Friday, February 15, 2019

The Ruins of Tyar-Besil

Pharast 19, 4713

The Coopers regroup at the Swinging Sword Inn in Red Larch for a hearty breakfast. Thorne and Earl do not join them, and when Daryle looks for them, she finds that they did not sleep in their oom. Even though the snow has held off for the last few days, the temperature remains below freezing, and locals grumble that it has never been this cold, and furthermore, the snow should be melting by now. Naga reveals to Dhukhean that they discovered a secret passage in the Shrine of the Tender Oath that supposedly lead to Tyar-Besil. 

After discussing the potential implications of this discovery, Dhukhean proposes that they should enter the city first, and summon one of the Princes of the Apocalypse so they could kill it. The rest of the party shouts his idea down. It seems like a bad idea to help one of the cults achieve its objective. The Coopers decide to head out back to the Shrine of the Tender Oath and explore the tunnel to make sure that it does in fact connect to the ancient dwarven stronghold. After acquiring provisions and settling their affairs, they board Darelle's cloud and they float away.

Pharast 21, 4713

The Cooper's cloud arrives over the Vale of Dancing Waters. After landing, they meet with Ingrard, the dwarven priestess who's in charge of the Shrine of the Tender Oats. She's surprised to see them return so soon, but she's pleased and hopeful that they brought food to allay their worries. Unfortunately they did not, but they ask her again if they can pursue their exploration of the shrine. She readily agrees, and also shares with them that last evening, as the sun set, she saw a large dragon fling towards the west. The light that glittered off it was red. The Eternal Flame appears to be on the move.

Dhukhean inquires if Ingrard knows anyone who has studied the weather patterns and could help figure out what is happening. She replies in the negative, but mentions that Bernard Lachance, a sage in Yartar, might be able to help them. She also knows of a few druids who dwell in the Sumber Hills, but they are harder to find this time of year.

Leaving the priestess behind, the Coopers return to the old temple and place the great axe on the altar to open the secret door. As they head down, Dhukhean notices that the stairs were clearly built by dwarves, but that their uneven construction either suggests carelessness or some sort of devious trap. The group proceeds carefully down the stairs. The tunnel is very narrow, and everyone aside from Dhukhean and Ruddy has to bend down and walk sideways to avoid touching the stone wall. Over the next four hours they travel approximately four miles, and Dhukhean informs them that they are now about 1 mile underground.

At the end of the tunnel Dhukhean finds a secret door activated by a push button in the ceiling. This reveals another tunnel, and a large stone wall blocking one end of it. In the wall is a stone door. The ceiling here stretches to over 15 feet. As they enter the tunnel, they hear a series of tormented wails. When those stop, a chorus, which sounds further away, picks up. Both the wails and the chorus speak in languages unknown to the Coopers.

Examining the door, Dhukhean identifies it as a dwarven type that involves a central pivot, creating two openings when the door is opened. Darelle becomes invisible and she enters through the door. She is immediately struck by crossbolts shot through arrow slits, and Naga rushes in to pull her away. The tormented wails start again, but this time they are directed at the Coopers, and all but Dhukhean and Darelle are affected. Ruddy, Naga and Daryle drop to the floor, curl into the fetal position and cradle their ears. When the wailing stops, the chorus begins anew and stops a few minutes later.

Back in full control of himself, Naga launches a fireball inside the fortified hallway, and hears scream of pain. Ruddy charges through, and emerges in a large hallway where four bird-like creatures wearing armor await. They fire their crossbows, and soon both groups are fighting each other. The bird-men charge headlessly into battle, yelling the name of Aerisi, but their skills are no match for the Coopers. Emerging triumphant from the battle, Darelle reflects that she and Daryle have seen these types of bird-men before.

During the battle, Ruddy notices three gaunt and starving faces tied to obelisks in a side hallway. After the battle, Naga approaches them, and discovers that the are initiates of the Howling Hatred, and that they are following the instructions of their prophet, Aerisi, who ordered them to survive only on air for two weeks before being allowed to become full members of the cult. Naga slits their throats, and Dhukhean sanctifies them.

Hearing the sound of rushing water, they proceed down the hallway and emerge on a stone bridge about five feet over a swift river. The waters are clouded but the dwarf guesses the depth at about 20 feet. Ruddy lowers a cup in the water, and brings it back. It is refreshingly cold, and it reminds the gnome of water that emerge from glaciers. Proceeding further, they see a waterfall disappearing in the depths of the underground.

Suddenly, the chorus begins again ...

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