Friday, November 25, 2016

The Book of the Craven

Desnus 7, 4712

It is a dark and stormy night at Shadowborn Manor, and the Cooper sisters are busy renovating one of the rooms. As the maneuver a plank in place, Daryle trips on The Rules of Chaos. This is the third time today, and every time she placed it back in her safe. She's had enough, so she decides that it's time for them to deal with this curse that hangs over their head. Darelle and Daryle return to the library and begin once again to search for clues as to where the books might have been hidden. After a few hours of research, Darelle comes upon a strange mention in an old journal of Karolina Shadowborn. Karolina had traveled extensively around Golarion and left lengthy reports. But she took a short trip to the small village of Beloglav, in the county of Ulcazar in Ustalav at the foot of the Crow's Blood mountain, and aside from the description of the weather Karolina reported nothing of interest. This entry peeks the sisters' curiosity, and they decide to head there. By land it would take about two weeks of solid travel, but Darelle has her blue pegasus. They will fly there.

Daryle decides to find as much information as possible on their trip. She consults a book on Golarion compiled by a later Shadowborn ancestor and finds an entry on this village, which mentions that it is at the foot of Crow's Blood mountain, upon which sits a structure called the Monastery of the Veil. This monastery was once populated by monks who had taken a vow of silence. Further research reveals that about five hundred years ago it is reported that a monk discovered a strange book in the Monastery, and shortly after that all contact was lost with the Monastery of the Veil.

The Cooper sisters pack, and head out on the summoned blue pegasus, leaving behind the first sprouts of spring.

Desnus 12, 4712

After four days of hard travel, the blue pegasus drops the sisters at the foot of an outcrop near the village of Beloglav. About 120 people live here, and it is immediately clear that this is a very poor area. The houses are little more than shacks, and though spring has arrived in Fort Inevitable here a deep layer of snow remains on the ground. There isn't much smoke coming out from the local chimneys, and the few people in the only street look haggard and harried. They look suspiciously upon the new arrivals.

 Daryle recalls that the Monastery of the Veil was located at the top of Crow's Blood, and a treacherous path led from this village to the top. The monks who lived there were dedicated to the silent research of eternal life. From here, the top of the mountain looks very high and is shrouded in dark grey clouds.

Darelle walks in the one general store of the village. Greeted with hostility by the owner and the two customers in the store, she mentions she's interested in trekking to the old monastery. The folks are in disbelief that someone would try such a crazy and deadly enterprise. In the exchange that follows they warn Darelle that the mountain is possessed by a demonic spirit and that everyone who's attempted the trek up the mountain in the last several generations has never returned. Well, all but one. Jessup, in his youth, climbed higher than most and lived to return home. Darelle inquires where she could find Jessup, and the shopkeeper tells her that his shack is the last one on the edge of the village, and would she take some soup to the old man?

Old Father Jessup is the local historian and geezer, and it is evident that his cabin has not been maintained in decades. Daryle knocks on the door, but the door just swings open. By the fireplace they see a very old man sleeping in his rocking chair, covered in heavy blankets by a fireplace that hasn't seen a fire in days. Darelle nudges Jessup awake. She realizes that Jessup is not only old but also blind and almost deaf.

Through much difficulty, Darelle and Daryle finally get Jessup to tell the story of the monastery. He tells them about the monks that fled the monastery. four of them did not make it down the mountain and were presumed dead or killed on top, including the monk who discovered the book. It is believed that the book somehow released a demon which has been on the top of the mountain ever since.

Noticing the lack of food in Jessup's pantry, Daryle goes out hunting. She notices a very large raven observing her and following her as she moves through the woods. After field dressing the meal, she searches for roots and other edible food in the forest and returns with a plethora of comestible, enough to feed Old Jessup for a few days. Meanwhile, Darelle fetches some firewood and kindles a fire in the old man's chimney, warming up the cabin.

Using the ingredients Daryle brought back Darelle prepares a stew for Jessup. It should last him a few days. Meanwhile, Jessup talks about the strange tale of the captured raven that was taken away to the capital of Ustalav. That large raven was considered to be the village's spirit, but its capture by agents of the Prince and its subsequent transport to the capital left the village bereft. Rumor has it that the raven eventually escaped and pecked the eyes of every soldier it encountered. It was never caught.

Darelle charms the raven atop Old Jessup's house, then she casts speak with animals. She then has a conversation with the raven. The raven calls himself Chogan, and he is the leader of an unkindness of battle wereravens who dwell the top of Crow's Blood mountain. He communicates with the ranger that demons have indeed taken possession of the Monastery of the Veil, and his kind have been looking for heroes willing to risk their lives to defeat these evil beings. Darelle tells the wereraven her sister and herself plan on defeating these demons.

Desnus 13, 4712

After a night spent camping in the wilderness, the Coopers return to visit Old Jessup. The old mans asks for his chamber pot, so she gets it in the small bedroom. Looking under the bed, she finds an old iron sword and an iron dagger, proofs of Jessup's adventuring days. After helping out the old man and restarting the fire, Darelle uses the blue pegasus and they fly towards the summit of Crow's Blood Mountain.

The Monastery appears abandoned, but large groups of wereravens perch in the crags that surround it. The sisters land on the roof of the main building, and they rappel down to the inner courtyard. They are confronted by undead monks, but they defeat them and make their way to what appears to be a library. Crossing a wooden bridge over a precipice, they encounter another set of undead monks, wearing the remnants of a different livery than those inside the main hall of the Monastery. They confront the demon that guards the library, and they realize that two different evil entities have seized the Monastery and now find themselves in a stalemate.

Skillfully playing both sides against each other, the Coopers break the stalemate and, in the combat that ensues, they scour the library and discover the Book of the Craven. They witness the spectacular death of both demons, and, exploring the remaining ruins, they destroy the last undead monks. With night falling fast, they agree to spend it in the Monastery's library. They are visited by Chogan, in humanoid bird form, who thanks them for their help in freeing the Monastery from the evil influences that ruled it for hundred of years. As night settles, the Coopers notice the ravens slowly taking possession of the Monastery in their humanoid form. Some of them have clad themselves in armor and weapons, and appear ready to defend the buildings.

Desnus 14, 4712

At first light they travel back to Beloglav using the blue pegasus. They visit Old Jessup, stoke his fire and make him more soup. Knowing that the old man chats with everyone and cannot keep a secret, they tell him to keep it quiet but evil has been defeated and has left the Monastery. They then depart to return to Fort Inevitable.

Desnus 19, 4712

They arrive back Fort Inevitable, where spring has taken hold and the flowers are blooming everywhere!

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