Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Phandelver Campaign Begins

Phandelver Campaign Begins

Here we go again! Ten years after starting and then, three years later, completing the Emerald Spire campaign, and having made it halfway through Princes of the Apocalypse before my group ran out of stamina, I had said I would never run another lengthy campaign again, as some of the companions in my gaming group suffer from the "What's next" disease and are chronically incapable of sticking with a game for more than four or five sessions. But then a friend said he would purchase Beadle and Grimm's legendary edition of Phandelver & Below: The Shattered Obelisk if I would be willing to run it. After much arm twisting, we're about to start it on Friday, January 5, 2024, and even the what'snexters have "committed" to seeing this campaign through. 

I sent out a questionnaire to all players looking to flesh out their PCs, and here are some of the characters who will be joining the campaign as the PCs meet for the first time in the city of Neverwinter.

Kyrdean Theris, a Tabaxi who enjoys sunsets, sunflowers, and who loves to eat pan-seared knucklehead trout hand pies with elven quith-pa on the side.

A currently unnamed Tabaxi, who loves fish and is looking looking for a perfect homestead location.

Kritza Redwind, a Hill Dwarf who loves lamb stew and who enjoys making his own fine artisanal wines.

A currently unnamed human battle-axe wielding barbarian who enjoys eating caribou and who loves to hunt and trap.

This should be interesting!

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