Friday, September 27, 2024

Legendary - Episode 019

Thursday, June 23, 1066 SE continued ...

Mon thinks better of punching the Cardinal. He shadowsteps back to the 

Cardinal tells Anya to reveal where the book is, otherwise her sister will be whipped. 

He positions himself behind Dhuka to cover her body with his, which will allow him to remain invisible.

He casts Major image and displays the church's religious symbol above Dhuka's head.

He then uses motivational speech and prestidigitation. The five people who hear Mon will be inspired by his speech are the King, the executioner, and three high ranking guards. He disguises his voice, and announces that the child is an innocent puppet, and that her sister is being kept in chains by the Cardinal himself. He wishes evil upon this land ...

The image then transforms into the scene Mon witnessed up the South Tower.


The executioner looks up the tower, then whips Dhuka. Church must inflict punishment


Marigold insinuate that the girl is not being punished by a decision of the Church, but rather on orders from the Cardinal himself.

Branna yells that it is a miracle, that Dhuka has not been touched by the whip. God surely must be displeased with the Cardinal. 

The King pardons Dhuka in front of the crowd.

Mon whispers to the King that her sister should be freed too. He replies that this will happen in its own time, right now things must play out.

King frees Dhuka.

Branna gives the cloak to Dhuka

Branna brings her back to the Legendary and has her checked out by the doctor. 

Marigold tells Dhuka that when she goes out in the daytime, she must wear appropriate clothing. Dhuka replies she doesn't like to wear dresses.

Branna suggests that Marquess and Lady Sirenko 

adoption of Dhuka and Anya, if she was found.

Mon reappears, causing a fright to the doctor. He cures wounds on the doctor, then the doctor heals Mon's backside wound. 

Marigold tells her she's valuable to the Cardinal, especially if he has Anya with him. She needs to bring someone with her at all times.


Mon receives a message from Sir Gregory about volunteering at the Archduke's Palace for the party this evening. He sets off to find others from the Second Crew who could help, and he talks to several of the page boys to make sure they will be in attendance.

Dhuka is escorted to her room, and after a few minutes she is fast asleep.

They meet in Mon's soon to be apartment. Mon suspects that the Cardinal is looking for Anya's diary and that the Cardinal has sights on the crown. They then discuss what they should do with the diary and how they could keep her safe. 

They convince her to give the book up. Mon confirms the Cardinal has Anya,  and Marigold promises to bring another journal for her to write in. 

Herald is the only one from the Second Crew to reply he will help out

Mon sends a message to Sir Gregory that all girls working as page boys should have a specialized uniform for them to wear that would be based on the page boys' outfit. Sir Gregory replies ...



Marigold sends a pageboy to Fable pages to purchase the pinkiest and girlest  and sparkliest journal for Dhuka

Mon disguises himself, and pretends to have a wooden leg. Marigold tells her to go change. He comes back with an eye patch. 

Doctor suggests Dhuka should move to Lady Sirenko's townhouse for now. Branna sends both her and the Marquess to update on the situation and that they need to ahve a serious conversationa bout Dhuka's safety. The Cardinal was temporarily outwitted, but will seek to regain the upper hand. 

Marigold brings a set of tinkering tools hidden in her pettycoats.

Zoryany warns Mon that a surprise is in the wings, and that he might be rather shocked. Then Dr. Sadistik is introduced ...






Friday, September 13, 2024

Legendary - Preparations and Machinations

Wednesday, June 22, 1066 SE, continued

 With the King now on the island and having departed for the Heights, Captain Popov who is still standing on the balcony of the Anchor's Luck mentions to his friends Branna and Marigold he's surprised no troops have come off the warships at anchor in the bay. He's also curious that the King did not bring a bodyguard with him. Branna wonders if it is a double. Marigold suggests that perhaps some of the King's men are already here and were part of the crowd.

