Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Fooling the Splinters

Erastus 7, 4711

Returned from the Spire following their recent trip where Gerald was lost, Roscoe, Darelle and Daryle gather in Roscoe’s dwelling above the Juliver Arms. They have left messages for Thorne in all of his haunts, urging him to find them there so they can share the bad news about Gerald.

In the wee hours of the night, Thorne finally arrives. He reveals he is aware that Gerald has been taken prisoner by the brigands and will be turned over to Klarkosh in the morning. 

Gerald is currently the captive of the Splinters Cutthroat Gang, a group that dwells on the 3rdlevel of the Emerald Spire. They are led by Tarrin Dars, and she is always looking for old books. Thorne happens to know that she would most likely trade Gerald for a grimoire called Words Behind the Mask by the god Norgurber, god of thieves and murder. Thorne also happens to know that Abernard Royst, one of Gerald’s mentors and the local sage, owns a copy of this book.

Erastus 8, 4711 

The Coopers thus head to Abernards house and rouse the old sage from his bed. After a short exchange, he lets them in his house. A small cottage on the outside, Abernards home is larger on the inside. In the discussions that ensue, Abernard denies owning a copy of this heretical book, and he stirs the Cooperstowards creating an illusory copy instead. Identical to the actual item, the book will furthermore be implanted with a suggestion and be guarded with various spells that will provide evocation, abjuration and evil. For all intents and purposes, this book will look exactly like the original.

Armed with the book, the Coopers head out back to the Spire and enter through a little-used tunnel leading about 1.5 miles through the underground into the 3rdlevel of the Spire. Led by Thorne, they arrive at the Splinters’ headquarters. Thorne connects with Tarrin, and strikes a bargain with her to exchange the book for Gerald. The trade is performed, and the party leaves with Gerald, but not before Thorne suggests to Tarrin that “he is important to Norgurber and he must be listened to.” Tarrin seems to fall for the suggestion. She immediately begins perusing through the book. Thorne departs the temple where Tarrin was worshiping and informs Maskus, her lieutenant that she is not to be disturbed for the next three days, even if Klarkosh comes to collect the prisoner.

During the trek back home the Coopers discuss the possibility of returning to the Spire with another person looking like Gerald and passing it as him.

The Coopers return to Fort Inevitable and deliver Gerald to the tender care of Dr. Mordel. Thorne goes to visit Karlyle the Butcher and manages to secure a captive. It turns out that Karlyle has recently come into possession of a priest of the Living God, and he matches Gerald’s description fairly well. 

Karlyle delivers the priest to an abandoned shed outside the walls of Fort Inevitable, and the Coopers take the man in a wheelbarrow back to the Splinters. Maskus is confused at first, but when Thorne recounts how he conned Gerald’s friends and captured him again, he is pleased. He informs Thorne that Klarkosh has not yet come by, but it is not uncommon for him to be days or weeks late. Guards come and take the priest away. 

Thorne returns inside the temple to talk to Tarrin, and he realizes that she has gone the deep end. The suggestion spell combined with the illusory ritual book, has worked too well, and now Tarrin is busy studying the book to discover the ritual she needs to bring Norgurber back by opening a portal. Thorne decides to leave her, but as he exits he pretends to have been sent on an errand from the Splinters' leader. 

He informs members of the gang that he must go and count the treasure of gold to see if Tarrin has enough to cast the ritual. The guards laugh and point at the door next to the Temple. Thorne opens the door, then enters. The guards begin placing bets. Suddenly the bed rises and a Gold Golem attacks. The Coopers join in the battle, but after an unequal battle they are forced to escape. Fortunately, in the battle and the gambling that ensued they were able to grab eight precious books off Tarrin's shelves: 
  1. The Dreams of the Gods
  2. Twilight's Burning Ceremonies
  3. The Vacant Prophecies
  4. The Mind's Voyages
  5. The Discord of Night Swords
  6. The Sons of Darkness
  7. The Spiritual Flames
  8. Grod's Erotic Orcish Poetry 
Armed with a wheel barrel filled with these books, the Coopers headed back to Fort Inevitable.

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