Friday, May 12, 2017

Gerald, you killed me again, thank you very much

Sarenith 21, 4712

On this beautiful morning, Roscoe inquires with the guard if there has been signs of Thorne. The head of the night watch reports that the rogue has not been seen since a warrant was issued for his arrest. His associates have revealed some details about his various operations, but all of them are unawares of the extent of Thorne's network.

After a lovely breakfast, Darelle heads over Nolm's Bindery to talks to Falandra about Gerald. She inquires about the different Geralds that have been reported around Fort Inevitable, and Falandra says she has in fact noticed inconsistent performances on the sorcerer's part. Falandra wonders who would take the time and spend the magical power and the money necessary to resurrect Gerald multiple times. Darelle speculates that someone, or something, is attempting to sow chaos, and that Gerald is the perfect agent for that. But who would be able to do so in Fort Inevitable? Falandra believes only High Mother Sarise Dremagne from the Temple of the Golden Key, is capable of performing a resurrection, but she also suspects that the Hellknights also possess this capability.

Darelle then proceeds to the Temple of the Golden Key. She meets with High Mother Sarise, and they discuss Gerald's multiple appearances. Sarise also believes that an agent of chaos must be at work. She acknowledges that she has the power to resurrect a dead person, but it would require a substantial donation to the temple, and in no case would she resurrect a Hellknight. She also suspects the Hellknights possess this ability, but when the Lord Commander Varden was assassinated he was not resurrected. She believes this entire incident was a power play between different Helknight factions.

Omok, meanwhile, spends some time reading the second chapter of the Book of the Damned and gains a new ability.

Daryle arrives in town, and she finds her siblings and Omok. After a meal of sausage, fresh bread and ale, at the Juliver Arms, they gather their gear and they begin the trek back to the Emerald Spire. In the forest, they encounter a disheveled Gerald, bearing scratches and evidence of having been in combat. He reports that he was just coming back from the Spire where he had looked on the 13th level for them, but was attacked by a strange gnarled man and a bunch of twigs on the way out. This Gerald reports having been away from town for four days. A discussion among the Coopers about what to do with all of the Geralds running around. Gerald is incensed that someone would be usurping his good name for nefarious purposes. Omok tells Gerald he can get rid of the other Geralds for a small cost. Gerald says he will think about it, but he really wants to find the other Gerald, discover out who is behind it and why. Maybe, the sorcerer muses, he could unite all of the Geralds and take on Greenhide and his cronies.

Roscoe proposes the idea of a tattoo to identify each Gerald with a specific number, so at least they'd know which one they're dealing with. Gerald is game for it. He could also stylize the blade embedded in his head with a different design. Daryle cuts the conversation short and gives him a shallow cut on the right arm. That should identify at least this Gerald. This is the moment that Gerald chooses to reveal that he has a wife. Gerald officially took her last name of Gertywindindlysin and is no longer a Cooper.

With the death of the Mistress of Thorns, the 9th level is now open for exploration, so the party decide to travel back and liquidate the remaining residents. Unfortunately they never acquired the rune for her level, so they will need to travel either to the 8th level, or to the 10th level. Considering that the 10th level is where the magma dragons lived, the Coopers wisely decide to head back to the snakepeople's level.

The Coopers complete the trek, enter the tunnel leading to the Spire, emerge on the 3rd level, and teleport down to the 8th. Immediately it is clear they are in a section of the dungeon they did not previously explored. The Spire appears to be located in a hatchery. There are several large eggs laying around in carefully built nests. Omok grabs an egg, and so does Roscoe. Omok plans to either cook the thing or see what hatches and raise it as a pet. Unfortunately Roscoe is attacked by an emperor cobra but he drops the egg on its head and it falls unconscious. Roscoe cuts its head and decide to keep the head and dry it out later. Darelle discovers a couple of goblin bodies that have been bitten by the snake. She searches the bodies and discover a lone copper coin. The coin appears to have been minted by Greenhide.

Gerald opens the door, and it explodes in his face. He closes the door and returns to the middle of the room, shaken. Roscoe carefully opens the door as well. It explodes again, the trap having had time to reset while Gerald was explaining that he had not seen anything.

