Friday, September 22, 2017

The root of the Emerald Spire

Sarenith 30, 4712

Thorne drops a few barrels of red dye in the town water supply early in the morning. Within a few hours, the tension has ratcheted up even further, and there is palpable panic in Fort Inevitable. During the day, Daryle and Darelle go to the Temple of the Golden Key and purchase several potions of cure heavy wounds, cure medium wounds, and cure light wounds. Both sisters anticipate that the battle with the Vault Keeper will be a tough one. They also purchase potions of invisibility from Falandra, who has just brewed a new batch. Darelle then goes to Abernard's house. The sorcerer is there, reading a book on his porch. Darelle shoots the breeze with him for a while, then asks him if he could identify an item for her. He agrees, and examines the hand Darelle discovered in the Emerald Spire. After a few moments, Abernard tells her she's the owner of a hand of glory. Darelle thanks him.

Following his failed attempt at leading his cultists to the Emerald Spire, Rowen grabs his scrolls of magic missile from his ruined estate and returns to Fort Inevitable. Kazmauk remains outside the town's walls at the Hunters' Lodge and awaits the return of his sisters with trepidation. He's ready to return to the Emerald Spire. Omok continues to read the Book of the Damned, hoping to unlock all of its knowledge.

The Cooper sisters finally return, but it is too late to leave the Hunters' Lodge. The group decide to head out early in the morning.

Erastus 1, 4712

Awake before dawn, the Coopers realize that Olifrit is gone. Instead of the gnome, they find a Gerald in the building. This Gerald wears priestly robes and seems saner than some of the other versions they have encountered in the past. The Coopers wonder how he eluded security and entered the lodge, but after a short discussion, the rest of the group agrees to take Gerald with them They begin the trek to the Emerald Spire. Each of them experience a sense of foreboding. This could be the day they triumph over the evil that dwells at the root of the Emerald Spire, or this could be the day when their adventure comes to a permanent end. It takes them out of the morning, and the Coopers give the Spire a wide berth, hoping to avoid the large giants and goblins encampment at the base of the Spire. Their circuitous route allows them to not be seen from the Spire, but they also can't see it. They enter through the secret tunnel leading to the Splinterden level. From there, they use spire tokens to travel to the Vault, the sixteenth and last level of the Emerald Spire.

Arriving at the base of the Spire, the Coopers first stop by the strange creature that looks like a pillar of stoneOoviroon is happy to see the Coopers return so soon, and he asks them for news of the outside world. Darelle reports on what has happened in Fort Inevitable, and questions the outsider on the happenings down here. Ooviroon has no news. He's now happily digesting the remnants of the grugs the Coopers killed and fed him a few days back. Darelle questions him on the origins of the SpireOorivoon explains that eons ago Vault Builders, which hailed from the Plane of Earth, arrived on Golarion shortly after its creation. Using seeds of crystallized magic, they seeded the planet with vaults, spaces where they could study the nature of life. The Vault Builders were responsible for creating numerous spaces throughout Orv, Golarion's third and lowest level. When the Vault Builders departed following their war agains the Aboleth, a Vault Keeper was left behind to guard the Emerald Spire. Named Iluchtewhar, this Vault Keeper has slowly gone insane over the eons, according to OoviroonOorivoon further talks about what motivates Iluchtewhar, and mentions that as an outsider from the elemental plane of earth he is vulnerable to bludgeoning.

After this discussion, Darelle bids goodbye to Ooviroon, and the party heads northwards. Kazmauk stops and examines the strange stone sphere. Daryle notices that the sphere is completely smooth and has no seams. Omok uses divination and determines that the stone sphere was built by someone to protect itself against an enemy coming from the root of the Emerald Sphere. Gerald uses spell craft and realize that the structure was built overtime with a large number of shape stone spells. Rowen makes some quick calculations and believes that one could move about 25 feet in using some sort of teleportation spell and be safe.

