Friday, November 11, 2016

Finally, a relaxing level!

Pharast 17, 4712

Abernard returns home to find his house destroyed. He immediately rebuilds the house, and for most passerbys it is as if the house had never exploded. The Coopers know better, however. Gerald brings the jar that contains a live remnant of the critter that Rowen took out of him, and he fills him in about the destruction that happened to Fort Inevitable during his absence and the discovery of the massive Azlantian star gazer machine. Abernard takes furious notes. Cassandra comes to the house and invites Gerald for dinner. Gerald skillfully dodges the invitation.

Roscoe receives the bad news from the Hellknights' Exchequer that the treasury is empty. There is just enough money to either meet quarterly payroll or the Hellknight tithing share to be sent with the quarterly convoy, but not both. Roscoe summons Thorne, and the thief justifies his actions to support the town's food acquisition since the fire, but says they can borrow easily, he just need to get a few signatures. Perhaps they should also not collect taxes this month. Roscoe approves both measures. Roscoe also receives reports that food shortages are afflicting the town, and there is increasing resentment that the Hellknights are not sharing food.

Meanwhile, representatives of the Volunteer Society, a Daggermark outfit closely linked with the Assassins' Guild, approach Thorne to offer "protection" against perceived enemies in the Poisoners' Guild. After a heated conversation, Thorne agrees to pay them 1,000 crowns a month for protection.

There has been several infections afflicting the town, including influenza and typhus. The worse, though is a devil's chill, which is spreading quickly through town. Dr. Mordel is very concerned that the overcrowding in the shelters and the arrival of foreign construction crews is fueling this disease. Darelle wants to institute quarantine measures. She brings this issue to Roscoe, who in turns instructs Gerald to cast detect magic. The necromantic disease has been brought in magically but has now transformed into a regular illness and is spreading rapidly. There are 7 to 12 individuals being infected a day. Roscoe agrees to the quarantine. Darelle seeks High Mother Sarise Dremagne of the Temple of the Golden Key and she agrees to help.

Daryle visits with Karlyle the Butcher, and he reports that none of his hunters have seen or captured goblins in the last month. Karlyle the Butcher is concerned that they are plotting something. He also reports that a far ranging hunter has spotted a pair of hill giants on the edge of the Emerald Wood. Daryle reports this conversation to Roscoe. After much back and forth he decides to send a few scouts out, but does not plan on immediately dealing with this situation.

A small group of necromancers approach Rowen, and inform him they would like to worship him. They have heard of his exploit with Gerald, and they want the opportunity to learn from him. Rowen agrees to let them live in his farm.
Omok has been arm wrestling 37 times at the Juliver Arms. He has a match coming up with Bolgur in a few days. Thorne and him plan on rigging the match by using a ring of reflection. While there, Omok hears a rumor from one of travelers from the north who is rooming at the inn for the night: Duke Mosley was badly hurt in an battle against a demon army.

After dealing with their various issues, the Coopers gather at Gerald's house and head out to the Emerald Spire. They are ready to begin the exploration of the 12th level. After a morning trek they enter the underground tunnel and transport to the Yarrix level. They then descend the stairs. After a hundred feet they reach a large hole with a ladder going down. Thorne begins the climb down, followed by the others. The thief reaches a point where the ladder has rusted away, but it seems to pick up again about nine feet below. As everyone hangs on the ladder, a long discussion ensues among the Coopers to decide how to proceed. Gerald passes a torch down, and eventually it gets to Thorne, who drops it down on the ground. It fizzles and extinguishes. Darelle throws a coin down, and it does not hit the ground.

Thorne ties himself, then is lowered down by Roscoe. The thief stops at the ceiling of the room, and waits there. Omok throws himself off the ladder and lands in the room. He immediately notices a gelatinous cube hanging from the ceiling. The cube oozes down, and combat ensues, as more Coopers drop from the hole. Eventually they manage to destroy it. Within the remains of the cube Darelle discovers a wax statue that strangely resembles herself. Omok, for his part, finds a small golden imp. Gerald casts detect magic and discovers that neither of these objects are magical.

While the Coopers argue about their next move, Thorne takes the initiative and moves down the corridor. He finds a room that features a small but now empty pool. He moves around the room, and the bronze double doors in the southern wall open up automatically. The room beyond is cozy and warm. Thorne is greeted by the head butler, an automaton's head that sits on a table. The head welcomes him to the tea room. The thief makes himself at home, and soon a servant automaton brings him a tea cup and come cookies.

The Coopers settle their disagreement and meander down the hall. They too arrive at the tea room, and soon the entire party is enjoying warm food and tasty drinks. Rowen switches personalities and is now lawful good. Roscoe asks the head butler if he can get a map, and the servant automaton returns with a map of four rooms. The servants don't venture outside these four rooms. They were assigned by the Patron to remain here and assist any who call, but the visitors have been few and far between over the last 10,000 years.

The Coopers tour the oasis. The rooms are dedicated to relaxation, and soon all of the Coopers are enjoying the services the automatons offer. Omok and Rowen get antsy, however, and they decide to explore some more. They enter the old alchemy kitchen, and they begin poking around. It appears something exploded in here a long time ago. They do not notice the crystal creatures hiding in one of the corners, and they are ambushed. The battle is joined and soon both Omok and Rowen are in real trouble. Roscoe, hyper vigilant as always, notices that they are missing, so he steps in the room weapons drawn. Soon all Coopers are participating in the fighting, but it takes effort on everyone's part to finally defeat them.

Noticing a crack in the kitchen's wall, Darelle discover a greater fire elemental in the other room. The elemental has been enslaved to fire the forge. Various molten metal parts are being crafted here. The Coopers bargain with the elemental that if they free him, he will help them. The elemental agrees, and as soon as it is free it returns to its plane. It considers leaving the forge helping the Coopers. With that potential enemy gone, the Coopers are ready to pursue their exploration.