Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Silver Demon comes to play

Sarenith 3, 4711.

The Coopers are spending time in Fort Inevitable, awaiting the return of Roscoe from his extended patrol with the Hellknights. Darelle has been working with Doctor Mordel for the last two weeks, learning about healing and medicine. Mordel approaches her one day after a long day with a proposition. He admits to her that he is more informed about her brother Thorne than he led her to believe when she first met him. In fact, he was aware that Thorne had some illegitimate dealings with denizens of Fort Inevitable, and that they had done some business together.

Mordel requests a favor. He has a patient who needs to be smuggled out of Fort Inevitable, and he is willing to pay 500 crowns for this dangerous mission. Darelle tells him that she will discuss it with her siblings and get back in touch with him the following day.

Back at the farm, the Coopers discuss the situation. Smuggling out Mordel's patient provides them with some much needed income, and leaves Mordel owing them a favor. On the other hand, if they are caught their lives will be forfeit as smugglers. It's an incredibly risky proposition, but they agree that they must help Mordel.

Sarenith 4, 4711

The Coopers return to Mordel's office. At the Juliver Gate they notice that the guard has been tripled, and everyone is being searched going in or out. They hear the rumor that someone was gruesomely murdered last night, and the killer has not yet been found.

After an hour the Coopers are searched and let inside the fort, and they head to the clinic where they meet Peter Ardra, the son of one of the convicted and executed conspirators of the Lord Commander's assassination three years ago. Since then, Ardra tells them, he's been drumming up support and financing for an overthrow of the Hellknights.

Mordel tells the Coopers that Ardra was attacked by a very agile creature near the forest entrance to the sewers. This creature was humanoid in shape but moved very quickly. He slashed it with his sword, but was immediately sprayed with a silvery liquid. He managed to escape down into the tunnel, but by the time he had reached Mordel's clinic he had a fever and was shaking uncontrollably. Mordel then noticed that Ardra's blood was slowly been transmuted into silver. With a steady dose of medicine and with all the skills he could he managed to save Ardra's life, but he cannot successfully reverse this transmutation. For that, Ardra must go to a specialist in Daggermark. Ardra can walk, but he can't run, let alone fight, so he must be safely escorted away from the town.

Gerald jokes that Ardra could become a werewolf hunter, for if a werewolf were to take a bite, he would immediately encounter pure silver. Daryle tells him that it's not funny, the poor man in his condition. The Coopers agree to help Ardra leave the town. They devise a quick plan. Daryle will talk to Maralictor Wirt at the Mosswater Gate and see if they can get a permit to hunt goblins in the sewers. Then, they will smuggle Ardra through the small branch that runs by Mordrel's house and into the forest, from which he will be able to reach a wagon that will take him down to Daggermark.

Daryle  thus goes to the Mosswater Gate. Maralictor Wirt is busily engaged in the searching at the gate, and tells Daryle that now is not a good time to talk. She confirms that there was a murder, and that patrols are combing the streets and the sewers looking for clues or the killer. She agrees to provide Daryle and her twins with a license to hunt goblins in the sewer. But, she tells Daryle, at sundown the Hellknights will flood the sewers, flushing out anyone hiding there. The challenge passkey is "Who comes?" while the answer passkey is "Well met." Several patrols are already down in the sewers, looking for last night's killer.

The Coopers head down in the sewers, and for the first few hours they scour the tunnels underneath the town. In the distance they see two different patrols pass by, and are challenged once. With no results, they decide to pass by Mordel's house, so they head down one of the older tunnels. Daryle notices that the doctor's basement wall is visible from the tunnel, when Mordel said that it should not be. 

A few hundred feet in the tunnels they encounter another Hellknight patrol, led by Captain Ulrik. After exchanging passcodes, the captain advises the Coopers his patrol has seen nothing down this tunnel. At this very moment, one of the guards disappears in the shadows, wailing and abruptly becoming silent. A humanoid silvery creature stands at the back of the patrol, and begins to slaughter them. The Coopers and the Hellknights begin to fight, but their weapons appear to not affect the Silver Demon. The Demon leaps over the patrol, and makes straight for Gerald. Enough damage is done that the Demon runs away down the sewers, back towards the town. The Coopers and the remaining Hellknights give chase, but lose sight of it before the intersection. 

The party splits up, with Gerald heading towards the surface to bring back reinforcement. Daryle and Darelle head towards the lake with Captain Ulrik. They corner the Silver Demon by the lake, and after a great battle the Coopers are victorious.