Tired of these arguments about the best way to penetrate the sphere, Darelle uses a hammer and chips away at the stone wall. Surprisingly, the wall crumbles easily. Kazmauk grabs tools and also begins to bash away, and soon most of the Coopers are at it. After half an hour, they emerge on the other side into a small cavern. Inside they discover a small fey floating on air. She introduces herself as Eriniell, and she invites them inside. She also informs them they must not touch the floor as Iluchtewhar can sense their thoughts when they are in contact with the earth. She tells them she used to be one of Iluchtewhar's servant but eventually realized that he had been corrupted by the Spire. She has been hiding behind this barrier, protecting herself from the Vault Keeper, hoping to strike at him when the time was right. The Coopers, sensing a possible alliance, tell Eriniell that the time is now, and manage to convince her that today is that day. She agrees, and mentions that Iluchtewhar is dwelling beyond this room. The Coopers ask how they are supposed to go there. Eriniell tells them they could travel through the roots that spread around this level, but she has the ability to dimension door to his lair. After some negotiations, she agrees that she and her children will transport the Coopers to Iluchtewhar's personal chamber by means of this spell. Darelle then notices that there are several invisible stalkers in the room with them, all hovering behind the fey. The Coopers are ill at ease but decide this seems the best plan.

As they speak with the fey, whispering of wind causes Rowen to change personality and he becomes very self assured. Eriniell casts dimension door and the Coopers and their allies arrive in Iluchtewhar's room. Eriniell immediately engages in combat, and the Coopers join in. Kazmauk hits with sword but realizes that his attack is ineffectual. Only magic and blugeoning will hurt Iluchtewhar. Darelle and Thorne unleash a torrent of magic missiles, while Kazmauk engages with his lesser weapon. Omok joins in, and Rowen casts a few spells as well. Iluchtewhar replicates against the party by unleashing a blast of razor-sharp crystals that strike everyone but Thorne. He also summons earth elementals to fight on his behalf. Daryle engages one of the elementals, while the other strikes at Omok. The party is quickly depleted of healing spells, and finds itself on the tethering edge of doom. Iluchtewhar has suffered massive hit, yet he is still standing. It is clear, however, that he is slowly maneuvering himself towards a side door to escape the room.

While fighting, Rowen hears sounds coming from the hallway leading to this room. Is it reinforcements? Daryle moves away from her earth elemental long enough to spike the doors close. As combat rages, one of the Coopers nears death, followed by another one. The Coopers have met their match and will surely perish.

Suddenly the door explodes outward, crushing Rowen beneath a ton of splintered wood and rubble. Duke Mosley enters the room, resplendent in a dust-free and shiny uniform. Mosley does not look sick in the slightest. Followed by a horde of Hellknights, he greets the Coopers and unleashes a wave of healing, restoring everyone's strength. Kazmauk turns around and deals the death blow on Iluchtewhar, who explodes in a shower of sparks and green crystal dust, hurting everyone with debris. The Coopers are surprised to see him Duke Mosley. The Duke tells them that he has been faking his near-death to fool his enemies into thinking him weak. His plan was to capture the Spire all along, and now thanks to the Coopers' valiant efforts he controls the structure. He tells them that war is coming to Cheliax, and he will use the enormous power of the Spire to attempt to dethrone his mother the thrice damned queen, Queen Abrogail Thrune II. He is grateful to the Coopers for their assistance, and he invites them all to a banquet tonight to celebrate his brilliant victory. All, except Gerald. He tells the sorcerer that he will give him and his myriad copies a day's head start, then it will be hunting season.

In a private conversation with Daryle and Darelle, Duke Mosley informs the sisters that while his forces have been assaulting and clearing the Spire, the former Lady Commander Audara Drovust has been leading the quarterly relief force of Hellknights against Fort Inevitable, hoping to catch Mosley dying in bed with a small guard protecting him. This force left their planned itinerary at Daggermark and seized Mosswater before trekking to Fort Inevitable. Unfortunately she encountered a force of goblins and giants equipped with emerald automatons, and both forces are fighting within view of the Fort. Furthermore, he lets them know that a rebel force has seized control of Fort Inevitable and removed the few Hellknights who did not switch allegiance. As it is, both Greenhide and Drovust will exhaust themselves against each other, and the victor will be unable to seize the town back. Mosley tells them his own army has suffered some losses, but are now encamping in the Spire and will not be challenged by Drovust, Greenhide, or the rebels in Fort Inevitable. He apologizes to the sisters to have made them pawns of his plans, but as a thank you he recognizes that the Hellknights' possession of Fort Inevitable has now run its course and he agrees to leave the town alone. After all, he will need all of his strength and manpower to secure the Spire and study it.

