Friday, June 23, 2017

The poisoned sausages investigation

Sarenith 22, 4712

Waking up from their really bad collective dream, the Coopers find themselves laying in very soft beds in separate rooms at the Juliver ArmsDoliver apologizes profusely for their predicament and mentions that others also suffered the same fate. The Coopers are puzzled. How did they all suffer the same dream, and why? A few questions reveal that all of the individuals around town who were affected had consumed Karlyle the Butcher's freshly made sausage. But why would Karlyle want to poison everyone?

The Coopers are also confused to find Gerald in their mists. Gerald reports that he'd been out from work yesterday and prepared a meal of sausage. Daryle gets angry that there are so many Geralds running around. Omok proposes that they start killing each Gerald they encounter until they stop encountering them. Then at last they will be free from the sorcerer's gaffes. Gerald agrees that he needs an identifying mark to distinguish him from the others so that his family members know that he's the real one. He goes to the blacksmith and gets him to carve a dragon design in his protuding horn. There! A unique design. What could possibly go wrong?

Meanwhile, Omok questions the orb of command "What being planned to put hallucinogenic drugs in our food that made us have a collective dream?" The orb indicates that Master Lobeck, one of the high ranking poisoners in Daggermark, has planned the poisoning operation. Omok is mad that the orb does not tell him why, but the orb only answers one question per day. Roscoe is vaguely familiar with that name. Master is Lobeck's first name, and not an honorific. He is described as bald with a tonsure haircut, and is supposedly the third highest ranking member of the poisoners' guild.

Roscoe reports to the Citadel and talks to the second in command. There are several reports that others in the town have experienced a similar food poisoning, but none of them seem to have experienced as vivid dreams as the Coopers. Seventeen individuals were arrested for disturbing the peace. In all likelihood they suffered from this poisoning. Daryle checks the Hunters' Lodge. Shim Longbranch has nothing to report. They did not eat any of Karlyle's sausage yesterday. Shim mentions that the new recruits' training is going well.

Gathered back at the Juliver Arms, the Coopers decide to postpone their trip to the Emerald Spire and instead investigate the sausage poisoning. The sausage was smoked and freshly made that day. Doliver brings his last sausage. Roscoe detects poison, and it comes back as clearly poisoned. Gerald identifies the sausages and discovers traces of evocation. The sausage is both poisoned and magical. Or is it a magical poison?

Daryle decides she will talk to Karlyle. The butcher is happy to describe his sausage-making process, and shows the Coopers his instruments. Daryle discovers that the spice blend that Karlyle puts together has been altered. Darelle pinpoints angel blue as the suspicious herb that has been added. This herb grows in the depths of the Mwangi jungle. It is used by shamans to inspire dreams and acquire visions, and is considered to have some evocative magical properties. Karlyle mentions that early yesterday morning Jeff, the baker's apprentice, had come by to deliver bread before dawn and he had pointed there was a man on the roof. Karlyle and his apprentices had left the shop for a few minutes and had scanned the roofline, finding nothing. Jeff swore that there had been a man up there. The butcher and his workers scoffed and returned to work. The alteration of the herb mix must have happened then.

The Coopers decide to find Jeff. He's a simpleton who has worked with the baker for over two decades. Darelle questions Jeff about the man on the roof, and Jeff swears there was a man up there yesterday at dawn, but he did not get a good look. The Coopers head back to Karlyle's neighborhood. On the roof they discover traces of footsteps. It last rained three days ago, so the footsteps are recent. Omok  investigates the building on the other side of the street, and finds an old deaf woman. Omok removes deafness from the old woman. She had not heard anything. But her granddaughter reports that there were noises on the roof two nights ago. Omok returns to the roof and places a symbol of sleep on the weathervane. He hopes to affect the rogue if he returns in the night.

Daryle goes to tell Dr. Mordel about angel blue  Erynna tells her she hasn't seen Mordel. He ate ome of the sausage for lunch yesterday. The ranger decides she will wait until sunset to see if the doctor will stir.

Roscoe returns to the Citadel and visits prisoners. All of them tell a similar story of eating sausages, then experiencing strange and uncomfortable dreams. Roscoe orders the prisoners released, and does not assess fines for their breach of peace. Roscoe then heads back to Karlyle and he orders the butcher to use entirely new spices and "beef" up his security.

At dusk, Dr. Mordel awakens with an incredibly powerful headache. Daryle explains what happened to many of the residents of Fort Inevitable. Mordel reports that he experienced heightened frustrations and angers and loosened inhibitions while under the sway of the sausage. Darelle brings a sample of angel blue to Dr. Mordel for further analysis.

Daryle notifies the rest of the seven and explains what has transpired in town the last two days. They agree to be on the lookout for strange events. The ranger also decides to camp outside the treasury, remembering that one time when someone broke in and stole all of the money under similarly strange circumstances. Omok, for his part, waits on the roof. Their fears are unfounded however, and the night passes quietly.

Sarenith 23, 4712

In the morning, a different Gerald appears in town, trailing strange sand under his boots. Daryle recognizes the sand as being the same one located in the old mine near Shadowborn Manor. This one gets a tiger carved in his horn. Darelle visits Falandra, and discovers that there's a third Gerald working there. Falandra and Darelle discuss the problem, and Falandra remembers reading a tome about what was called the "Cassandra Effect." A wizard had supposedly developed a spell that could summon a mirror image of a living person, with the same memories up to the summoning. This sort of spell could explain the presence of multiple Geralds that seem to appear then disappear at random.

Daryle and Roscoe devise a plan to tell every Gerald they meet to be at the Hunters' Lodge in a week's time at 4pm. When they all show up, they will be captured. Daryle then decide to explore the tunnels and goes to the mine. She discovers that it is still in operation, but there are no Hellknigths present. Further investigation by Roscoe at the Citadel reveal that Thorne had ordered the mine closed a few months back because the supply of iron ore had been depleted. Clearly, it had not been.

The Coopers and Omok go to the mine with 24 Hellknights. The miscreants turn out to be connected with the poisoners' guild, and despite heavy losses the Hellknights under the valiant leadership of Roscoe manage to regain control of the mine. Gerald sheds a tear for the loss of his turtle a year ago in this very spot under less pleasant circumstances.

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