Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A more successful trip to the Spire

Gozran 11, 4711

The Spring Fair ends today, and about 70 Hellknights depart Fort Inevitable to return to their homes or to other locations. Another 40 head out towards Mendev, ready to participate in the crusades. The merchants have already packed their wagons, and they follow their Hellknight escort south towards the western branch of the Sellen River.

Gerald conducts some research on Mosswater and its surrounding area using the books at the bookstore.

Gozran 18th, 4711

Roscoe has explored his opportunities to become a paladin in Fort Inevitable, and after careful consideration he decides to join the Hellknights as an associate member. This allows him to train with them and use their facilities to further his skills. He also gain access to limited healing and divine magic. In exchange, he must provide guard services and participate in expeditions when called upon. When he completes his training, he can petition to join the Hellknights.

His other option was to join the Salamender Company, the mercenary outfit in Fort Inevitable. This company would provide him training as well, but he may have to be gone for months at a time at assignments throughout the River Kingdoms.

Gozran 19, 4711

The Coopers decide that today is a good day to return to the Emerald Spire. Since Thorne remains unconscious from his encounter with the Creepy Crawlie, they head out without him. The going is much easier this second time around, and they arrive on the edge of the clearing at midday.

The first thing they notice is that in the last three weeks a large assault has taken place here. Many of the pile boxes are destroyed, and the fortifications erected by the goblins have been cast aside or sundered. There are no bodies scattered about, however, demonstrating that the defenders had time to bury their dead. Atop the spire, the flag of the Dark Blood Goblins still flies in the wind.

Circling the Spire, the Coopers notice that a steep path leads to a disguised entrance. Coming in the Spire, the party is once again confronted by the darkness that is pervasive throughout the level, and they are only able to see five feet in front of them.

The first room they explore is empty, and leads to two doors. Behind the first door they hear barking, growling and fighting dogs, and they wisely decide to head the other way. In another empty room they find a crude table and chairs, and food that looks semi fresh, for goblins. A close examination reveals that one of the wall is in fact a painted canvas, and that behind one of the doors are goblins, fighting and cursing one another while they wait for orders from above to emerge from their room.

Roscoe decides to knock on the door, and the goblins eventually emerge after the promise of gold. A quick fight ensues, with the party claiming victory. In the goblin barracks Darelle find another stash of silver in a pay chest from Numeria, the second time the party has discovered such a chest in the hands of goblins. Roscoe also comes upon the emerald arm of an automaton, which he takes for its value to a collector.

Continuing their exploration, they come across a staircase heading up, and an alchemy lab. In that lab they are confronted by a goblin shaman and his pride and joy, an emerald automaton. Assisted by two more goblins, the shaman and Clanky manage to hold off the party and incapacitate Gerald before the tide turns and one by one, the goblins fall. Triumphant but injured, the Coopers decide to head back to Fort Inevitable to heal and recuperate, and they bring with them the heads of the six slain goblins to claim the bounty, as well as a wand they captured. It is inscribed, in crude common lettering, heal, but the Coopers wisely decide to determine if it is in fact a healing wand or if it is a trap with a more sinister purpose.

Upon returning to town late that night, Daryle advises Maralictor Kiera Wirt of the discovery of the pay chest, and turns in the cover with the Numerian coats of arm to her.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What Creepy Crawly dwells in the tunnels?

Gozran 3, 4711

Following their first unsuccessful trip to the Emerald Spire, the triplets awake to the noise of a large caravan passing by the farm. They witness the arrival of about 120 Hellknights, accompanied by a convoy of forty wagons. A few of the wagons are marked as belonging to the Hellknights, but most of the others are merchants plying their wares around the River Kingdoms. Wagons of all shapes and sizes, decorated in different and outlandish colors and flying the flags of several of the Inner Sea kingdoms are arriving in Fort Inevitable for the annual Spring Fair.

Gerald decides to head out to the woods, and see if he can locate himself a familiar. Spending the entire day, he eventually manages to call forth a turtle, which he promptly names Kymdy the turtle. He also discovers that his turtle will reach sexual maturity in 12 years, a topic Gerald is apparently very interested in.

Darelle and Daryle accomplish their daily tasks, and they decide to then head to the Fair. Merchants are selling various wares, and as they set up for the next week they still hope to make a sale. There's a seller of cloth bolts made of the finest silks as well as other fabrics. A spice merchant from Galt has several wares, and Darelle purchases some herbs for Mother Holworth. There's a jeweler, a seller of kitchen utensils, a leather worker, a ropes and adventuring gear, several food vendors and food supplies, a weapons merchant, and a carpet merchant as well as several fortune tellers and entertainers. Daryle explores the leather goods, and notices several bracers she's interested in, but the price, at 6 crowns, is too high for her.

That evening, the triplets return to the Fair to partake in the entertainment of the evening, and Darelle returns to purchase more herbs for Mother Holworth. Leaving the herbalist's wagon, she notices she has a jar of cephalophage mushrooms in her bag, which contains three of them. As they walk through the fair, they notice Thorne talking to another man who towers over him. Daryle overhears Thorne saying to the man “Dr. Mordel has what you’re looking for.” The other man replies “What about the Clockmaster?,” to which Thorne answers, “He’s ready for the exchange,” but then Darelle’s fall interrupts the conversation, and Thorne quickly disappears in the crowd. Despite their best effort, Daryle, Darelle and Gerald are unable to track either Thorne or the man he was talking to.