Captain Popov then asks a huge favor. He suggests that it would be extremely useful for a group of people to infiltrate as many of the balls and other royal events that will happen over the next few weeks to observe and gather as much information as possible. He's worried that conversations will take place that will shape the future of Katarina. Marigold suggest to Branna that the very effective and efficient network of pageboys throughout the city of Katarina could be put to good use for this mission. Most people would ignore the presence of pageboys, allowing the kids to hear conversations thought to be private. With most of the crowd now departed, Branna and Marigold head back to the Legendary.

At the same time, Mon climbs the stairs up to the Heights and nears the Cathedral. After becoming invisible, Mon enters the Cathedral. The long rows of pews are just about empty, with only a few elderly individuals praying during the noon service. An aged priest stands at the altar, conducting the blessing of the bread and wine. Using mage hand, Mon breaks a bottle on the altar, and uses the confusion the shattering creates to enter the administrative quarter of the Cathedral. Exploring the ground floor that is currently empty of activity, Mon quickly locates the Cardinal's own office. 

As he nears the closed door, he overhears a conversation taking place on the other side. He recognizes the voice of Tarasenko, one of the Cardinal's men, talking to someone clearly in charge. With the Cardinal currently welcoming the King on the dock, he deduces that it must be the Captain of the Cardinal's men. The conversation centers on current security arrangements and the religious court session that was supposed to occur today. 

Tarasenko departs, and Mon stealthily moves inside the largest office he has ever seen. Over a quarter of the administrative part of the Cathedral is occupied by an office featuring 25 feet high ceilings, large southern windows letting the sun in, a massive fireplace in the middle of the western wall, and an equally massive desk near the southern wall underneath a large cross. A small sitting area, featuring two couches, a small coffee table filled with daily newspapers, and a small cabinet with drinks and snacks are the only other furniture in this room, which echoes while the Captain paces as he's reading a file. After a few minutes, the Captain signs a few sheets of paper, closes the folder and, holding it under his arm, departs the room, locking the door behind him.

After examining the room, Mon places the listening device he acquired from Orest inside the fireplace, before shadowstepping outside into the small garden behind the Cardinal's office. He heads back to the Legendary.

Once she's back at the theater, Branna sends a message to the Marquess of Sidorov letting her know she will be over in a few hours with a replacement dress to substitute for the one Dhuka stole from her. She puts the finishes touches to the dress, then heads to Sidorov Manor. The Marquess tries on the dress, and Branna puts the final touches to ensure that it is the best fit. The dress looks amazing, but the Marquess is still sad at the loss of her other dress. During the conversation, Branna discovers that Lady Sirenko has left Sidorov Manor and has not returned. Instead, she went back to her own townhouse. According to the Marquess, Lady Sirenko was upset that the Marquess had pressed charges, and the Marquess admits she overreacted. She talked to her solicitor this morning, and asked him to withdraw the charge of stealing the dress. The religious court had agreed, but the charge of cross-dressing still stands. The Marquess is worried Lady Sirenko will never forgive her, and she misses her friend terribly.

Marigold is eating a late lunch in the Palace when Mon joins her. Marigold mentions her need for a spy network of pages to have them report to as many events attended by the King as possible. Mon agrees this is a good idea, and he will approach Nadie to make sure the page boys don't get in trouble.  He stops one of the pageboys passing by, and questions him on being a page boy, pretending he is preparing for a future role. Mon quickly realizes that around the island, all pages are boys, or at least pretend to be, and the overwhelming majority are orphans who appreciate the opportunity to earn a decent living and not live in the streets. Mon asks the page boy to meet with him and a few of his friends around 8 tonight to further discuss the role of being a page. He promises them fudge and cider.

Mon then switches the discussion to Dhuka, and he tells Marigold she should receive leniency because she was wearing a traditional page outfit. Marigold agrees, but the fact remains that Dhuka was still wearing a male outfit, which goes against the morals the Cardinal purports to enforce on Katarina. Marigold then wonders whether Dhuka actually owns girl's clothes, and she suggests to Mon they should ask Branna to make her a wardrobe the child would like to wear.

