Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Troglodytes and their God Box - NOT DONE

Arodus 20, 4711

In the last month,  Darelle worked with Dr. Mordel. She has realized that the good doctor has not left his house in the 35 years he's lived in Fort Inevitable. She first suspects he might be a vampire, but he's up and about his house during the day. She finally decides to ask him why, but he's very evasive about it. Meanwhile, she acquires more healing skills. Strangely, four people came through Dr. Mordel's clinic with slash and gash wounds, and one of them even had to remain hidden in the basement.

Roscoe was occupied with several patrols that took him all the way to Mosswater. Over the last few months, tax monies have disappeared from the Hellknights' Chancellery, and several empty chests were discovered in the ruins of the abandoned town, and they believe that more have been buried in the swamp.

Daryle has been busy hunting goblins and training her wolf to hunt with her.

Arodus 21, 4711

Business has kept the Coopers away from the Emerald Spire for the last month, but now that all siblings are back in Fort Inevitable with some downtime, they decide to head back and finally deal with Tarrin Dars. After an uneventful trip through the underground tunnels, the Coopers carefully enter the Splinterden. They make their way towards the temple, and Thorne takes a peak inside. Tarrin is gone. Inside, all that remains is her dessicated corpse lying atop a pile of finely grained black sand. The large fake book Words Behind the Mask by the god Norgurber, god of thieves and murder still lays open on the table. Daryle takes a quick look and determines that it is opened to a summoning ritual.

Darelle decides they must destroy the book, even if it is fake. They burn it on the altar along with the candles and the remaining tools, then they decide to proceed down to the next level.