Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A more successful trip to the Spire

Gozran 11, 4711

The Spring Fair ends today, and about 70 Hellknights depart Fort Inevitable to return to their homes or to other locations. Another 40 head out towards Mendev, ready to participate in the crusades. The merchants have already packed their wagons, and they follow their Hellknight escort south towards the western branch of the Sellen River.

Gerald conducts some research on Mosswater and its surrounding area using the books at the bookstore.

Gozran 18th, 4711

Roscoe has explored his opportunities to become a paladin in Fort Inevitable, and after careful consideration he decides to join the Hellknights as an associate member. This allows him to train with them and use their facilities to further his skills. He also gain access to limited healing and divine magic. In exchange, he must provide guard services and participate in expeditions when called upon. When he completes his training, he can petition to join the Hellknights.

His other option was to join the Salamender Company, the mercenary outfit in Fort Inevitable. This company would provide him training as well, but he may have to be gone for months at a time at assignments throughout the River Kingdoms.

Gozran 19, 4711

The Coopers decide that today is a good day to return to the Emerald Spire. Since Thorne remains unconscious from his encounter with the Creepy Crawlie, they head out without him. The going is much easier this second time around, and they arrive on the edge of the clearing at midday.

The first thing they notice is that in the last three weeks a large assault has taken place here. Many of the pile boxes are destroyed, and the fortifications erected by the goblins have been cast aside or sundered. There are no bodies scattered about, however, demonstrating that the defenders had time to bury their dead. Atop the spire, the flag of the Dark Blood Goblins still flies in the wind.

Circling the Spire, the Coopers notice that a steep path leads to a disguised entrance. Coming in the Spire, the party is once again confronted by the darkness that is pervasive throughout the level, and they are only able to see five feet in front of them.

The first room they explore is empty, and leads to two doors. Behind the first door they hear barking, growling and fighting dogs, and they wisely decide to head the other way. In another empty room they find a crude table and chairs, and food that looks semi fresh, for goblins. A close examination reveals that one of the wall is in fact a painted canvas, and that behind one of the doors are goblins, fighting and cursing one another while they wait for orders from above to emerge from their room.

Roscoe decides to knock on the door, and the goblins eventually emerge after the promise of gold. A quick fight ensues, with the party claiming victory. In the goblin barracks Darelle find another stash of silver in a pay chest from Numeria, the second time the party has discovered such a chest in the hands of goblins. Roscoe also comes upon the emerald arm of an automaton, which he takes for its value to a collector.

Continuing their exploration, they come across a staircase heading up, and an alchemy lab. In that lab they are confronted by a goblin shaman and his pride and joy, an emerald automaton. Assisted by two more goblins, the shaman and Clanky manage to hold off the party and incapacitate Gerald before the tide turns and one by one, the goblins fall. Triumphant but injured, the Coopers decide to head back to Fort Inevitable to heal and recuperate, and they bring with them the heads of the six slain goblins to claim the bounty, as well as a wand they captured. It is inscribed, in crude common lettering, heal, but the Coopers wisely decide to determine if it is in fact a healing wand or if it is a trap with a more sinister purpose.

Upon returning to town late that night, Daryle advises Maralictor Kiera Wirt of the discovery of the pay chest, and turns in the cover with the Numerian coats of arm to her.

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