Friday, July 8, 2016

Razmir's Archives

Calistril 7, 4712

After their discovery of the crypt underneath the mausoleum, Darelle and Daryle spend time exploring the meager records left behind in Shadowborn Manor's library. After a day and a half of searching, they decide that they will not find any more information about the origins of the family, whether in their book Shadowborn, Leaders of the River, or from any of the archival material present in the manor.

They thus decide to travel to Thronestep, the capital of Razmiran. There the government archives may contain more information about their family. This could be dangerous, however, as there is still a price on their heads for having escaped the evil clutches of the Living God over a year ago. They will disguise themselves so they appear to not be related. The Coopers  will travel overland, avoiding Mosswater and its creatures. The trip there should take between six and eight days. The Coopers ride to Fort Inevitable where they notify their brothers. They then begin the trek back to their homeland.

Calistril 9, 4712

Gerald borrows the gem of true seeing from the Hellknights, and he heads to Dr. Mordel. There he meets both the good doctor and Cassandra. Mordel uses the gem and examines the scar on Gerald's chest. Once again he remarks that the cut was done by a professional and was very precise, more precise in fact that even Mordel could achieve. After carefully looking through the gem, the doctor passes it to Cassandra and asks her what she sees. She reports that she sees a large gem embedded in Gerald's heart. She casts identify on the gem, and she detects necromancy and abjuration. Gerald tells the story of his birth and how his father was of the fey. Sometimes he leaves no tracks. He also has a few extra spells, such as a deep slumber. The sorcerer speculates that the gem may or may not be compatible with the bloodline. Could it be acting as a mild poison to him? Cassandra speculates that maybe it is a tracker for scrying, but then Mordel points out it would have been easier to hide the gem in a different spot, such as the buttocks, somewhere the scar would not have been seen. No, clearly Greenhide wanted Gerald to know something had been done to him. But what exactly? In any case, there is no way to remove the gem at the moment without killing Gerald. Mordel also points out that the only person in the area who could have made such a precise cut is Karlyle the Butcher.

Gerald then heads home to do more research on the six funeral masks he found on the 7th level of the Emerald Spire. These masks were used in Sartoss' evil rituals. The masks themselves are made with tarnished gold and feature several gems inlaid in various locations to lend a shimmering effect to the mask. Each mask uses different gems: peridot, topaz, citrine, garnet, tumaline and zircon. Many gems are missing from each mask. The craftmanship is exquisite, but the masks themselves are non-magical.

Calistril 10, 4712

Gerald goes to Falandra Nolm's bookstore and borrows some of her books to do further research on the masks. He eventually comes across several ancient references to the Children of Kabess, an obscure Azlanti cult who worshipped a demon lord. The Children of Kabess all wore elaborate funeral masks to demonstrate their willingness to die in service of their lord. It is rumored that the Masks could be used as focus for spells or as components of ancient rituals. They haven't been seen in over 10,000 years and are presumed destroyed during Earthfall.

The masks are slightly smoke-stained, and require a good cleaning and polishing. If properly cleaned, they would be incredibly valuable, despite missing several gems each and their overall poor condition after being used by Sartoss.

Calistril 14, 4712

The Coopers sisters arrive in the capital of Razmiran after an uneventful seven day trip. The city of Thronestep is only forty years old, and was built on the shores of Lake Encarthan by the Living God himself to serve as the glorious capital of his growing empire. The heart of the city is made of expensive and beautiful masonry and exotic wood from throughout the Inner Sea. But the city has grown too large too quickly, as the slums outside the city walls attest. Never having visited such a large city, Daryle and Darelle are suitably impressed, despite the chills they see at the number of soldiers deployed in the street and the omnipresent Mask of Razmir on unfurled banners and flattering portraits of the Living God placed everywhere. The streets are packed with people and wagons, and the noise is deafening.

Searching for suitable lodging, the Coopers eventually elect to stay at Merciful Inn, located inside the walls close to one of the many gates. The inn appears well run, and has a stable where they can leave their horses. They exchange pleasantries with the owner, who asks them if they are here to celebrate Razmir's historic speech, which he will pronounce tomorrow. He tells them that rumors abound that the Living God will announce new measures concerning the healing of the nation with a renewed call for religious crusades against all of their neighbors. The Coopers reply they were unaware the great Razmir would appear on the balcony of his palace, but now that they knew they would surely attend. In their room they find another portrait of Razmir. The eyes seem to be following them wherever they go. Daryle decides to cover it with a blanket.

Since the day is still young, the sisters decide to go to the Razmiran archives. The inn owner provides them with helpful directions, and they head into the heart of Thronestep. They cross over the large Absolution Bridge and enter the government quarter on the Holy Island. The Coopers are surprised that there are not as many soldiers in the streets as there are in Fort Inevitable.

The Coopers head to the archives. Located in the heart of the government sector, the archives sits across from the grand Cathedral of the Living God. The archives are housed in a large gothic building with a large portrait of Razmir on the outside. They enter the building, and head to the large counter in the center of the entrance hall. After a few questions and answers from the archivist manning the desk, they are directed to the second floor, in the north wing of the building. There Darelle discovers tax records of the Shadowborn family, that indicates several individuals departed what became Razmiran for the River Kingdoms back in 4132, after selling their estate, Ivymore, as well as their possessions. The archivist on this level tells them that older records are likely to be found in the Xer area, located on the third floor in the east wing.

The east wing's third floor is covered by large piles of books, papers, maps, and other archival materials. No one appears to be here. How will they find what they're looking for? A small voice suddenly arises from behind a gigantic pile. An old wizened man carefully steps over large volumes strewn on the floor, and tells them he's the archivist in this section. Darelle asks him where they could find familial information from the Xer area from the 3900s. The archivist asks them if there's anything they are specifically looking for, but Darelle dodges the question. The man sighs, and directs them towards one of the alcove. He tells them he's afraid not much has been cataloged and classified in this section since the archives moved here thirty odd years ago, and he wishes them luck.

The Coopers locate the alcove, and, hiding behind a desk stacked with materials, begin sifting through old records...

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