Friday, May 24, 2024

Phandelver - Episode 008

 Wednesday, March 23, 1491, continued

Following their looting of the four sarcophagi, Kyrdean, Kaine, Kite, and Emmy find themselves in a dead end. More careful exploration of the room reveals a secret passage that leads to a natural cavern with a large fissure crossing the room from north to south. Two rickety wooden bridges cross the fissure. After carefully examining the structures, Kaine determines they are safe to cross, and they make it across to the west side.

Kaine heads down the southern tunnel, discovering a second entrance into the Redbrands' lair. He returns to the cavern. Exploring Kaine finds the bugbear

Kaine gets the bugbear to go across the hallway. Kyrdean hears sounds of fists hitting flesh coming from the door he's listening to, then only whimpering. 

The Redbrand challenges the Tabaxis, telling them Iarno would never let folks like them in the Redbrands. Fugnar and Kaine, who had come in through the southern door, pretend they are here to assist.

Emmy pockets all of the gold and a garnet on the floor while pretending to help one of the Redbrands

One of the Redbrands lands a hit on Kyrdean

They deal with the Redbrands, killing them 

Searching the room, they pick up plenty of copper and silver pieces.

Emmy ties up the last remaining Redbrand, and attempts to wake him up by splashing him with ale, but the Bugbear knocked him out so cold he doesn't react.

Fugnar also drinks the ale. He then spikes the door, in case the Bugbear returns

The surviving Redbrand, in his stupor, tells them that Iarno won't be happy about three of his underlings having been killed by Nosk, the Bugbear. He tells them that Iarno is usually in his lab, which is north of this room. He then lets them know that Nosk was sent by the Spider to help Iarno, but the leader of the Redbrand was none too pleased.

Emmy and Kyrdean pile the bodies in front of the door to the Bugbears' room. 

They lead the remaining Redbrand to the north door, and Fugnar knocks. There is no answer, so Kaine opens the door, revealing an alchemist's lab. Searching the shelves, they find several potions.

Kyrdean knocks on the east door and is zapped by an electric current.

Fugnar shoves the Redbrand against the door, triggering the trap again. The shock kills him.

Find the dead goblins, 

Explore the rest of the dungeon

Fugnar pours oil under the door, then lights it on fire. 

Bugbear combat

Purple cloud spreads

Bugbear Morningstar collected by Fugnar.

Fugnar abandons the dead boy's head, and instead takes Nosk's head.

Emerging from the complex, they head back to Phandalin.

Droop was looking for his cousin Blonk. Emmy slits his throat.


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