Gozran 7, 4711

Alina mentions to the triplets that their brother Thorne has not been around for four days. Gerald, Darelle and Daryle realize that he’s been missing since they last saw him at the fair that night, but they had been too busy to notice.

Going into Fort Inevitable, the Coopers make discreet inquiries, and receive two pieces of information. At Braddon's General Store, Thom informs them that he hasn’t seen Thorne either for the last few days, and that he’s missed two days of work. Last he heard Thorne was involved in some smuggling operation through the sewer system with an outsider, an offense punishable by death if caught by the Hellknight patrols send periodically through the sewers.

At Dr. Mordel’s house and office, the Coopers are greeted by Erynna, Dr. Mordel’s assistant, who gets the doctor. He advises the party that he knows Thorne, as he’s been here several times making deliveries to the house from the general store, but that he has not seen him in about a week.

Darelle, who is interested in healing, decides to volunteer with Dr. Mordel, and he welcomes her assistance in help Mrs. Palmgrave with her bunions.

Daryle purchases a leather pouch from the leather merchant in the fair. The pouch features a small rose carved on the belt of the pouch, the merchant’s trademark. On the fairgrounds she hears the rumor that a rich man from Thornkeep plans on mounting an expedition to Mosswater to reclaim the town and its once profitable dye business. She also hears the rumor that Numeria may be getting ready to launch an assault on Pitax.

Gerald researches the origins of the sewer system of Fort Inevitable. A new network of main sewer lines were built by the Hellknights about ten years ago, and connect every area of the town to two central collecting tunnels that then pours into the pond. At some point, the water acquires an acidic level that kills most life in the pond. The new tunnels connected some of the smaller tunnels built decades earlier, as well as to a warren of natural caves and tunnels excavated centuries ago by unknown people.

That night, they decide to explore the sewers, since this is where Thorne was last headed. If they are stopped, Gerald will claim that he is compiling a history of the sewer system, to determine future needs and improved construction methods. Unfortunately, however, they are spotted by Ferdin, the Juliver Arms' stableboy, and they buy his silence for 1 crown.

They begin mapping the sewer system, and realize that one of the side lines passes directly next to the Citadel, while another line passes by Dr. Mordel's house. The tunnel is inscribed with coded words. Eventually, after a few hours of mapping, they reach one of the collection pools, and they disturb a mass of rats attacking two hapless goblins. This is located right underneath Karlyle the butcher, and Daryle notices there is way more blood and body parts down here than a regular butcher operation would suggest.

The triplets decide to intervene, and they quickly chase the rats away, only to disturb a Creepy Crawly creature feeding on the discarded feast. After a brutal combat, they are able to slay it, and manage to harvest a few doses of the creature's poison that causes paralysis.

They discover Thorne bloodied and paralyzed in the creature's nest. He had been gnawed on a little, but he was alive, if unconscious. They take him back to Roscoe's room at the inn, and, the following morning, move him back to the farm. Hopefully he'll make a full recovery.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Time to pay the rent ...

Pharast 30, 4711

In an interesting coincidence, every member of the Cooper family receives a quest from various inhabitants of Fort Inevitable on the same day.

In the morning, Thorne overhears a conversation in the store about a secret organization in Fort Inevitable called the Seven Foxes. This organization is dedicated to relieve some of the harshness of the Hellknights' occupation of the town. Later on that same day, he is approached by one of the frequent customers of Braddon's General Store who insinuates that, should Thorne ever hear of information concerning potential enemies of the Hellknights or plans to attack them, he should report them to him by contacting Ferdin the stableboy at the Juliver Arms. Thorne must now decide whether he will form an alliance with either the Hellknights or the Seven Foxes resistance.

That same day, Darelle overhears a complaint from Mother Holworth about high taxes and how she's most likely not going to be able to make. She decides to help her by giving her three gold crowns from the family's coffers. She also decides to contribute to replenishing these same coffers by discovering the path to reach the dungeons underneath the Emerald Spire, which she has heard would fetch a pretty penny with the Hellknights.

Having established a working relationship with Maralictor Kiera Wirt, Daryle is often in contact with the Commander of Mosswater Gate. On this day, she meets the Commander and Wirt reports that some of the dead goblins that have been turned in for bounty have been sporting an uncharacteristic mark. Three goblins in the last month wore leather armor with the symbol of a crude red crowned skull. Wirt wants Daryle to investigate the matter, and discover and destroy the evil force represented by this evil symbol. She will be rewarded by the Hellknights should she succeed.

Roscoe has started to train as a paladin when he's not performing at the Juliver Arms. Over the last week, he's made friends with Iliara Starcloak, leader of the Goldenfire Order of Thornkeep. In the morning, she informs Roscoe that she must head back to Thornkeep today, but she was not able to locate two missing wizards of her order, Jharun and Tiawask. They sent her a note a few weeks back saying that they were ready to explore the Emerald Spire, but since then, they haven't been seen. She entrusts Roscoe with the mission to find the missing wizards and bring them back alive, or at least bring their bodies back, to the Order. On a personal note, she also tasks Roscoe with finding three pieces of research about the Emerald Spire's portals and bring them back to her. She will reward him handsomely for both quests.

