Friday, January 18, 2019

The Dark Lady

Pharast 5, 4713

Since the defeat of the Burning Man, the region has been buffered by a blizzard that has dumped over five feet of snow and brought along freezing temperatures. People have been staying indoors, and only the occasional desperate soul has braved the weather to seek a bit of solace and company at the Swinging Sword Inn, leaving the Coopers, their associates, and proprietor Kayless Irkell as the only residents.

The last remnants of the storm moved on during the night, and the village of Red Larch slowly emerges back to life. The Long Road is cleared by sturdy teams of draft horses and heavy metal plows, while everywhere else businesses and residences dig themselves out. The Coopers spend most of their morning helping out. Midmorning, the first southern wagon pulls in the village with a load of much needed food and news from Varisia and beyond.

At noon time, Maegla Tarnlar enters the Swinging Sword Inn and sits at Dhukhean's table. The local contact for the Lord's Alliance, Maegla tells the dwarf she has received information she thought he should know. Down south, about 110 miles from Red Larch, atop a barren hill overlooking the Long Road less than a day’s travel north-east of Amphail and about a hundred and ten miles south of Red Larch stands ruined Rundreth Manor. This large stone mansion, now roofless and overgrown, is home to a mysterious and terrifying figure known far and wide as the Dark Lady. Locals warn everyone to stay well away from the ruins, but Maegla tells Dhukhean that over the last two weeks spies have observed three different delegations of cultists visit the Dark Lady, who is in fact a shadow dragon who often takes the appearance of a female drow. It is believed that representatives from the Black Earth, the Eternal Flame, and the Howling Hatred came to seek the Dark Lady's support. None of the cultists emerged from Rundreth Manor, but the Lord's Alliance is worried that she may decide to throw her support to one of the cults. The leaders of the Lord's Alliance have asked their contacts throughout the Dessarin Valley and beyond to find volunteers to attempt to make contact with the Dark Lady and discover, if possible, her intentions.

Dhukhean asks if his friends may join the conversation, and Maeglar agrees. Following a summary of the conversation, Daryle expresses concern that if one of the three cults ally themselves with the Dark Lady, this would make their lives extremely difficult. However, attempting to make contact with the dragon could prove deadly. Dhukhean states that the Dark Lady might in fact be quite opposed to another dragon in the Dessarin Valley, especially a Red. As an incentive in recognition that this is a dangerous mission, Maegla offers each participant 5,000 crowns if they are able to ascertain the Dark Lady's objective. The Coopers accept the mission, and after finishing their meal they pack up their gear and they head out south through the snow.

Pharast 10, 4713

After four hard days of travel on the road, the Coopers arrive near Rundreth Manor. The rangers notice neither tracks, nor any signs of life in the area surrounding the hill. Getting closer, they see a ruined large mansion. Dhukhean easily determine that the structure was blown up from the inside. Only the two wings of the mansion remain intact. The remaining walls of the central building still stand three stories tall, but large sections have collapsed outward, and no signs of a roof remain. Dark trees grow within the perimeter of the building. All of the windows have been shattered, and sections of the roof on the wings have sagged. The entire structure is in a state of advanced disrepair. Snow piles in large drifts, burying some of the ground floor under a thick blanket.

As they get closer, Daryle notices a dark shimmering atop the south wall. Taking a closer look, she sees that the darkness evolves into five dark eyes standing on the top of the ruined wall. The eyes follow them along as the party moves. Dhukhean senses a terrible evil upon this area. The Coopers decide to engage the eyes, and quickly defeat them, only to be ambushed by strange dark creatures that emerge from the trees. Darelle identify them as the Dark Young, and as they shift from tree to tree, the Coopers find themselves flanked. Naga and Ruddy land a few good hits, while Dhukhean suffers the brunt of their assault. He treats them back to their own medicine, however, and soon both Dark Young are dead. Dhukhean senses evil again, but now only the latent evil of a building too long occupied by evil forces.

Proceeding with caution, they enter the north wing of the mansion, in what used to be a kitchen. Snow has drifted inside the house, and broken dishes still litter the few cabinets barely hanging on the wall. In the northwest corner is a staircase going down to the cellar. The Coopers head down. In the cellar they find several bottles of Whiterose Abbey wine, vintage 4591. Behind a large wooden shelf Ruddy discovers a secret staircase that leads down. They carefully follow the steps as they descend over three hundred feet, only to emerge in a large cave. The ceiling lost in the darkness above.

Near the edge of the cavern stands a female drow. Her eyes betray a fantastic intelligence. She welcomes them to her lair, and asks why they would so rudely violate her peace. Knowing they are dealing with a very cunning dragon, Naga proposes an exchange of information. The Dark Lady agrees, and during their exchange the Coopers learn that each cult is led by a prophet who wields a powerful weapon that was found in the ruins of an ancient drow shrine located under Tyar-Besil, one of the dwarven strongholds of the ancient kingdom of Besilmer. Each prophet seeks to unleash the strengths of an Elemental Prince. The four elemental princes, which are known as the Princes of the Apocalypse, are themselves devoted to freeing the Elder Elemental Eye and bringing chaos to Golarion. She also tells them she has no interest in joining any of the cults, and has violently dealt with their delegations.

The Coopers, for their part, relate their dealings with the various cults, and reveal the existence of devastation orbs, which peeks the Dark Lady's interest. Daryle also tells her of the untold powers of the Emerald Spire, in faraway Fort Inevitable. Finally, they reveal the presence of an ancient red dragon working with the Eternal Flame. The Dark Lady thanks them for their information by telling Dhukhean that the various cults are collecting dwarven blood to open the gate allowing their Prince to come through. And with that, she bids them goodbye and tells them to never return to Rundreth Manor.

After putting a safe distance between themselves and Rundreth Manor, Darelle activates her cloud and the Coopers head back to Red Larch. During the night, Dhukhean awakens with a start. A large evil presence brushes against the cloud, flying fast towards the north. The Dark Lady is on the move ...