Friday, February 2, 2024

Phandelver - Of dragons, griffons, and ghosts

Saturday, March 12, 1491

Having recuperated from the food poisoning he was afflicted by the day before, Kyrdean wakes up still feeling slightly ill, but at least with a now settled stomach. Not sure what happened yesterday, the Tabaxi makes plan to eat a quick breakfast in the Stonehill Inn's common room, then head back on the trail towards Neverwinter to catch up to the caravan. Fortunately, when he enters the common room, Kyrdean finds Fugnar and Kite eating a copious breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, freshly baked bread, and cheese, and Kite informs him that the caravan was delayed yesterday due to missing oxen, but that everything was resolved and Gundred determined they would leave this morning. Being done with breakfast, Fugnar returns upstairs and knock on Kaine and Kritza's doors, but both of them still groan in pain, and they tell the barbarian they will not be joining the caravan today. With breakfast consumed, they head out to Barthen's Provisions, where they will meet Gundred and Sildar.

Meanwhile, when Emmy wakes up from her magically induced sleep, she experiences a massive headache pounding behind her temples. Climbing out of the wagon she slept in, her body feels sore, her mouth is dry, and she feels dizzy, but a few steps take the feelings away. When she is joined by Fugnar, Kyrdean, and Kite at Barthen's Provisions, she inquires what she missed. Fugnar tells her they met faeries, goblins and oxen, and life is good. Gundred and Sildar arrive, and Gundred is thrilled his team is here and ready to go. Fugnar tells him that both Kaine and Kritza are still sick, and will try to catch up with them when they recuperate. Dori and a heavily laden Dunleaf finally return to their wagons.

After completing their preparations, the caravan leaves the village of Phandalin and takes the road back to Neverwinter. Gundred inquires about Kaine and Kritza, and both of them are still sick. Driving their wagons pulled by their four oxen, Dori and Dunleaf begin the slow trek back to Neverwinter. Fugnar comments that he's hoping the bridge has been fixed. But by the time the caravan nears the river, it is clear that the bridge has been destroyed, and the bodies of the nymphs Fugnar had strung under the bridge have been removed. Fugnar suspects that friends of the nymphs destroyed the bridge to avenge their friends.

Gundred consults with Sildar on what the caravan should do. Sildar considers that rebuilding the bridge so it could handle the weight of the oxen and wagons would take about two days, and they are better off to head south to the next ford in the river instead, as this will only take a few hours. Gundred agrees, and the caravan follows the east bank of the river until it crosses over to the other side. Heading back north, they soon rejoin the road. Several times over the day, Kite cheers the oxen, and Fugnar provides them sweet grasses to munch on as they walk on the path.

Later in the afternoon, an injured griffon flies low above the caravan as it is being chased by a juvenile green dragon, which releases a jet of boiling acid. Dori leads her wagon under the closest tree, closely followed by Dunleaf. The griffon crashes to the ground about 100 feet away from the path, while the dragon gracefully lands between the caravan and the griffon, with its back to them. Kyrdean immediately jumps off the wagon, and begins crawling towards the dragon. Seeing this, both Emmy and Kite take out their bows and ready an attack. Gundred whispers to them that they are crazy if they think they can take on a dragon, but Fugnar only grins at him before jumping off the wagon and loudly charging the dragon. Dori also pulls out her axe, but Dunleaf hanks her back.

Surprised, the dragon pivots. Emmy's arrow is true and hits the dragon, while Fugnar's battle hammer strikes the dragon on its side, causing significant damage. Kyrdean jumps into the fray, but Kite's arrow narrowly misses. With the dragon distracted, the griffon also strikes back against the dragon. This significant damage from multiple sources is enough for the dragon, which springs upwards and flies away in the general direction of Phandalin. Emmy slowly steps closer to the now quivering griffon. Using her skills, she approaches the griffon, and, taking out her salves and bandages, she cleans the beast's wounds as best she can, and the griffon remains stoically immobile throughout the operation. Once Emmy is done, the griffon gracefully bows its head, before heading into the woods. Emmy bows back and thanks the griffon for allowing her to care for it.

Gundred is pleased with this battle, but he suggests the caravan should not tarry. They head back on the road, and by night fall they pitch camp in a secluded grove.

Sunday, March 13, 1491

With empty wagons, the caravan makes good time and reaches Neverwinter before the gates are closed at night. Reporting to Bran & Sons's Warehouse, Gundred shakes hands with Bran, and tells everyone the caravan will depart Tuesday morning. However, they can all get a couple gold pieces tomorrow if they wish by helping to load new cargo back on the wagons. Everyone agrees they will help. Gundred suggests they return tomorrow morning around 8. After the oxen are placed in their pen, Kite thanks them for their hard work, and gives them each a carrot.


Monday, March 14, 1491

In the morning, Emmy walks to Neverwinter's guard headquarters and reports the presence of a greed dragon in the area. The captain of the guard tells her they will investigate, and he will also notify other towns and villages to be on the lookout. If the dragon proves to be active in this area, a party will be assembled and a reward will be given for its killing. She then heads to the local alchemist, the Alembic Apothecary, where she purchases a jar of nightshade poison she can coat her arrows or her weapons with.

Promptly at 8, Fugnar, Kyrdean, Emmy, and Kite return to Bran & Sons' Warehouse, where they meet Gundred and Sildar. The warehouse is filled with boxes, and Bran, owner of the warehouse, shows them which boxes to load. While Bran and Sildar take the inventory of what is being loaded, Gundred and Dori make some repairs to the wagons. Dunleaf prepares lunch, and soon the caravan's crew and all of the employees of Bran & Sons partake of another lovely meal.