Upon hearing that Gerald is thinking of exploring the Emerald Spire, Abernard Royst proposes him a quest. Inviting him over to his house, Abernard tells the sorcerer that he has been studying the Emerald Spire for over a decade now, and he believes there are unbelievable powers retrenched within the structure. He has been looking for someone willing to head into the Spire and collect as much information from the inside as possible. Should Gerald return with a map of the underground level beneath the Spire, the old sage will reward him handsomely. Gerald readily agrees.

Abernard Royst's house

Pharast 31, 4711

On the last day of the quarter, the Hellknights celebrate their rule in Fort Inevitable by mustering their forces on the town square and executing the criminals condemned to death in the last three months. Because it's their first Mustering, the Coopers are strongly encouraged to attend, so they can be seen by the powers that be to be dedicated citizens, or at least not opposing their rule.

On a sunny morning following a rainy night, a third of the Hellknight force musters on the town square in front of the citadel, wearing their ceremonial uniforms. Pennants and flags fly high in the air as the force separates the crowd from the scaffolding where the Hellknight's swift justice will be dispensed.

Lady Commander Audara Drovust steps out of the Citadel and mounts the scaffolding. "Citizens of Fort Inevitable," she declares, "today we celebrate another successful winter where we protected Fort Inevitable from the perils that dwell in the Echo Woods." The assembled population clap politely.

"We are here today to administer justice to those criminals who have violated the laws of Fort Inevitable." Immediately, seven criminals are paraded in front of the crowd, and one by one, as their name, crimes, and sentences are pronounced, their heads are chopped off. A smuggler, a petty thief, a female hoarder, a merchant, and a tax evader.

The last prisoner, however, receives a special treatment. "Our last criminal is a Razmiran priest of the Living God!" shouts Drovust. At that, the crowd, which had been tepid in its support, hoots loudly as the false priest is hoisted on top of a pyre. The Coopers immediately recognize him. It's one of the local constables that tried to escort them away from their family! They cheer when the pyre is light and the constable burns to death.

Gozran 1, 4711

The Coopers come to Fort Inevitable and make their tax payments to the Hellknights, before heading out to the Emerald Spire. On a beautiful spring day, they head out on their first adventure as a group. The Spire is located about ten miles southeast of Fort Inevitable, and the trek is tense but uneventful, with no evidence of goblins or other monsters lurking in the woods.

The trip lasts six hours, and by the time the Coopers first catch sight of the Spire it is later afternoon. Cresting a small hill, they reach the edge of a large clearing about two miles in diameter. In the middle on top of a promontory rests the ruins of the Spire. A large complex built of glass emerald, the Spire still reaches about 120 feet in the air, but the front of the castle shows significant damage from a violent assault eons ago. The dimming sun bounces off the castle's structures, emitting a soft green light.

Strangely, the first mile or so of the clearing is filled with saplings and tall grasses, but then about a mile into the clearing all vegetation stops and the ground becomes barren. Large pile boxes and crude fortifications stretch around the base of the promontory, and are evidently the work of goblins.

Daryle decides to get closer to the Spire, and walks to the edge of the barren lands. She feels like someone is watching her, but she cannot see anyone. Getting closer, she hears the sounds of barking dogs close to the Spire's entrance. She returns to the edge of the clearing and shares her information with the rest of her family.

The Coopers come up with a clever plan. They will attempt to poison the dogs using natural drugs at night, so Darelle returned in the woods and gathered plants that would do the trick. However, before they were able to execute their plan, the dogs left towards the northwest, and soon the family couldn't hear them at all.

Gozran 2, 4711

After waiting another hour, they decide to approach the Spire and begin their exploration. In the first pile box they encounter they discover old ruined blankets and the pervasive stench of goblins, but nothing else. A crude access ramp has been built from the base of the promontory to the entrance of the Spire, where remnants of the ruined gate lay crumbled about. Large enough for a goblin, the Coopers have a hard time ascending it and must go single filed.

They reach the top of the promontory. In the entryway, the party is surprised by a goblin mounted on a goblin dog. Roscoe is bitten by the dog and fights for his life as Darelle and Daryle pour arrow after arrow into the goblin and his dog. Gerald casts a few spells, then attacks with his dagger. Meanwhile, Thorne sneaks around the goblin and enters the Spire. The magical properties of the Spire are such that any light source only provides five feet of illumination, and Thorne discovers that more goblins are hiding in this room when he is suddenly attacked by them.

The party is eventually able to triumph over the four goblins, but, having suffered significant injuries, they decide to head back to Fort Inevitable and cash in the bounty on four more bodies. Daryle reports to Maralictor Kiera Wirt that some of the coin retrieved from the dungeon was Numerian silver, and that some of the goblins sported a similar tattoo as the ones she had discovered earlier, but this one had a crown embedded in the design...