Friday, December 7, 2018

The Burning Man takes a bath!

Calistril 24, 4713

After two days of traveling through the Sumber Hills following their escape from the Scarlet Moon Hall, members of the party finally regroup at the Swinging Sword Inn in Red Larch. Naga and Thorne are the first to return to the inn, followed by Darelle, Daryle and Dhukhean a few hours later on the cloud. Missing from the group are Lawrence and Ruddy.

Thorne introduces the group to Earl Aberford, a monk. He tells them that Lawence, after being stabbed one too many times by Naga, had decided to leave this group after Naga dropped them off in Red Larch. Earl is a humble monk of the half-orc variety who has been sent by the Sacred Stone Monastery to investigate the happenings in this area. However, following conversations with Thorne, he realized the errors of his way and is now willing to help the Coopers with their plans to destroy the elemental cults. Thorne brings Earl up to speed on the happenings and their successful mission to Scarlet Moon Hall.

The Coopers then return to the situation at hand. At the rate at which the Burning Man was traveling, Darelle estimates he will arrive in three days. The party discusses various options on how to handle the Burning Man, including laying a trap and attempting to redirect him towards Rivergard Keep. Thorne suggests to use the town's laborers to build a stone tower. Daryle proposes that the tower could be packed with snow, linking the town to the Crushing Wave. Thorne counters that maybe Red Larch's frozen pond could be used. If the Burning Man could be lured onto the pond, it would melt the ice and force it into water.

After a discussion that involves Harbuck Thuthmarillar and other town notables, the Coopers finalize a plan to build a two stories snow tower and cover it with pine needles so that it looks like wood from a distance. Harbuck assures the party that he can muster enough workers to also construct five small buildings around the tower to make it look like it is part of the village. When the Burning Man arrives, the women and children will shelter in the Mellikho Stoneworks quarry. Dhukhean will contribute a shiny crystal imbued with magical powers that will attract the Burning Man. 

Thorne proposes that someone be sent to Rivergard Keep to get some support from the Crushing Wave. Naga volunteers to fly to Rivergard Keep, deliver a message, and return with help if the Crushing Wave will grant it. Thorne and Daryle agree that they need to promote the idea that the cult would be crushing the Eternal Flame's champion, and would earn influence and gratefulness from the citizens of Red Larch.

Calistril 27, 4713

The skies remain clear, but the temperature remains bitterly and unseasonably cold. It has now been seven days since the last snow storm. After three days of building, the villagers have constructed the tower and several blockhouses to create a leading path that will lead the Burning Man towards the tower. Daryle spinkles pine needles on the path she expects the Burning Man to take, to lead him towards the tower.

Red Larch Lake fortifications

Around mid-morning, a pillar of smoke appears in the distance. The Burning Man is on his way. With about three hours left before he arrives, Naga returns to Red Larch with a Crushing Wave cultist. The cultist informs the Coopers that Grimsaw sends his regards. He brings with him five scrolls of summon greater water elemental to help in this situation, but tells them that he himself will not join but rather observe the battle from afar, so that at least one survivor can report back to Rivergard Keep.

The Burning Man reaches the edge of the pond. He is heading towards the village, but several delaying actions by Earl change his trajectory. He subtly switches towards the snow tower. After several exchanges of fiery blows, Thorne summons his water elemental and orders it to wait. The others quickly summon theirs too, and they swim under the ice to emerge around the Burning Man. As the ice melts underneath the Burning Man, he continues to move forward towards the snow tower, but the water elementals eventually manage to stop the Burning Man and trip him into the pond.

Earl enters the Burning Man, and finds a person inside. The man's face is half melted. His glowing red eyes show the depth of a depraved soul. A metal horn sticks out of his forehead. On his left hand he wears a turtle shell and a tattoo that says "I remember," while on his right hand he wears elven wedding lace inscribed with the name Miévi. He maniacally looks at Earl, and, as he waves his hands casting a spell, he cackles. He vanishes in a puff of smoke, leaving the monk along in the steaming wreckage of the Burning Man. Earl reflects on the fact that he has seen a very similar man in the Sacred Stone Monastery, but this one has black hair parted at the horn, and seems saner than this version. When he tells the Coopers, a shiver runs up their spine. There are at least two Geralds in the Sumber Hills.

With the village saved from the Burning Man, the Coopers are hailed as heroes...

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