Upon this news, Darelle sends a message with her tree token to Dr. Mordel reporting what has transpired at the Spire. with message of new management. Rowen, who explores the next room, finds a strange device. Duke Mosley, who enters the room, chats amicably with Rowen and they discuss the purpose of the device. A large map shows the entirety of Golarion with blinking spots scattered throughout. When Rowen begins touching parts of the Orvgate, a potent artifact that allows travel to other Vaults throughout Golarion, Mosley backs away. The necromancer pulls the first lever, which lines on a specific Vault that appears to be in the expansive jungle of  Mwangi. As soon as Rowen touches the second lever he is transported far and away to that Vault. Mosley shrugs and walks away. 

Thorne, sensing his opportunity, swiftly melts in the shadows and leaves the scene. Making it back to Fort Inevitable, he retrieves a few items and flees the area, motivated either by Duke Mosley's revenge or the ire of his sisters ...

Darelle notices that the green dust that used to be Iluchtewhar begins slowly drifting on the floor. She uses windwall and blows it all away. The Coopers have successfully conquered the Emerald Spire, but so much unanswered questions remain!

Friday, September 8, 2017

When all the threads tie together

Sarenith 28, 4712

Returning from their latest trip to the Emerald Spire, the Coopers arrive in Fort Inevitable to find the town in uproar. The entire Hellknight guard has been deployed at the gates and on the walls as if an assault was expected. People entering the town as well as people leaving are being thoroughly searched, and traffic is backed up on both sides of the gates. Noticing this, and realizing that there is now a dwarf and a gnome among their party, the Coopers decide to avoid the questions and fees their appearance would receive at the gates and instead enter through the sewer tunnels. Instead of following her siblings, Daryle heads back into the woods. She will hunt for a few hours, then return through the Juliver Gate and see what information she can obtain from the guards.

The gnome Olifrit is the first one to enter the town, followed by the rest of the party through the sewers. They head directly to the secret door that leads into Dr. Mordel's basement. A few creatures are laying in clean beds, while in the corner the silver demon paces his cage relentlessly. They come up the stairs and meet Erynna, who greets them warmly. When questioned by Darelle as to what is happening, she informs them that two nights ago, Duke Mosley returned in a covered wagon. Deathly ill, he has taken residence on the top floor of the Citadel in Roscoe's old quarters. The few that have seen him report that he is bleeding heavily from a large gash on his shoulders. Magical healing has been unable to staunch the flow, and remove curses have all been ineffective. He is ghastly pale and shivers uncontrollably. Even though it is the height of summer, fires burn in all fireplaces of the Citadel. She further tells the Coopers that though Dr. Mordel's healing and alchemy skills are well known, his services have not been called for.

They then join Dr. Mordel himself in his small laboratory on the second floor. He also greets them warmly, and tells them that he suspects Duke Mosley is both dying and highly infectious, if the rumors and gossip reported by his network of informants are to be believed. Most people who can flee the town have already done so, but the Hellknights are ensuring that valuables are left behind. Hence the heavier security details at the gates. Darelle asks him what Mosley might be suffering from. Dr. Mordel replies that to the best of his knowledge the Duke was stabbed by a demon during a campaign in the World Wound, and Mosley has never recovered. He's not sure what it could be, but with magical healing not working, it has to be some seriously powerful demonic magic. Dr. Mordel might be able to analyze the sickness and prepare an antidote, but he would have to get a sample first. Concerned about herself, Olifrit interrupts the discussion and asks Dr. Mordel to restore her hands and her left foot to their proper nature. She confesses that she used to be Gerald. Dr. Mordel agrees to do so but it will require some time, extensive and very painful testing, and most of Dr. Mordel's patience, but it should be possible to at least address some of the issues currently plaguing Olifrit.

Pulling Darelle aside, Dr. Mordel also tells Darelle that her that Fort Inevitable's enemies are marshaling their forces against the town. Events are coming to a head and the fate of the town's citizens hang in the balance, he warns her. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Darelle and the remaining members of the party, minus Olifrit, head back out of town to avoid the contagion.