As the wagons become progressively fuller, Fugnar expresses the concern that the oxen will need to work harder than the last trip, and the barbarian tells Gundred he will need to convince the oxen to complete this ultimate trip. Flummoxed, Gundred asks Fugnar to intercedes, and the barbarian agrees for 5 gold pieces, which Gundred gladly hands over.

Fugnar tells Gundred he must convince the oxen they Gundred gives Fugnar 5 gold pieces, and the barbarian makes a show of consulting and cajoling the oxen, before claiming that everything is good, they've agreed to pull the heavy wagons.

Early in the afternoon, a rider delivers an important message to Gundred. Emmy and Kite see him read it, then they hear him exclaim to Sildar "They think they found it!" Making hasty plans, Gundred informs Fugnar he's now in charge of making sure the caravan arrives in Phandalin, as he needs to ride out right away. Soon, both Gundred and Sildar ride out of Neverwinter.

Continuing to supervise the loading, Fugnar catches Bran trying to sell them goods that do not match the description on Gundred's list. Bran apologizes profusely and blames his underlings for the mix up. With the wagons fully loaded early in the evening, Fugnar, Emmy, Kite and Kyrdean discuss whether they would be better off departing immediately instead of leaving the wagons in the warehouse one more night. The absence of their teamsters, who have already withdrawn for the night, convinces them they must stay here until morning. But they determine to sleep in the warehouse. Bran lends them a key to lock and unlock the warehouse gate, and he returns home for the evening.

Looking around for vulnerabilities, Kyrdean builds an elaborate alarm using pots and pans. If the main door or the loading gates are opened, the pots and pans will make a racket, alerting everyone. Emmy places a heavy crate on top of the trapdoor that leads to the sewer, ensuring that no one will be able to climb through that space.

Warehouse in Neverwinter

Tuesday, March 15, 1491

Fugnar sleeps on the bench of the first wagon, while he waits to take the last watch. Emmy takes the first watch, and patrols through the building. Two hours later, she wakes Kyrdean up, and he begins his own patrol as she heads to bed. Halfway through his shift, the temperature in the warehouse drops precipitously. Noticing a faint light in the front office, Kyrdean positions himself stealthily, before opening the door and jumping on the person on the other side. The noise wakes everyone up.

Kyrdean has captured a burglar named Thrumbone, who claims he is here to search the office and retrieve a metal box that belongs to his patron. Kyrdean finds the story hard to believe, but Thrumbone describes part of the contents of the box, including a child's drawing of a unicorn, and what the box itself looks like. While Thrumbone is guarded by Fugnar, Kyrdean searches the office and soon discovers said box underneath a bunch of boxes and piles of paper. Carefully unlocking and opening the box, Kyrdean indeed discovers the drawing of the unicorn. 

Thrumbone attempts to convince them to let him go with the box, but when Kyrdean refuses, a ghostly apparition floats down from the ceiling and threatens everyone with bodily harm. Some quick thinking on Kyrdean's part disarms the situation as he reveals the location of the child the ghost is looking for with her agent Thrumbone. Now aware of the address, the ghostly apparition rushes through the wall, leaving Thrumbone behind.

Kite heads out of the warehouse to alert Bran an intruder was here. Bran returns to the warehouse with Kite, and he alerts the guard. Kyrdean purchases the metal box for 7 gold pieces. Aside from the child's drawing, the box contains what appears to be a contract signed with an arcane symbol, perhaps a debt that binds the family; a collection of foreign coins and trinkets worth 21 gold pieces; a handwritten will amended multiple times: a collection of coded ciphers; a collection of love letters filled with passion, betrayal, and a forbidden romance; a court document with a broken wax seal revealing a past trial, and a hidden crime, as well as the location and new parents of a child; and a leather-bound journal with coded entries filled with what appears to be scientific observations of magic and alchemical formulas.

The city guard finally arrives and hauls Thrumbone away to jail for breaking and entering. Though they promise they will look for the ghostly apparition, everyone knows those are empty promises.

Following the sunrise, Dori and Dunleaf return to Bran & Sons' Warehouse. After being appraised of the events of the previous night, the dwarves retrieve the oxen from their pens, and the caravan departs Neverwinter. On the road, Kite makes flower crowns for the oxen, which they happily munch on.


Friday March 18, 1491

As they near the fork that will take them either to the broken bridge or to ford the river, a discussion occurs between Dori and Fugnar. The wagons are very heavy with all of this material, and crossing the river risks being harder than when they traveled back to the city. But the bridge is most likely still out of commission. Kite rides to the bridge, only to discover that Gundred and Sildar's horses are standing on the western shores, and their leads have been staked to the ground. Suspecting an ambush, Kite returns to the caravan to report.

Ambush at the broken bridge

The caravan approaches cautiously. Fugnar and Kyrdean examine the ground, and find goblin prints. Fugnar loudly voices his desire to pay his goblin friend Blonk. Snickers can be heard from the woods near the horses. Fugnar again offers money for the goblins to come out, but the goblins reply that they might as well attack and take all of the gold instead of some of the gold, and they charge. Combat is short, and all but one goblins are quickly dispatched. Fugnar interrogates the last remaining goblin,

Searching the area near the horses, Kite finds Gundred's horse, and his traveling kit, including the letter he received a few days ago. Reading through it, Fugnar, who can read dwarf, notices a reference to a map, but no map is found.  

Returning to the wagons, Emmy asks Dori if there are objects that either Gundred or Sildar carry with them at all times that could identify they were here. Dori replies that Sildar eats sunflower seeds, and Gundred always carries feathers in his pockets because he enjoys the feeling. Kite recalls seeing the dwarf with his hands in his pockets more times than she cares to remember. With that, the caravan heads to the ford to cross the river and reach Phandalin ...

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