Friday, September 22, 2023

Legendary Campaign - Of Dwarven Forges and Pirates

Monday June 13, 1066 SE, continued

Having anchored the Tall Tale a hundred yards from the cliff, Captain Popov retrieves two magical lanterns from the cabin that will allow himself, Mon and Marigold to see in the cave beyond the low luminosity provided by the tunnel. Branna, as an elf, can see fine in darkness. After dressing down to his skivvies and his undershirt. Popov jumps in the water first. When his head bobs back to the surface, he tells Marigold to jump in and grab his leg. He will swim under and through the tunnel, which should take less than half a minute. Marigold jumps in, and takes a hold of Popov. Branna follows. Mon jumps in but immediately sinks to the bottom of the sea, and he starts walking towards the tunnel's opening.

As they swim in the water, Branna notices that Popov moves like a fish in the water. He is clearly in his element when in water, since on land his uneven gait and his use of a can makes walking laborious. Mon carefully observes the old man, suspecting that perhaps he, like himself is more than meets the eye, but he does see air bubbles coming out of the captain's nose, indicating he is very much alive.

They emerge inside a large cave. The tunnel comes out at the bottom of a shallow lake surrounded on three sides by a sandy beach. As Popov said, there is enough light coming from the tunnel's mouth that a few dozen feet in all directions can be dimly perceived. The rest of the space is cast in darkness. Holding one lantern, Marigold walks out of the lake onto the sandy beach. Holding the other one, Mon climbs out of the tunnel and also reaches the sand, and they are soon joined by Branna, who helps Popov gain his footing back on the sand. They begin exploring the cave.

To the east, they find a staircase carved into the stone, flanked by two pillars. Dwarven runes have been inscribed on the pillars. Branna, who has some knowledge of the dwarven language, reads the sign and translates it into Common, revealing that it says "Welcome to the home of the Firebreather Clan." Surprised to find evidence of dwarven occupation, Mon, Marigold and Branna have an animated discussion about whether dwarves go swimming, and whether aquatic dwarves exist as a subspecies of dwarves. Perhaps such a clan might dwell in the depth of the seas, near a crack in the planet's crust so they can benefit from the heat. Popov tells them that dwarves once occupied the northern part of Katarina and mined its mountains to retrieve the iron used in Kat steel, but most clans left in a hurry about 200 years ago. At the time, rumors suggested that the dwarves had been split asunder by a war of succession, but because they didn't come back to this day this remains a mere speculation. 

Carefully climbing the stairs, Popov ascends about 25 feet above the lake's level, to reach another large cave. Covered in a layer of dirt, this cave is filled with piles of boxes. Each pile seems to have boxes of the same size. The air is dryer, and a red glow in the east indicate the presence of a fire. Not noticing any sounds or movement, Marigold looks around and locates a crowbar. She picks a pile at random, and opens the box on top. Inside, she finds ten pieces of chest plate armor. They are utilitarian in nature, and all of them are made of Kat steel. None of them have crests or other symbols that would identify ownership. These are well crafted, but the lack of finishing touches and flourishes on the metal indicate that they were also crafted rather quickly. Still, they are in remarkably good condition for having been stored in an underground environment that is humid.

Mon borrows the crowbar and opens a box from another pile. This box contains four human-sized helmets, also made of Kat steel, and also utilitarian in nature, without any markings or decorations. Looking at the boxes here, there are approximately 90 helmets here, and most likely a similar number of chest plates. Marigold next opens a crate of small swords. They to are made of Kat steel, and are utilitarian in nature. She makes a crude sheathe, and claims one of the swords.

Noticing Popov's limping, which has been aggravated by walking on the soft sand, Mon casts lesser restoration on the old man, easing his physical discomfort. He uses the occasion to talk to Popov about the Order of the Oak. Popov mentions that its structure is cell-based, with individuals only knowing a few of the other conspirators. The goal of the Order of the Oak is to protect the Archduke and his family. The Order has not taken a position on the independence of Katarina, but would support it with the Archduke as leader. Popov knows of two other movements on Katarina that support total independence. The Katarina Resurgence seeks to eliminate any royal authority, including that of the Archduke, and would instead implement a governing body made up of various elements of the island's population, to insure a fair representation. The more radical anarchist Freedom Initiative has been behind some of the more violent actions in the last three years, including a few murders and several kidnappings. According to Popov, the Freedom Initiative seeks to destroy all forms of government and return to a natural state of affairs, whatever that means. 