Thorne enters the town a little later through the same sewers wearing a disguise. He returns to his old shop, and finds it shuttered by Roscoe's orders, but it has not yet been repurposed. The rogue gathers gear, and he bids farewell to his place of commerce. He heads to Dr. Mordel's house, but Erynna turns him away and does not let him in the house. Dejected and sad that no one recognizes his role as a hero and savior of the town, he enters the sewers and heads out. Thorne manages to avoid two Hellknight patrols, but he runs into his siblings right outside Dr. Mordel's basement. As they leave, Darelle fills him on what has happened in town, but tells him flat out that she does not trust him. They emerge from the sewer outside the walls, but unfortunately Thorne is noticed by two guards and the alarm is raised. Thorne runs away, pursued by a Hellknight patrol but eventually manages to lose them.

Daryle comes in a little later with the produce of a hunt through the Juliver Gate. She encounters Bolgur, the Hellknight half-orc who leads the guard detachment. He seems very unhappy to see him, but he's generally unhappy so she's not too worried. She tells him she's been gone for four days, and she inquires as to what is happening in town. Bolgur reports that the Duke has returned with a small escort of four guards, and is now living atop the Citadel. He's real sick, and it is said he's taking it out on the staff. Bolgur then tells Daryle that Maralictor Wirt has left her a letter. He retrieves it and hands it to her. Daryle reads Wirt's message, which tells her not to enter the town but to send word she's back with a place to meet. Daryle tells Bolgur she forgot something at the farm she must get. Could he send Wirt a message? The half-orc replies that he can, but it will cost her. Daryle agrees to leave him the result of her hunt.

Half an hour later, Wirt meets Daryle outside in the shade of a grove by Mother Holworth's farm. The Hellknight reports on the event of the last three days. On top of the information already gathered by the other Coopers, Daryle learns that the Hellknight contingent that transits through Fort Inevitable every three months has disappeared. More than 600 troops have simply vanished. On top of everything else, quarterly taxes are due in three days, the merchants are stuck in Daggermark awaiting their Hellknight troops as escort, and the population is restless and panicky due to persistent rumors of infection. Wirt advises Daryle to avoid entering the town right now due to the possibility of contagion. She also tells the ranger that the Seven Foxes have all left the town. Daryle requests that a meeting be set up at the Hunters' Lodge with everyone to discuss the current situation. Wirt replies that she should be able to get them there in time for supper.

The necromancer Rowen, who has finally recovered from the betrayal of his cult, has spent the greater part of the last months rebuilding his evil forces. Having returned to Fort Inevitable, he decides to investigate Duke Mosley's claims to see if there's any way Mosley might be entreated to join him in his last days. Rowen contacts a highly placed servant in the Citadel, and that servant describes that the mental status of the Duke has deteriorated and he's been abusing his staff. The servant also reports that Duke Mosley is compiling a list of individuals he plans on executing before his death to settle old grudges. No one seems to know who's on the list, but speculations are rife among the Hellknights. Rowen wonders how he can capitalize on this situation. He decides to spread rumors through town and wipe up the hysteria that surrounds the fears of an epidemic. Throughout the day, more and more people gather to listen to speakers at the fountain boasting of the benefits of joining the Death Cult. Rowen rubs his hands in glee.

Daryle and Darelle connect at the Hunters' Lodge. There they are met by Shim Longbranch, who is very much out of breath. He has run all the way from Dimsdale to report that an army of emerald automatons has laid siege to the village. They are left by four different Geralds. Shim reports he barely managed to escape the siege. Gerald has threatened to burn the village down to the ground if a powerful object is not turned over to him before nightfall. Shim tells the Coopers that the inhabitants have fled across the bridge into the forest, but all fighters have remained behind to resist the invasion. The Dimsdalers have some experience with a siege, having suffered one only a few months back. The sisters agree to help Shim. Darelle summons her jar of cloud and they fly south, reaching Dimsdale a half hour later. Shim also mentions that his patrols have discovered that the giants have finally arrived and that they have setup a camp at the base of the Emerald Spire and could attack at any moment.