The state of siege over Fort Inevitable is lifted, and the Coopers are informed they will be awarded the First Level of the Crow during the quarterly ceremony on Erastus 1st, and they will also be invited to the Lady Commander's annual grand ball.

That night, they smuggle Ardra out of the town. They relay their fight with the Silver Demon to Dr. Mordel and to Abernard Royst. Abernard tells Gerald that the Silver Demon always attack in threes ....

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bargaining with goblins and bugbears

Desnus 17, 4711

With Roscoe gone on patrol with a squad of Hellknights, the Cooper triplets decide this would be a good time to head out to the Emerald Spire to see if they can finally discover the entrance to the lower levels. However, the sudden revival of their brother Thorne changes their plan. They'll take him along with them.

Of course, Thorne, having finally returned to the world of the living from his encounter with the Creepy Crawly was immediately greeted by the Crawly's head, which Gerald had stuffed and placed above his bed. Hearing the cries, Gerald rushed in the room, wearing the hide of a giant bee, further scaring Thorne. After an hour of calm and soothing words from his sisters, and reproachful glances to Gerald, the family finally heads out to the Spire.

The trip there is uneventful, and reveals that there have been no changes since last month when they were here. Entering through one of the secret doors, they notice that the ruins appear to now be abandoned. Room after room shows no sign of current inhabitants, save for the dining hall where up to 17 goblins could eat at once. There, the remains of a few disgusting meals show that some goblins do in fact remain.

The Coopers do come across a locked door leading to a room ravaged by time, save a corner where a four-post Azlant bed remains, still covered in fine sheets and pillows. A force field prevents anyone from entering the corner, and it is as if the bed was patiently waiting for its master's return.

While exploring the eastern section of the Spire, Daryle notices the presence of four goblins riding war dogs outside, carefully making their way towards the main entrance. She can tell that they carry the banner of the Dark Blood tribe, whom Daryle and her other triplets encountered in the woods a few months back.

The Coopers begin bracing doors and preparing themselves for assault, but nothing comes. They decide to continue exploring the Spire, and eventually discover the way down. Before heading down, however, they decide to head up the flight of stairs they discovered during their last trip.

At the top they are greeted by a barricade behind which are two goblins and a giant bugbear. The fearful goblins identify him as Grunk, leader of the splintered branch of the Dark Blood tribe, having wrestled leadership from Greenhide. Tense negotiations ensue, and Grunk talks the Coopers into going outside and bringing him Greenhide's head in exchange for riches. As a token, he awards them with a bauble worth about 150 crowns.

The Coopers head out, and immediately spot Greenhide's soldiers surrounding the Spire. Over 25 goblins stand around, ready to assault the fortress. Brandishing a white flag, goblin riders come over and escort Gerald to Greenhide's command post. There, Gerald attempts to conduct careful negotiation, trying to play the two factions together. The initial plan of killing Greenhide is put aside as it becomes clear that the latter is more likely to triumph over Grunk and his dwindling force. Gerald thus strikes a bargain with Greenhide. In exchange for Grunk's head, the Coopers will be allowed to enter the Spire at anytime, provided that they immediately head down to the lower levels to deal with Klarkosh, the master of the lower levels and the one who supported Grunk's bid for power.

The Coopers return to the Spire and attempt to negotiate with Grunk in order to enter the barricade and kill him. Unfortunately for them, Grunk is clever and he does not fall for their attempts at conning him. With the sounds of goblins entering and searching the ruined ground floor, the Coopers become pressed for time, and they force the barricade. Unfortunately, Grunk has escaped, using magical means, and they spot him running towards the edge of the clearing with two small chests under his arms. A search of the broken upper floor of the Spire reveals a few precious items strewn across the floor, but nothing else.

Believing themselves to be in danger, the Coopers hide themselves in a closet, and emerge three hours later after the Dark Bloods are done ransacking the rooms. They quietly come down the stairs, and make their way to the secret exit. Strangely, no goblins challenge their escape.

The Coopers return home weary but elated to have successfully conquered the first level of the Emerald Spire!

Friday, October 3, 2014

When haflings have a bee problem ... they call the Coopers

Gorzan 20, 4711

On a bright and sunny morning, Darelle is woken up by her aunt Alina. She tells her that she has a visitor who wishes to see her, and it’s rather urgent. When she comes downstairs, she is greeted by a small Halfling wearing a green tunic and brown trousers. He introduces himself as Shim Longbranch, and tells her the tale of his small village of Dimsdale, about a half day away from Fort Inevitable. Giant bees have taken residence in the covered bridge, which is the only road link for miles around. This has stopped commerce and prevents the village’s residents from reaching their fields on the other side of the bridge. Having heard of Darelle’s abilities with animals, he’s been tasked by the village mayor to see if she would come and help them solve this stingy problem.

