Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Legendary Campaign - Of Pranks and Commissions

Friday, June 3rd, 1066 SE, continued ...

Following their rescue of Kisa, Mon, Marigold and Branna return to the Legendary to prepare for the grand opening of General Toptigin Cheats Death later that evening. Mon is surprised where there is a knock at the door to his changing room, and Yurchik comes in, followed by a youth that somewhat resembles Mon. Yurchik introduces the youth as Matviyko, a newly hired aspiring actor who will be performing as Mon's understudy. When Mon asks what happened to Andriy, his previous understudy, Yurchik replies that he was terminated this morning based on allegations of improper conduct with some of the female musicians and actresses. The theater director notes that Matviyko is a quick study and he will no doubt be able to replace Mon should something happen to him.

Slightly puzzled and concerned at this turn of events, Mon takes Matviyko to see Oskana, who recommends they see Branna so that Andriy's costume can be properly resized. Branna takes Matviyko's measurements, and tells Mon and the young understudy that his outfits should be ready by the end of the day.

While this is happening, a page boy finds Mon and delivers a note from Captain Popov. The good captain informs Mon that he received the two tickets the actor sent for opening night, and that he will gladly be attending with his friend Yevheniy. He closes the letter by thanking Mon profusely and invites him down to the Anchor's Luck for a drink or two following the performance. 

Remembering past incidents where items disappeared, Marigold checks all of the props that will be used for opening night, and everything is there, properly labeled, and in working order. 

The Legendary has been readied for opening night, with brass glinting, fresh coats of paint, and cleaned drapery. Around supper time, the crowd begins to stream inside the theater. The Archduke and his family arrive thirty minutes before the curtain raises, while the Cardinal makes his way to his private booth a few minutes before the show begins. Word is spread to the actors and theater workers that opening night is sold out.

As is his habit, Sir Gregory ascends to the front of the stage, and he welcomes the crowd, thanking them for being in attendance for what promises to be the best show the Legendary has put on. In a nod to the Archduke and the Cardinal, he welcomes both authorities to the theater, and trust that they will thoroughly enjoy themselves tonight. He then departs, and General Toptigin Cheats Death begins.

During the play, second actor Vadim does something uncharacteristic by messing up a line. It is but a tiny slip, and he quickly covers his mistake, but the man never makes mistakes, so Mon makes a mental note of it and wonders what could have tripped such a professional actor.

Following the performance, both Branna and Marigold receive invitations from the Marquess of Sidorov. Marigold is invited for lunch on Saturday, while Branna is invited for lunch the following day. Both of them send replies back agreeing to meet with the Marquess.  The crew is visited by the Archduke and his family, and he congratulates them on a play well done. Both Mon and Marigold notice that Verushka, the Archduke's eldest daughter, was startled to see Matviyko in the crew. 

Following the Archduke and his family's departure, the crew celebrates its successful opening night. Mon takes the opportunity to reflect on why Vadim messed up his lines, and wonders if the man noticed something strange in the audience or received a signal he did not expect. Whatever it is, Mon has a brilliant idea ...

Later that night, as Mon is resting on his bed, he is awakened by his bedroom door opening. Herald, who has been missing for weeks now, enters the room and immediately throws himself on his bed. Mon notices that the cad is about 25 pounds later, and he has a nasty cough. Under questioning, Herald says that he's been out on an adventure with a lady friend, but his horrid smell and the repulsive state of his clothes say otherwise. Following Herald falling asleep, Mon descend the stairs to the Palace's reception, where he checks in with the nurse on duty and recommend that Herald be isolated for a few days to ensure that he is not contagious. On his way back to a spare room for the night, Mon notices that one of the page boys eating a meal in the cafeteria is Duhka.

Not able to sleep, Mon returns to the Legendary and continues to explore the many secret and hidden passages.  As he walks through the hidden passages within the Legendary, a feminine voice speaks to him from the shadows: “I see you are making good use of your first gift, you left this world before your time. I have watched your portrayal upon the stage of the sacred guide and find it favorable. I have come to offer you a second gift, a pact if you will. Will you accept?”

Mon is at first startled, then intrigued by what he hears, “So you know who I once was, If I had family, a wife, children, will you give me those answers?  What would you have me do in exchange for this pact?”

The voice answers, sounding as if “she” is moving, slowly, through the darkness around him “ Your history, I cannot give you, but you will learn it over time. What will you do for me? Why what your are already doing, remembering your history as your new story grows and to be one of my agents or champions, if you say yes to the pact.”

Mon replies “If I say yes, what do I get in exchange?”

“Gifts, tools, insight from time to time, all to help you accomplish the tasks that you will face.” Comes the voice from someplace new in the shadows.

“And what if I say no?” Mon asks, to which he hears a sigh and “ Then nothing, the tasks will still come before you but the challenge may be much harder and the answers you seek may take longer to uncover.”

