Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gerald, you really shouldn't touch that!

Erastus 2, 4711

Following their fateful encounter at the ball last night, the Coopers decide to make themselves scarce in town so that rumors will die down. Gerald meets Karlyle the Butcher and purchases Grunk’s head. They trek to the Emerald Spire. Upon arrival, they notice that many more flags of the Dark Blood tribe flutter above hoisted masts spread out around the Spire. They count over forty of them. None of the outside fortifications have been repaired in the last few weeks, and there are no signs of goblins outside the Spire itself. However, the PCs have the feeling a malevolent presence is watching them. Entering the clearing surrounding the Spire, Gerald waves a white flag.

The party is eventually greeted by two goblin riders. When shown Grunk’s head, they return to the Spire, and Greenhide himself rides out. Having fulfilled their part of the bargain, the Coopers are now allowed to enter the Spire through the front door, head down the hall, and access the lower levels of the Spire. Greenhide provides them with a bone rune token that will allow them to challenge the goblin sentinels and enter the Spire. 

They come to the stairs heading down. They prudently close the door behind them and head down. After about forty feet, they hear shuffling sounds. Two zombie goblins are standing guard near the bottom of the steps. A couple of arrows dispatch the zombies, but as they fall they make a racket. Obviously someone now knows they are here.

Exploring the room, they discover that moon spiders are present throughout the level, and that a strange green luminosity dimly illuminate the hallways. Aside from the zombie corpses, they discover a small torch in one of the corners. One of the door is locked, so they head out another door. They discover a hallway with two doors. They slug through layers of wet spider webs, and open the first door. This room contains a table pushed against a wall on top of which lie three bodies, two humanoids and one moon spider. It appears someone has been trying to rebuild the corpses by mixing and matching arms and legs. A large spool of thread, a few needles, and a ball of wax complete the room.

The rest of the party heads out, triggers a trap, and Daryle and Aidan both fall in, impaling themselves. Darelle and Roscoe come to their rescue, after Darelle fetched Gerald who was busy mapping the room. 

As they carefully make their way across the trap to the other set of doors Gerald returns to the room and touches the wax. A cage immediately drops on top of him from the ceiling, and one of the wretched creations animates and begins to fight him. Daryle rushes back inside to help him, but as the first monster is slain another one arises. Finally, the spider itself animates, and attacks. Meanwhile, Darelle is confronted by a large skeleton just inside the cage that dropped from the ceiling. She slays it, and its bones fall all over the floor. The power of the Spire is powerful, however, and the skeleton reconstitutes itself. Darelle watches in horror as sinews and muscles begin to thread themselves back on the skeleton. A more forceful attack finally slays the skeleton a second time. The party then needs to spend some time healing themselves.

Following the hallway, they arrive at another room even more full of spider webs. They discover a dead body in the middle, but are suddenly attacked by a moon spider. The party suffers significant damage, but manages to slay the spider. The room yields no valuable.

They enter another hallway, and detect another trap. The massive door in front of them opens up and reveals a large hall with a throne upon which rests a skeleton wearing a set of priestly robes. A large tapestry hangs along the entire length of the hall. Roscoe attacks the skeleton and smashes it to bits, while Aidan heads for a table full of objects.

As skeletons come out from behind the tapestry, Roscoe and Darelle fight valiantly, while Daryle twice suffers the effects of fear and runs away. As Gerald falls unconscious, the battle turns against the Coopers. Fortunately, amazing sword work by Darelle and Roscoe saves the day, and as the Bone Priest becomes visible, they concentrate their efforts on him and manage to slay him. They revive Gerald, who is now both weak and feeble.

Exhausted and tired, the Coopers decide to spend the night in the room, after securing the access points. 

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