slight necromancy. CL 9th;
Slot none; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


Shadowdance's Key

About 4 inches in length, this key is made of brass and dangles on a fine brass chain. A four-leave clover is inscribed on its bow. Runes are etched around the key's blade, and it features a series of teeth. Created by the famed rogue wizard Shadowdance, this key reshapes itself and can fit in any lock. The magic imbued in it is strong enough to unlock any lock, including magically protected locks or under the influence of spells such as arcane lock, but this comes at a price. Using this key requires touching the key to a lock and 1d4 rounds later the key will have reshaped itself to fit perfectly in the lock. However, the wielder also suffers 1d4 points of damage as the key pricks the skin and extracts a small amount of blood to feed the magic that powers it. The key can also be used instantly, but in that case it requires payment of 1d6 hit points.

Shadowdance's Key can only be freely given. If stolen or removed from its rightful owner's possession, the key will reappear around the owner's neck in 1d10 rounds. Shadowdance's Key can also be used to detect mechanical traps. Everyday, the key will detect 1d4 traps by vibrating faintly against the owner's chest when within 10 feet of the trap. This ability only works if the key is hung around its owner's neck.

Aura moderate conjuration and slight necromancy CL 7th;
Slot neck; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.


Shadowborn Dress

A pure white dress of the finest silk thread, the Shadowborn dress was enchanted by Karolina Shadowborn. Designed in a style now recognized as the height of Absalum, the Shadowborn dress fits the wearer perfectly. It provides the following benefits:

+4 Charisma to the wearer;
+2 AC bonus to the wearer;
The dress will never soil and cannot be damaged or ripped;
+6 Diplomacy, but on a 1 on 1d10, attitudes of onlookers become immediately hostile and they want to kill the dress wearer.

+3 Staff of Dessication

Made of a finely crafted cypress heart, the staff of dessication allows the wielder to trigger a spell when the staff is slammed on the ground. Every target within 50 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 26) or suffer 10d6 points of damage. A successful save results in half the damage. This ability can be used three times a day.

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 12th;
Slot hand; Price 98,000 gp; Weight 12 lbs.
Construction Requirements
Craft Staff, horrid wilting; Cost 49,000 gp.

Staff of Life

Made of a rare dark wood that seems to pulsate with life, the staff of life allows the wielder to trigger a spell that will fully heal all allies within a 30 feet radius. However, when the staff's activation takes an hour before the spell's effects are delivered. In addition, the staff of life removes afflicted conditions such as fatigue or exhaustion.

Additionally, the staff of life can be used to destroy up to 10 hit dice worth of undead, beginning with the lowest amount of hit die. This ability can be activated once per combat.

Sword of Savith, the Decapitator

This exquisitely crafted long sword is made of a lightweight steel that glows a soft green when pulled out of its leather scabbard. Of obvious Azlanti design, this sword once belonged to Savith, an Azlanti hero who led an army into the Darklands realm of Sekamina during the wars against the serpentfolk where, in single combat, he defeated and beheaded the serpent god Ydersius.

Bearing a strong aura of necromancy and transmutation, this +4 longsword possesses the vorpal quality.

Tree Token

Shaped like a miniature maple tree, the tree token allows the wielder to transmit a message to anyone on the Prime Material Plane. When activated, a miniature bird emerges from the tree and grows to the size of a seagull. A small piece of bark peels off from the token and increases to a thin square of bark about a foot wide. The wielder thinks of a message, which inscribes itself on the bark scroll. The bird will fly unerringly to its target, carrying this message. The bird does not stop flying until it reaches the target. It delivers the message then vanishes. Depending on the distance between the wielder and the target, delivering the message could take as short as a few seconds or as long as a month. A maximum of five birds may be in the air at the same time.

Western Star Ioun Stone

This blue crystal is perfectly cut into a five-pointed star. As a standard action, its user can alter her appearance as with a disguise self spell. When so disguised, the user may render this ioun stone and any other ioun stones in her possession invisible.  Worth about 4,000 crowns, it has an faint aura of illusion. It costs 2,000 crowns to craft, and requires both Craft Wondrous Item and disguise self

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