Dimsdale is known for the quality of its wines and its winery, Zelnaux Wines. These are traded throughout the northeast River Kingdoms and are appreciated even further afield. The lack of an accessible road is blocking the delivery of wine and other merchandises.

Accompanied by Daryle and Gerald, Darelle and Shim head back to the village, where they meet Dunleaf Appletop, the mayor. Another halfling, the mayor tells them that the small detachment of Hellknights charged the bridge two days ago and got themselves killed in the process, except for one survivor currently being cared for in the town hall. He is worried that if the plight of the village reaches Fort Inevitable, the Hellknights will be happy to intervene, but it will cost the villagers even more money than what is being raised in taxes at the moment. Appletop wishes to avoid this possibility at all costs.

The Coopers interview Alexus Longleaf, the only surviving Hellknight, but are unable to get much information from him. He has been stung repeatedly, however, and even his armor is punctured with two holes the size of a child’s fist.

Gerald and Darelle take a trip to the bridge just outside of town, and see that the entire inside of the bridge is covered in wax, with a small entry guarded by a giant bee about three feet tall. Gerald sketches the bridge and the bee, while Darelle senses that the bee is not hostile but will protect its home.

Daryle, meanwhile, heads down the river and comes up the other side, facing a similar wax wall with a guard. She returns to the village, and the Coopers begin hatching a plan. They will locate the fields in which the bees spend most of their days. There they will ambush them and kill them, thereby reducing the number of bees left at the hive. Once there, they will also build two large piles of wood and they will attempt to smoke out the bees.

Before they are able to put their plan into motion, however, the vineyard is attacked by the bees, which come and feed off the nectar in the large grape vats. Darelle is inspired by what she sees. What if she could somehow poison the bees? 

Gorzan 21, 4711

Darelle heads into the woods, and discovers some longwart she can use. She spends the morning preparing her potion, and in the afternoon mixes it with the vats' contents. Meanwhile, Daryle follows the worker bees to a field a few miles away from the village, and eventually returns to the village by way of the vineyard's vats. That evening, Gerald notices something that chills his very soul. A hill giant comes down the river, and stops at the bridge. He takes off the roof, and collects honey in a large pot before replacing the roof and heading back up river. The Coopers now know who owns the hive.

Gorzan 22, 4711

In the morning the Coopers execute their plan. They follow the bees, who travel to the field with difficulties, and are quickly disabled. Nevertheless, the fighting is fierce and Gerald feels the sting of the giant bees several times before the battle is won and all bees are slaughtered.

They quickly return to the village, and cross the river to find the other bees. Daryle takes this opportunity to search the body of the Hellknight still left at the bottom of the bridge, and she discovers a healing potion which Gerald uses immediately. The Hellknight also has a wet map that shows another location where the bees were originally located.

Searching on the other side they are unable to find the working bees. They however discover the former site of the hive. It looks like it has been moved recently, and, strangely, the hive was smoked before it was moved, and some of the wood remains in good condition. Investigating the wood, the Coopers realize that the wood was originally Zelnaux Winery barrels. What would these barrels do all the way out here?

Darelle discovers the giant's tracks. These lead over the ridge and down a ravine. The Coopers follow the tracks all the way to the giant's underground lair. There they find a large distillery where the giant has been processing his bees' honey into mead. There is also further evidence here that links the giant to Zelnaux.

The Coopers immediately return to Dimsdale and inform mayor Appletop of their discoveries. They confront Zelnaux, who claims not to know how his barrels ended up in the giant's possession. Attacked once again by bees, the Coopers decide to return to Fort Inevitable and notify the Hellknights of their discoveries. Maralictor Wirt tells Daryle that she will send a detachment immediately to surprise the giant as he retrieves honey from his hives. If everything holds up, there should be a financial reward for them since both the winery and the giant are currently avoiding taxes on their operations.

Gorzan 24, 4711

The Coopers return to meet with Maralictor Wirt in the morning. She tells them that due to their dilligent efforts, the hill giant, who is named Byrsag, was "convinced" to work for the Hellknights, and will continue to provide the vineyard with his honey. For their efforts and as a reward for securing this deal, the Coopers are awarded 113 crowns, which have been deposited free of charge at the Chancellery.