They spot from the sky four distinct forces arrayed against the village, all led by a different Gerald. They all appear to be collaborating together. Darelle and Daryle land beyond the village, connect with the refugees, and then enter the village. They meet Dunleaf Appletop, Dimsdale's mayor, who informs them of Gerald's demands. He doesn't know what Gerald wants, but he'll fight to protect his village. Daryle heads out and, under a flag of truce, meets with Gerald. He reveals that he has had a vision that the Hellknights have hidden a powerful weapon in Dimsdale. In his vision he has seen Duke Mosley use the weapon to destroy Fort Inevitable, and he wants to prevent that from happening. He's not sure what he is searching for, but he is convinced it is here in the village. If it is not turned over by nightfall, he will order an assault and burn everything to the ground. During this conversation, Gerald is joined by the other Geralds, who all agree that this is the proper course of action. All of them have had similar visions, and they all sincerely believe that they are saving the town from certain doom. Daryle informs the Geralds of the events that have transpired in Fort Inevitable over the last few days. Gerald is encouraged that his vision is coming true, and he threatens his sister with bodily harm if she remains in the village.

Daryle returns to the village and reports what she has discovered from Gerald. Darelle, meanwhile, searches the former Hellknight barrack and discovers a secret space behind a wall. In this small space she finds a lead chest. Even without any particular ability regarding the detection of evil, Darelle feels a faint trace of it emanating from the chest. The sisters remove the chest from Dimsdale and depart on their cloud. The Geralds sense that the object has been removed. One Gerald returns to Fort Inevitable to retrieve his wife and mother and save them from the destruction that's about to take place. One Gerald takes control of some automatons and heads back to the Emerald Spire. Another Gerald decides to search for the missing Hellknights, while the last Gerald launches an assault on Dimsdale with greatly diminished forces and is quickly wiped out. Darelle and Daryle head back to the Hunters' Lodge.

There they meet six members of the Seven Foxes. Dunleaf remained in Dimsdale. The Foxes advise they have about 80 fighters ready to seize key infrastructure areas of Fort Inevitable if an attack by giants and Greenhide leads the Hellknights to attempt a sortie. They are concerned, however, about the remaining civilian population still in the Fort. Darelle and Daryle agree that in case of an assault on the town, the Foxes' forces will need to remain hidden until needed to either turn the tide of battle or to remove weakened Hellknight forces. Abernard Royst identifies the object the Coopers retrieved from Dimsdale as the Octillio Crystal Sphere, a deadly weapon that could destroy a large section of the town.

In the late afternoon, feeling that the Death Cult has been sufficiently frenzied, Rowen leads a group of about 100 individuals out of Fort Inevitable. The Hellknights do not oppose this departure, correctly assuming that these discontented folks were better off beyond the wall, and possibly dead, in their quest to get rid of the powers that dwell in the Emerald Spire. Having taken refuge in a barn, Thorne spots the procession and follows it. The crowd walks down the road and passes in front of the Hunters' Lodge. Rowen senses the evil of the object newly acquired by the Cooper sisters, and he attempts to break into the Lodge. His attempts are repulsed none too gently by Daryle, and Rowen accepts for the time being to move his group away from the Lodge, bidding his time.

Omok, who also joined the Coopers at the Lodge, feels the pull of the object as well. Rowen attempts to convince Omok to join him and take the object by force, but reason prevails and Omok chooses not to align himself with Rowen at this time. Thorne, who has observed this whole exchange, also attempts to enter the Hunters' Lodge, but is turned away by Daryle. She vociferates a series of threats and advises him that he needs to step up. To prove his loyalty to the family, he must organize an evacuation of Fort Inevitable. If an assault does come, he must get as many inhabitants out as possible.

Thorne returns to town and, working with his remaining contacts, creates a plan that will safely see most of the remaining residents depart Fort Inevitable in the first minutes of the conflict. Darelle contacts Zoarth and delivers a message telling him about the alliance between hill and cloud giants and Greenhide, and request any possible assistance the cloud giant could provide. Worried about their new object, the sisters decide to hide it in the dimensional gate below the Hunters' Lodge. It's possible, but improbable, that a creature from that level of the Abyss would stumble upon it, and it would also remove its influence from the Material Plane. The sisters thus take into the basement, through the mine tunnels, and into the Abyss, before using the hand of banishment to block access again from the Abyss.

As night falls, the Coopers feel as ready as they ever will for what is surely to come on the following day.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Why does this stone talk? And why does it want to eat me?

