Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What happens when your water gets poisoned?

Erastus 12, 4711

Having poisoned the Splinter Cutthroat gang well the previous day, the Coopers head out to the Emerald Spire early in the morning, and arrive through the tunnel into the 3rd level of the Spire. The stench that floats throughout the level is foul, and there are piles of feces everywhere.

Thorne peaks in the temple room, and notices that Tarrin Dars is still at the altar, poring through
Words Behind the Mask by the god Norgurber. However, there are now three silver chalices on each corner of the altar. A strange dark liquid fills each chalice. Thorne carefully closes the door, and the Coopers move on.

In the first room they discover five sepulchers. Four of the tombs have portraits sculpted on their lids, while the fifth is bound by large iron chains. After opening each tomb, Gerald brags the skull of the skeleton laying in it. In the fourth tomb, that of an Azlant lady, Gerald discovers a small rosewood box which smells very nice. Inside he discovers one intact bottle of perfume, with another bottle that shattered a long time ago. On both the box and bottles is a crest of a dog sitting with a muffin on its nose. Gerald vaguely remembers reading somewhere that this crest was that of the Tyral family, a rebellious family who was part of a plot to assassinate the Azlant king 10,000 years ago. The Coopers decide at this time not to open the fifth tomb, especially since they can hear nails scratching the inside of the lid. Daryle discovers something intriguing, however.  On both 2nd and 3rd levels, the Coopers have found ancient Azlant tombs from eons ago, in a place so removed from Azlant it might as well have been at the end of the world. Why would there be so many Azlant nobles buried here?

The Coopers move through the various room, killing the disabled thieves they find along the way. Darelle's poison was very effective and debilitated the entire gang. In the main corridor they come upon the thieves' stash of stolen goods. All in all, there are about 900 crowns' worth of textiles, spirits, fine tools, crafting woods, and iron ore. They plan on selling this cargo to the merchants when they return to Fort Inevitable at the end of the season.

In the thieves' dining room the Coopers fight and slay Dars' lieutenant. Darelle discovers 11 pieces of dishes belonging to eight prominent families in Fort Inevitable. The Coopers take the dishes and carefully pack them away. Gerald, continuing his creepy trend of collecting heads, also remove the lieutenant's head.

In a large cell block they attack and kill a human who was busy whipping a small hafling before being rudely interrupted. That hafling turns out to be Shim Longbranch, a ranger from Dimsdale the Coopers encountered a few months ago. Shim had been out on a hunt when he was captured by the thieves and brought back to the Spire, where he had been experimented upon by Dars' alchemist. But now that evil man laid dead on the floor. The Coopers invite Shim to follow them, which he does after freeing all of the animals inside the other cells.

In the lieutenant's room they discover two journals he had been keeping about his evil deeds around Fort Inevitable. They also discover the armory, so armed with blunt weapon they return to the tomb with the iron chains and, after opening it, they kill the wight that was prisoner. Only Tarrin Dars remains...

Upon returning to Fort Inevitable the Coopers return the stolen plates and the head of Dars' lieutenant to Maralictor Wirt, who thanks them for their dedication and award them 75 crowns for the lieutenant's head.

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