Roscoe enters the room, and recollections immediately flood him as to its purpose. The paladin discovers the entrance at the bottom of the stairs has been barricaded, so he heads for the next door. Darelle follows, and Omok decides to break through the door just as Gerald casts a knock spell. At the same time, a flight of arrows is loosened from the barricade and each Cooper takes a few hits. They enter the next room but not before being splashed by a rain of acid. Gerald, who witnessed this attack, emerges from the hatchery and he sends a fireball against the barricade. It is soon engulfed in flames with the yells of many goblins coming from its ruins. Daryle crosses the expanse of the shrine and joins the rest of the party. She thinks about closing the door, but doesn't. Gerald follows suit.

The room they now find themselves appears to be a sacrificial room with three snake statues. It is evident by the lack of desecration that the goblins have not entered this room. Darelle uses her acrobatic skills and jumps around the room, hoping to trigger a trap, but she finds none. The Coopers explore the room but find no other exits. Daryle climbs one of the snake statues and discovers that they can be turned. She turns her statue, and Darelle does the same for the other statue on the same wall. A secret passage opens.

The hallway leads to a hot spring that must be crossed to reach the other side. Gerald  casts ice storm as Daryle examines the spring, catching her by surprise. She avenges herself by firing an arrow and hitting Gerald. The sorcerer has accomplished his goal, however, and the water is frozen solid. The Coopers run across the ice to reach the door. The ice soon melts and the hot spring begins to flow again. Darelle notices that there is a passage underneath the hot water. Since she and the rest of the Coopers are protected against natural heat, she decides she will swim and see where the passage leads.

Darelle emerges in a room with a staircase ascending and another one descending. This looks very familiar. Against the wall, by the pool from which she emerges, is a statue of a snake holding an emerald in its mouth. The other members of the party also make the short swim and come out. Darelle reaches over and touches the emerald. She immediately disappears. Again this feels very familiar to the Coopers. What was it that happened the last time they did this? The remaining Coopers argue among themselves about what they should do next. Omok tires of the conversation, makes the jump to the statue and touches the emerald. He feels pulled away but manages to resist the effects. He successfully pries the emerald out of the snake's mouth, and he decides he will try to touch Gerald with it. Unfortunately Gerald is rather nimble, and he avoids being touched. Roscoe has enough, and he touches the emerald and soon joins Darelle in the snake's labyrinth.

Meanwhile, Omok and Gerald continue to fight, and soon it becomes a full-blown confrontation. Omok uses a slay living spell while Gerald dimension doors the hobgoblin back into the acid temple. Daryle jumps back in the spring and emerges in the other room. She opens the door and discovers a set of goblin sentries. She manages to kill three of them, but the fourth one is proving to be rather tough. Gerald, who was closely behind his sister, sees his sister on the ground in mortal danger, and he unleashes a fireball, instantly incinerating her opponent but also slaying her. Omok, who was coming from the other side, summons a land shark and attacks Gerald, who joins his sister in death. Omok then touches the emerald and is transported to the snake's labyrinth to join Darelle and Roscoe's doom...

Sarenith 22, 4712

The Coopers awaken one at a time, in warm beds at the Juliver Arms. Doliber is soon with them, and apologizes profusely. The Coopers had eaten the sausage and had all collapsed on the floor soon after, along with several other customers who had also partaken of the inn's fare that noontime. He's not sure how his stock of sausages got poisoned, but all of the victims report living through rather vivid nightmares. Thankfully, a full night's rest did wonders and none of them feel any of the ill effects of this rather strange food poisoning. So, after all of that, the events at the Spire were only a dream. But it felt so real ...


  1. GM's note: Total party kill is never fun, especially when the Coopers are the ones killing each other on purpose or making extremely bad decisions. This story had a slightly different ending when originally played which still resulted in the death of everyone, but it made more sense to revert to the trope of the "It was just a dream ..." instead of allowing the Coopers to suffer the penalty for their temporary (I hope) fit of insanity. It's unlikely they will suffer another dream, however...