Sarenith 27, 4712, continued

Landing at the bottom of the last level of the Spire, the Coopers suddenly realize that two of their numbers are missing. Both Thorne and Omok must have accidentally hit the Spire with travel tokens on their way down and disappeared back to the surface! The rest of them immediately find themselves surrounded by the root of the Emerald Spire, stretching in all direction. They barely have time to examine their surroundings before they hear otherworldly screams. Two towering menaces climb over the roots on either side of the base of the Spire and close in.

Upon seeing this threat, Olifrit hides behind Kazmauk and covers herself with his cloak. Unfortunately Kazmauk immediately leaves his spot and charges the Gug on the left side, landing a successful blow. Darelle uses the lichen and other mosses present on the floor to entangle the right side Gug, managing to stop it in its tracks as it struggles to break free. Daryle loosen arrow upon arrow. Kazmauk lands two great blows against his opponent but ends up caught in the entanglement. Olifrit casts deep slumber on one of the Gug. It appears to work for a moment, but it shakes it off. Kazmauk continues to land blows and finally manages to slay his opponent before turning his anger on the remaining one. Olifrit taunts the last Gug with rude gestures. While entangled the Gug cannot move, but his long arms still reach and rend both Darelle and Kazmauk, before Darelle uses her wand of magic missile and kills it.

Taking a breather, the Coopers heal themselves. They debate whether they should return to Fort Inevitable to rearm and re-equip with healing potions and other magical items, but in the end they decide to continue exploring the level, at least for now. Darelle and Daryle climb one of the roots, and finally see the rest of this large room. They notice a door in the southwest wall, as well as a root that crosses a river of lava onto another section of the cave. Kazmauk heads towards the door at the southwest corner.

Darelle makes her way across the rift and discovers a large pillar of stone. Though it doesn't have a mouth, the pillar begins to talk in an incomprehensible language, but thanks to a nifty magical item Darelle is able to understand it. Daryle merely shakes her head but observes the conversation from afar, her bow at the read. The creature identifies itself as Oorivoon, a philosopher and a guard. The two of them have a very productive conversation about life and the soul. The ranger questions Oorivoon about its purpose here. It replies that it was appointed as guardian to this room. It further explains to Darelle that a Vault Keeper dwells here, but that unfathomably powerful creature has gone insane in the eons that it has hidden at the base of the Spire, and it has not come to talk to Oorivoon in many centuries. When Darelle asks what the Vault Builders are, Oorivoon shares his knowledge of them and their roles as primordial beings. Oorivoon then explains that it is particularly hungry, and insists on eating Darelle. The ranger is caught off guard, but Daryle, who had remained behind, comes to her rescue. In the resulting altercation, Darelle proposes to Oorivoon some of the Gug meat to satiate its hunger, and Ooviroon readily agrees.

Meanwhile, Kazmauk enters what appears to be a very large alchemical laboratory. He quickly discovers that it is occupied by three vivisectionist Ropers, who are clearly intent on adding the dwarf to their collections of body parts. Kazmauk attempts to fight them off, but they prove too powerful for him, so he flees the room, but not before noticing there are several body parts of opponents the Coopers have encountered throughout their trip within the Spire, including the two mechanical legs that once belonged to Klarkosh, and the hideous head of the Mistress of Thornes.

Back in the main room, Kazmauk deals some damage to the Ropers, but they are vicious creatures and drive him back. While Daryle and Darelle find themselves chopping off pieces of the Gugs, Kazmauk crosses the path over the lava and hides behind the stone pillar known to the other Coopers as Oorivoon. Closely followed by the Ropers, Kazmauk strikes a powerful blow, and then is surprised to see two of the Ropers tangle with Oorivoon, who quickly devours one of them.

Hearing the commotion, the Coopers return to the area carrying piles of meat, and join the fray. Olifrit attempts to slap and headbutt the Roper, but misses. Daryle launches several arrows. One of the Ropers becomes invisible and ambushes the sisters from behind. Eventually, the Coopers are able to successfully conclude the battle, but they now realize that they are hopelessly outclassed without both more magical healing and items and the rest of their party. They decide to immediately transport back to the Splinterden level and trek back to Fort Inevitable before returning to the Spire for one last (one hopes) glorious mission!