While Marigold searches the boxes and Mon talks with Popov, Branna discovers three large wooden tables behind several piles of boxes. One of the tables is covered with many maps. These maps are of Katarina at various scales, and show the various emplacements of mines, military camps, roads, and forts. More concerning are floor maps of several locations, including the Legendary, the Katarina Palace, the Winter Palace, the Cathedral, and the Classic. There are other maps of shops, warehouses, and even private homes. Some appear to be professionally made, but most are crude drawings, often placed on the back of advertising posters. Many of these are from plays the Legendary presented in the last two years. Digging further in the maps, Branna finds one where someone has identified the various positiosn where ships could be observed entering the fjord leading to the city of Katarina with minimal risk of encountering a patrol from one of the forts that protects the fjord's entrance. 

After taking inventory of the maps, Mon realizes that about half of the buildings are connected in some way to the Legendary, either through business relationships or as places that are frequented by the theater's clientele. Mon, Marigold, and Branna speculate that perhaps these maps are designed to provide housing for troops of soldiers. They have an intense discussion on whether Marigold should misdirect the maps by altering them in subtle ways. Branna removes the map for the Needle and Threads, while Marigold takes that of the Archduke's residences at the Katarina Palace and the Winter Palace. Branna spots a map of Sidorov Manor, and she takes that one as well. Planning to take them back with them through the tunnel, Marigold fashions a container made of leather and she seals the seams.

Deciding to continue exploring, Mon becomes invisible. He discovers another set of stairs leading east. These too have been carved by dwarves in the stone surrounding the cave, and they rise another 25 feet from the lake's surface, faintly visible below due to the tunnel's entrance. At the top of the stairs, they are greeted by three blazing furnaces on the south side, billowing with intense heat. Roaring flames are contained behind a thick stone door featuring a large pane of strange glass. Inside each furnace, Mon spots eyes staring back at him. Each furnace is occupied by a fire elemental, no doubt tethered there by the dwarves. The odor of molten metal still hovers in the air, though it is appears that no one has used this facility in some time.

Two rows of large and sturdy anvils, each with unique sets of markings from countless years of use stand to the side. A few wooden boards attached to work benches are filled with hammers, from the massive sledgehammers used to shape the toughest of iron ingots to small precision tools used to carve finishing flourishes into the completed metal product. Grindstones are near the workbenches, while four quenching barrels, containing either oil or water, would be used to dip in newly forged weapons and armor.

Above the forge to the south is another room, which can also be accessed by a staircase carved in stone. There Mon finds the smelter, where large stone cauldrons would be used to melt down and purity raw iron ore into the valuable Kat steel that made Katarina's fortune and renown. The head from the furnaces in the forge flows directly under the cauldrons, keeping them hot and ready to melt ore. Piles of raw iron ore are stacked in the corner of this room. Cooling troughs flow from the cauldrons back to the forge, while many long-handled ladles with insulating grips are hooked on racks, ready to be used to scoop molten metal and move it through the troughs to shape it into ingots.

South of the staircase leading to the smelter are tunnels heading into the mountain. These are clearly mine shafts, used to follow the veins of iron that were then mined by the dwarves and smelted on site. Mon then turns his attention to the north side of the forge, where he finds rooms once occupied by dwarven families, as well as a storage room and an office. He picks up what he thinks is a manifest of sorts, and he returns to the storage cave. Captain Popov loses his wits when he notices a book floating by itself, but Mon reveals himself and apologizes.

