Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Legendary Campaign - Trouble before Masha and the Bear

Wednesday, April 6, 1066 SE

Following a hearty breakfast, the crew returns to the Legendary to prepare for the final dress rehearsal the next day. The thrill of excitement is palpable as everyone assembles on Stage 2. Yurchik presents all of the notes to each department head, highlighting the issues that require fixing before opening night on Friday. He also takes the opportunity to reveal the final series of posters for Masha and the Bear, and to Luba's relief, she and Vadim are both front and center in the last round of publicity for the play. Yurchik mentions that tomorrow's performance is the last chance to finalize the production, and that Sir Gregory Tsaplin will be in attendance. Yurchik also reveals that the next production for the First Crew will be Liza the Fox and Catafay the Cat, and they begin building the sets tomorrow.

With the final notes distributed, everyone returns to their workshops to complete their tasks. Dusana asks Marigold to design a bubble machine that will release bubbles when the basket in which Masha is hidden is opened. Marigold mentions that the bubble machine will make the floor slippery, so the crew  will need rubber shoes and stage hands will need to wipe down the floors after the first set changes.  

Dusana, prop master

Oskana asks Branna to make seven matching hats for the extras. The missing hats have been overlooked, and now they need to be created in a hurry. Branna picks up a nice green fleece, and designs simple yet elegant hats. When they are completed, Branna has all of the extras try them on. The elf makes the final modifications, then labels each hat with their wearer's name so they can be easily identified. 

During this time, the Marquess of Sidorov visit the theater. A rich widow known for her extravagant entertaining parties and her propensity for monopolizing the conversation, the Marquess is always on the lookout for new and exciting elements she can add to her repertoire. Every department head is eager to escape her presence, so when she catches Oskana unawares, the costume designer is only too happy to introduce Branna to her before disappearing. The Marquess gushes over the costumes Branna designed, and she asks the elf whether she would be willing to create a similar dress for an upcoming party. Branna agrees.

Mon overheard the conversation between Marigold and Dusana about the bubble machine, and he decides to practice casting silent image to recreate the bubble fall during the first act. Mon requests a bit of fleece from Branna as he will need a small square per performance.

Mon deGreen

In a conversation with Lena, the halfling from the marketing department reveals to Marigold that Yurchik was behind removing Luba and Vadim. The theater director evidently seemed interested in exploring whether it was time for new stars, but something made him back down. 

 Meanwhile, Branna vists The Needle and Thread. Paula, a human middle-aged woman, runs the sewing shop, and she's thrilled to have one of the Legendary seamstresses visiting. After some small talk, Branna explains the type of costume she wants to make for the Marquess. Following some haggling, Paula agrees to a cost of 4 silvers, and the transaction is made. 

After dinner at the Palace, Branna, Mon and Marigold return to the Legendary. Branna notices that one of the hats she created earlier that day is missing. She makes two hats and keeps one aside. After doing so, she rejoins her friends. Mon inquires which hat was missing. Not sure, Branna returns to her workshop and takes a look. The missing hat was Mon's. 

To celebrate their last evening free before the opening of Masha and the Bear, they decide to meander through Katarina. Marigold soon notices that the Cardinal's men are not on the street.

Sergeant Dima, whom they previously encountered, leads a patrol of two soldiers. Mon stops to chat with the soldier, and he remarks that the streets are eerily quiet. Dima replies that a rumor is circulating that the Cardinal is upset over Masha and the Bear, and finds the fact that a young girl would be living with a bear to be sinful and disgraceful. Mon wonders whether the Cardinal is plotting with his men to disrupt tomorrow's opening night. Dima does not know, but would not be surprised, as the Cardinal has been looking for a blow to deliver against what he considers loose morals on the island. 

Taking a look around the Cathedral, the three friends notice that no guards are standing outside, but that many lights are on inside the church, suggesting a large gathering. They wisely decide to move away.

The friends soon find their way to the Anchor's Luck, where they find Captain Popov spending quality time gambling away with his friends in his usual spot by the roaring fireplace. Popov is thrilled to see them, and is beyond himself when Mon offers him a ticket for the opening night of Masha and the Bear. Based on the old man's reaction, Mon surmises that the Captain would not be able to afford his own ticket. Popov thanks them profusely, but refuses to take the ticket. He can't see very well, and it would be a waste. He can just as well listen to the performance from outside the theater. Mon will not hear of it, and he casts lesser restoration to improve Popov's eyesight. The Captain is brought to tears, and he hugs Mon.

 During their evening conversations, Popov mentions that an excellent source has informed him that the Cardinal's armor was polished. This, mixed with the absence of his men on the streets, leads  Popov to suspect that the Cardinal himself will be leading some sort of public action very soon. As they ready to leave, Popov whispers to them that friends of the oak should make themselves scarce tomorrow night. 

Now worried, they return to the Legendary, and Branna soon notices there has been a break-in in the prop room. Someone took out the guards, and items, including the bubble machine Marigold created, have been sabotaged. Marigold decides she will sleep here tonight, and she casts the alarm cantrip on the window. Branna examines the costume room, but find that nothing is amiss. Mon notifies the stage manager on duty, who sends messages out to the heads of departments and to Yurchik. Mon himself tracks Dima and the patrol down. Soon the theater is filled with staffers and the entire building is searched. Nothing else seems amiss, so after adding some guards, folks return home. Mon, Branna, and Marigold remain uneasy at the situation, however.


Thursday, April 7, 1066 SE

With Marigold already sleeping at the Legendary in the props room, Mon decides he will guard Stage 2. Branna returns home to the Legendary, but as she comes up the stairs she sees a person dressed in black emerging from Mon's room. Branna casts ray of frost , r hitting the person, but they manage to escape down the hall and around a corner. In the struggle, however, a jar of ointment was dropped. Branna rings the alarm bell located on every floor in case of fire, and wakes up everyone in the Palace. The building is soon searched, but no trace of the person is found. Unfortunately, Branna does not have a good description of the person, so it could be anyone under the disguise.

Alerted, Mon and Marigold return to the Palace, where Branna tells them what transpired. Mon identifies the ointment dropped from the intruder as a cream of disguise, with a few applications remaining. The friends suddenly fear the worse. Could someone be ready to disguise themselves as Mon and lead an assassination attempt during opening night? After all, both the Archduke and the Cardinal are likely to attend ...

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