Friday, June 12, 2015

Finally, Klarkosh!

Arodus 23, 4711

After descending to the 6th level, the Coopers arrive in a room dimly lit. In the room are two levers, a red handled one and a black handled one. Thorne pulls the red lever, and a grinding sound can be heard in the distance. He then pulls the black lever, to a similar effect. The Coopers quickly realize that these levers activate switching plates that rotate hallways, providing access to other sections of the dungeon.

They begin to explore the rooms next to the staircase. In one, they discover Klarkosh's trophies, artifacts he collected from all of his victims.They find several mementos displayed by the wizard, including a tapestry that depicts a strange royal court, what looks like melted metal, placed on a pedestal, and two weapons, a heavy mace and a broken staff. Roscoe touches the melted metal, triggering an electric trap that zaps both himself and his sister Daryle. They take both weapons with them.

Opening another door, they come upon Klarkosh's private bathroom. The bath is already drawn and the water is warm, as if the wizard was about to use it.

Continuing on, the Coopers stumble upon Klarkosh's jail and its jailer. After a short combat they triumph over the jailer, and they explore the cells. In several of them they discover strange and hostile animals, but in one of them Darelle discovers a nude man in one of the cells. He is severely dehydrated and he has wounds all over his body. After Darelle heals him, he tells them his name is
Jharun, a wizard in the service of the Goldenfire Order. Roscoe recalls that Jharun is one of the two wizards sought by Iliara Starcloak. She had mentioned to him that Jharun and Tiawask sent her a note a few weeks back saying that they were ready to explore the Emerald Spire, but since then, they hadn't been seen. She had entrusted Roscoe with the mission to find the missing wizards and bring them back alive, or at least bring their bodies back, to the Order. 

Jharun tells the Coopers that he and Tiawask were captured by Klarkosh, but that Tiawask managed to escape. He's been here all these months, a prisoner without hope. The Coopers tell Jharun how to escape the Emerald Spire, but he decides he wants to stay with them a while longer, since it seems to be safer.

In Klarkosh's throne room stands a throne and two emerald automatons. The Coopers briefly fight them before taking flight. Thorne comes up with a plan to hide his face under a heavy cloak and pretend to be the evil wizard. The youngest Cooper manages to pull it off and convinces the emerald automatons to disactivate.

The hallway from there leads to what appears to be a large training room. Two more emerald automatons stand at the end of the hall, and rows of weapons line each wall. Two sets of heavy iron bars divide the room into three sections. With the bars down, the party decides to backtrack and heads back to the throne room. There they stand next a door they had left unexplored. Thorne tries to open the door and after much effort he manages to pick the lock. Inside, they discover Klarkosh's bedroom. The room is well furnished with a large bed, a desk, chairs, and a fireplace.

Daryle finds the red and yellow silk embroidered with a K sheets attractive, and takes the bedding off the bed, including the pillow cases. Thorne is strangely attracted to the chairs, and he sits in one of them, finding it very comfortable. Unfortunately, the chair he selects is infested with a small worm-like parasite, and one of them bites him and burrows itself in his back.

Roscoe will close the flue and hope that enough smoke comes in to attract Klarkosh. He instead discovers that the stove itself is a secret door that leads to Klarkosh's laboratory. As the group debates who should go first, Gerald jumps at the chance and heads through the secret door.

In the large room he discovers a machine belching steam and creating a deafening sound. Hundreds of cogs and gears spin about, causing the ground to vibrate slightly. At the other end of the room, sitting at a workbench is a man bend over a broken automaton. Wearing a mask covering half of his face and with an artificial arm and leg, Gerald recognizes Klarkosh by the descriptions provided by various enemies on the upper levels.

Gerald considers his options, and decides that the best thing to do is to slowly maneuver towards Klarkosh and attempt to attack him from the back. Despite the noises and the vibrations, however, Klarkosh has a good view of Gerald's path, and Gerald is not all that good at sneaking anyway. Halfway to the ruler of the 6th level, Klarkosh raises his head and looks directly at Gerald, greeting him. As Gerald and Klarkosh engage in discussions about automatons, Daryle enters the room and moves towards one of the alcoves, hoping to get a good shot at the wizard. Meanwhile, Roscoe senses evil in the room, and he comes to the startling conclusion that the Klarkosh that stands before Gerald is nothing but an illusion, and the real one is hiding in an alcove. Daryle bumps into an invisible emerald automaton, and as the invisibility spell is broken, combat begins.

Darelle wedges a dagger in the steamworks mechanism, and gears stop spinning. Slowly the pressure beings to built, and soon the steamworks will explode. The Coopers engage the various automatons, while Roscoe charges the spot where Klarkosh is hiding. Thorne is injured twice, while Gerald falls to the ground after summoning various monsters. Darelle and Daryle were also severely injured, but in the end Roscoe slays the wizard, Darelle removes the dagger, and the steamworks do not explode. The master of the first 6 levels has been killed by the Coopers.

Injured and bloodied, Gerald and Thorne decide to head back to Fort Inevitable. They agree to accompany Jharun back to his order.

Roscoe, Daryle and Darelle decide to press on. The next room they enter reveals an armory guarded by a bronze minotaur. After a viscious fight in which Roscoe is grievously wounded, the Coopers slay the monster. They find Klarkosh's scrapyard which contains a multitude of spare parts, before returning to the training hall. After opening the hall's gates, they enter the Hall of Steam, where they meet a strange bioluminescent humanoid standing next to the fountain. Two emerald automatons are also in the room, recently decapitated. The Coopers cautiously approach the outsider. He tells them he rather finds the automatons fascinating, and he makes no hostile move. The Coopers leave him be and proceed to the next room, where they discover the staircase heading down to the 7th level.

Going down, they emerge in a room light by large trellises of candles, with a door in the west wall. Roscoe approaches the door but triggers a trap that incinerates the Coopers, causing them wounds that would have fell weaker people. They decide to retreat back to the 6th level and Klarkosh's quarters to recuperate.