A voice echoes through the cave as Marigold, Branna, Mon and Captain Popov find themselves surrounded by seven pirates. One of the pirates wears a very wet hat with limping feathers and a prominent golden cross attached to a fine gold necklace around his neck. He steps forward and tells Popov he is surprised the old man would even be at sea with his derelict ship. He almost took pity on the old man and thought about sinking his boat, but decided not to, at least for now. Captain Popov identifies the pirate as Captain Lafoy, the most successful pirate in these parts and one who made the Cardinal into a fool years ago. Lafoy is not sure how Popov discovered this space, and muses that perhaps he should eliminate all four of them, as witnesses are bad for piracy. In a threatening conversation, Lafoy reveals that the equipment in this room belongs to a sponsor, who has commissioned weapons and armor about five years ago to equip a large company of men. Lafoy won't reveal who the sponsor is, but he acknowledges that in between piracy cruises himself and his men withdraw to the safety of this old dwarven outpost, where they spend time crafting these weapons. Asked on whose side Lafoy and his men are, the pirate replies that he is on the profitable side.

While his men keep an eye on them, Lafoy looks for a specific crate. He opens it, and seems pleased that its contents have not been disturbed. Returning to the group, Lafoy then agrees to let them depart, provided that they swear on their honor never to reveal this place to anyone. All four of them comply with the pirate's request. Marigold gives him back the sword she took. They head back to the lake, still fearful for their lives. Jumping into the waters, Marigold, Popov and Branna swim through the tunnel, and emerge outside near Popov's Tall Tales. Mon, for his part, turns himself invisible again, and stays behind. 

A few dozen feet from the Tall Tale is Lafoy's own ship, the three decks, three masts Hangman, reputed to be the fastest ship in Katarina waters. Sailors on board the ship jeer at Popov as the old captain and his friends board his small ship, but they do not interfere as Popov guides his ship back south towards the fjord a few hours away.

Captain Lafoy's ship, the Hangman

Marigold mentions that they probably earned some respect from Lafoy as they did not loot anything. But they shouldn't travel anywhere unaccompanied for a few days, as the pirate captain could change his mind and have them killed, or might just be toying with them, since . Marigold suspects that Lafoy's sponsor might in fact be the Freedom Initiative. The Tall Tale returns to Katarina late in the afternoon, and Marigold and Branna hurry back to the Legendary in time to catch the evening's performance. 

Mon, for his part, explores the rest of the dwarven complex, and discovers a staircase that emerges in the ruins of a dwarven tower on the western flank of Mount Kilina. Deciding to walk back to Katarina on land instead of in the water, Mon hikes the mountain, reaching the top of Mount Kilina as the sun sets. Mon suddenly realizes his understudy will be performing for him tonight, as there is no way he will be back in time.

Back at the Legendary, Luba inquires where Mon is. She tells Branna and Marigold that Mon has set up a dinner date with the Marquess of Sidorov, and now she has to go. She enjoyed the flowers, but wanted to give Mon a piece of her mind, and now he's not here. Luba is concerned Mon is missing, but Marigold and Branna assuage her fears. Having climbed down the mountain, Mon finds a peaceful and quiet grove of trees, where he decides to rest. During the night, he sees a majestic owl, and he apologizes for invading the grove. He tells the owl he will be respectful and will depart in a few hours.


Tuesday June 14, 1066 SE

Mon returns to the theatre mid morning. Entering through one of the many secret doors, he sees Luba and Yurchik  standing in the lobby of the theatre. Yurchik is yelling at Luba, telling her that if her boyfriend Mon does not return for tonight's performance, he will be fired. Mon hurries up into the false ceiling above the lobby, then falls through by Yurchik's feet. Having attracted a crowd, Mon stands up and dusts himself. He tells everyone he heard the Cardinal's voice: "Eyes and flames, I swear I heard Matviyko pledge allegiance to the Cardinal." With briny hands and a crust of salt in his hair, he pretends to pass out at Yurchik's feet. The theatre director kicks him, before storming off. Luba goes and gets Marigold, who returns and cleans Mon up

With the story having spread throughout the theatre, Pavel tells Mon that he saw Matviyko stands with soneone backstage after the play last night, but that the person Mon's understudy was with was wrapped in shadows, and he couldn't see who it was. 

Having changed clothes, Mon and Luba head to Khoroshim for their lunch date with the Marquess of Sidorov. Mon hopes the Marquess might know some juicy gossip about Verushka, the Archduke's eldest daughter, that they can use when they entertain her the following day ...

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