Mon stands up straighter and says “ Who are you to offer these gifts? Why do you walk in the shadows unseen? Will you show yourself?”

I the dim light, about half way down the hallway Mon stands in, shadows pull away from the walls and coalesce into a figure “I walk in the shadows and watch all those who walk the mortal realms. I am angered by those who take lives before their appointed time and those who cheat death by the blasphemy of undeath.” The figure take on a more solid form, that of a woman in a long black gown, pail, bare feet seen just below it’s hem. “I am she who seeks to right these wrongs.” Pale hands clasp each other in front of her waist. A mantle of raven feathers drape themselves upon her shoulders as long black hair cascades down her back. “ I am she who walks in the night, and dwells in the shadows by day.” She strides closer with gliding steps, her feet landing just above the floor boards, never touching them. “I am, in the end, She who is seen by all…..” With this last statement, a mask of plain white porcelain appears where her face would be and just as quickly she vanishes from Mon's sight. “Will you accept my gifts, Mon DeGreen?”

Mon, knowing who he thinks he has just seen, kneels and says “ How can I refuse. Yes, I will accept this gift.” The porcelain mask reappears next to Mon’s right ear and he hears a whisper, “ Then take up this blade, my agent and the pact will be sealed.” And a pail hand holds out the hilt of a sword to Mon and he reaches out and takes hold and upon his cheek he feels the cold kiss of the Raven Queen.


Saturday, June 4, 1066 SE

Eating breakfast in the morning at the Palace's cafeteria, Branna asks Joseph how well financially the play did the night before. Joseph nervously gets up and leaves without answering. Lena is upset that the Branna asked Joseph. At the table, Mon, Branna, and Marigold discuss ways in which an assassin could use a bow to strike at the King if he were to attend a performance at the Legendary. The group discuss Matviyko's new arrival and wonder whether he might be planted as an agent. Mon finds the timing of Andriy's termination and Matviyko's subsequent hiring particularly troubling, and remarks on Verushka's reaction when she first saw Matviyko, clearly recognizing him.

After breakfast, Mon goes shopping. He purchases a book at Fabled Pages, a Low Town bookstore, where he purchases a thesaurus. He crosses the small alley and enters Enchanted Soles Cobbler, a compact cobbler's shop, where he purchases baby shoes. His purchases in hand, he heads back to the Palace where he prepares a packaged containing the thesaurus and the baby shoes, which he gives to a page boy to deliver to Vadim with a note that reads "Remember, baby steps."

Another page boy finds Mon and delivers him an invitation from Luba, inviting him to have lunch with her at the Warm Whistle. Mon gives the page boy a silver piece to spread the news that he and Luba will meet for a lovely lunch while the boy is on his way to return Mon's acceptance. He sends a note to Captain Popov requesting a meeting on his boat after the performance tonight.

Marigold meets with the Marquess of Sidorov over a very lavish lunch at Sidorov Manor. The Marquess commissions Marigold to craft an intricate golden pendant assorted with three rubies that can hide a very small vial, along with a matching pair of earrings. She will provide the gold and the jewels, but she wants everything ready before the King's arrival. She also requests an original silver tiara that would contain several silver oak leaves distributed among the other leaves. She further tells Marigold she will be asking Branna to create a red dress that will match the rubies in the pendant. Marigold tells the Marquess she will connect with Branna and send her sample drawings after the two of them have met.

Meanwhile, Mon heads to the Warm Whistle, but Luba does not come, leaving Mon alone in the tea shop.

Branna runs into Lena again, and the halfling is near tears. After calming her down, Branna learns that Lena has just overheard a conversation Joseph was having with another accountant, and despite the recent plays filling most of the Legendary every night, the theater is currently running a 7,000 silver pieces deficit for the year, and painful cuts are forthcoming.

The second performance of General Toptigin Cheats Death is done in front of another sold out crowd, and the play goes off without a hitch. Following the end of the show, Branna, Marigold and Mon head to the Anchor's Luck to see Captain Popov.

After a few rounds of drinks with Popov and his friends, Marigold asks the good captain if he knows where abalone could be found. Captain Popov tells her he knows a spot, and he will get her a few of them in the next week or so.


Sunday, June 5, 1066 SE

Following a hearty breakfast, Branna heads over to Sidorov Manor, where she is received by the Marquess of Sidorov. After an overindulgent meal which resembles the meal Marigold described to hear the day before), the Marquess commissions Branna to craft a series of outfits for the King's stay on Katarina. Most importantly, she wants a red dress that will complement a beautiful golden pendant she is having Marigold craft.

When Branna returns to the Legendary, Marigold and her talk about the outfits and the jewelry. Branna mentions what she heard from Lena. The two of them are worried for their positions at the theater, but with the income coming from Marquess de Sidorov it may be enough to tie the both of them over for a while....

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