Saturday, August 30, 2014

When goblins come out to play

Calistril 15, 4711

 In three weeks, the Coopers have settled in the community of Fort Inevitable. On this particularly overcast morning Gerald returns to work at Nolm Bindery. When Falandra noticed the quality of work Gerald produced, she entrusted him to copying books written in strange languages. He's now transcribed two spellbooks for Falandra, and in the process he acquired a few spells of his own, mastering the beginning steps of sorcery.

Darelle, the youngest of the triplets, has been working at Mother Holworth's farm, and she has developed a real knack for calming animals. In fact, she's so good at communicating with animal and healing them when something ails them that she has been called upon by several farmers.

Daryle heads back into the woods. Using her more than capable hunting skills, she's provided the butcher with several deers, and has managed to feed Alina and the rest of the family with rabbits and partridges. On this particular day, she tracks a deer into the forest northeast of Fort Inevitable, when she crosses the path left behind by two goblin scouts a few hours earlier. She follows the goblins' track, and after an hour's trek through the woods she arrives at the site of an ambush. It appears that at least eleven goblins surprised and attacked the other two.

As rain begins to fall, Daryle follows the large tracks left behind by this horde, but as the rain becomes stronger, she decides to head back to Fort Inevitable and report her discovery.

With the rain comes dark clouds, and by midday it feels like dusk outside. The clouds are dark with a greenish tint. Word reaches the bindery that the Hellknights are closing the gates down, and Falandra instructs Gerald to return home before the gates are closed and locked. She asks him to drop off two scrolls to Maralictor Kiera Wirt, Commander of the Mosswater Gate, on his way out. Heading to the gate in the pouring rain, Gerald notices that all of the Hellknights have been deployed in town and on the walls. With wagons trying to leave the town, and several wagons trying to come in, it is absolute chaos at the Mosswater Gate. Gerald tries to attract the Commander's attention, but due to the chaos he decides to use a spell. She approaches him and takes the scrolls, not before chastising him for casting magic at a Hellknight. Gerald notices that Daryle is outside the gate, and she is not being allowed to get in. Understanding that she has something important to tell them, Gerald convinces Commander Wirt to let her in the Fort.

In her office, Daryle reveals that a large party of goblins ply the Echo Woods, and that there is goblin on goblin violence. Due to the storm, Commander Wirt provides Gerald and Daryle with a writ, valid for the next three days, to leave and enter the Fort as needed, as well as a letter of marque allowing them to bring in any dead goblin for the 5 crown pieces reward with no tax levied by the Hellknights for the next five days.

Back on the farm, Darelle is instructed by her mother's cousin to put as many animals away, and then return to the residence. She's there to welcome Gerald and Daryle back from the Fort.

Alina explains to them that every three months or so, there is a large magical storm that strikes the area. There are reports of unexplained events taking place, and large beasts are rumored to appear and roam through the countryside, devouring man and cattle. These storms generally last two to three days. When she finds out the triplets plan on heading into the woods, she forbids them, telling them that it is too dangerous. Disagreeing with her, they head out into the woods through the raging rain, taking with them their cousin Aidan, a precocious 12 years old fighter.

They quickly locate the goblins' track and begin to follow. Two hours into the trek they discover an ambush laid by two goblins, but they are rather ineffective and are quickly dealt with. The triplets and Aidan continue their progress, and it is completely soaked that they crest a hill overlooking a clearing with a large open mouthed cave in the northward corner, with goblin fortifications ringing it. In the middle of the clearing are two other goblins tied to pillars. They also notice a goblin who's a little taller and a little meaner than the others.

Greenhide, the leader of the Dark Blood Tribe is interrogating the other two goblins, wanting to know why they allied themselves with Grunk, instead of remaining with the tribe. Daryle and Darelle fire arrows at the sentries, followed by one of Gerald's magic missile and more arrows from Aidan. The sentries are all eliminated, but none of the goblins watching the interrogation notice. Daryle unleashes another arrow into the group of goblins, and this time the goblins realize they are under attack.

They take defensive positions, and await the assault. A sentry is sent out and is immediately slain. Greenhide takes stock of the situation and disappears down a corridor with his advisor. The party settles in for the night

Calistril 16, 4711

The lack of light, and the torrential rain means that when dawn finally rises over the horizon, Darelle notices that the goblins have gone, leaving their two victims behind. Daryle sneaks to the cave, and determines that the goblins are no longer here, having abandoned their camp and few possessions behind.

The lone goblin still alive confides in Daryle that Greenhide is mad he lost the leadership of the Dark Blood Tribe to Grunk, and he will keep on fighting to regain it.

Aidan searches the cave, but finds nothing of interest aside from a pay chest from Numeria. Daryle harvests two tribal tattoos, one showing a blood splatter, and the other one the same blood splatter but with a crescent moon inscribed in it.

Returning to Fort Inevitable, the triplets present the results of their quest to Maralictor Wirt, who awards them 45 crowns for the 9 goblin bodies they returned. Karlyle the Butcher purchases the bodies from Daryle for 3 crowns each, netting the party a tidy sum, all tax free thanks to the letter of marque.

Daryle deposits the sum at the Hellknights' Bank for a 10% fee, and they are well on their way to paying Captain Rémi's fee.

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