At dinner time, Pavel walks through the Palace's cafeteria, distributing a copy of the Katarina Chronicle, and mentions Sir Gregory has requested an all-staff meeting tomorrow morning at 10.  Not having heard about Dhuka, Branna and Marigold head to the Cathedral after packing clothes for the child and a few smoke bombs in case they need to make a quick exit. One of the guards at the Cathedral informs them that the religious court did not in fact meet today, but will be meeting tomorrow at 11 am.

While Mon performs in front of a half empty theater but with Captain Popov in attendance, Marigold and Branna meet with the page boys at the Palace. They report to Nadie, the head of Legendary security. Each organization hires its own pages, and the pages know who they can trust to deliver a message, and who is not dependable. Nadie does not tolerate pages who are poorly dressed, who are drunk, or who are late. There are three page work stations in the Legendary, and one at the Palace. At the Legendary, the statiosn are located in the administrative wing, off the main lobby, and backstage by the dressing rooms. Branna and Marigold explain to the boys what they are hoping to accomplish. the page boys agree to pass the word to other pages to report back information to the Anchor's Luck and the Captain, and if he's not available, to Ivan the bartender there.

Marigold tells them that if they see something, they need to say something, especially after what happened at Khoroshim  and at Sir Gregory's estate, villainous people might be out ready to sabotage open house or cause chaos. One of the page boys shows them the newspaper's listing of events in the next two weeks, thinking this is a fairly long list of possible targets. 

With the page boys gone, Branna wonders to Marigold if Dhuka had been drugged so she would fall asleep by the pond. Perhaps she had been set up.

After the play, Mon stops by Captain Popov, who thanks him for the free ticket, and tells him it was a lovely play. Mon agrees to meet with the Captain at the Anchor's Luck later in the night. After checking in with Marigold and Branna, Mon heads down the Slope, only to catch up to the Captain. Unfortunately, three of the Cardinal's men coming up the road stop the old Captain and shake him down for 6 coppers. After letting the old man go, the men continue up and stop Mon as well. Mon offers them a gold piece each, and the Cardinal's men thank his lordship for the mighty gift, and they depart laughing. As Mon heads down, he also notices that the two warships appear to have sailed away at high tide.

Catching up with Captain Popov, Mon tells him he planted a listening device inside his office. Accessing the device, Mon hears the Cardinal in discussion with another voice he does not recognizes. The Cardinal states they are running low on incense, and a new supply must be procured immediately. Mon suggests to Popov that perhaps the incense currently in stock could be replaced by a concoction that smells like skunk. Captain Popov eventually confesses that he had just been shaken down by the Cardinal's men, and Mon commiserates with him. That night, Mon loses 1 silver playing cards with the Captain and his mates.


Thursday, June 23, 1066 SE

In the morning, Branna and Mon travel to Lady Sirenko's townhouse. She welcomes them and offers them breakfast. She tells them that the only person aside from Dhuka that visited them on the day the dress disappeared was Ekatarina Vasyl, the widow of Lord Petr Vasyl, who was killed in the Khoroshim attack. The two of them talked about staffing issues for the upcoming parties and devised a plan to borrow each other's staff to ensure they had enough servants. Otherwise, no one else was there and had the opportunity to steal the dress.

Lady Sirenko explains that after the Marquess first mentioned the possibility to adopting Dhuka after getting to know her, she was taken aback and scared to lose the Marquess' affections. However, she came to appreciate Dhuka's wit and intelligence that afternoon, and saw the potential the girl had to be an excellent heir for the Marquess. To then have the dress go missing, and the Marquess press charges was too much for her, and she returned to her own dwelling. She misses the Marquess terribly, but she's still upset at her for overreacting.

Returning to the Legendary just in time, Mon notices that the warships are back in Spokoya Bay. They hear Sir Gregory introduce his friend, Sir Sergeii, who announces that the Second Crew will be presenting Masha and the Bear at the Grand Royal Opera in Sezja, and they will sail out on Tuesday, June 28. They will be in Sezja for three weeks. There will be no performance tonight, so that the theater can once again be cleaned and readied for opening night and the King's visit, as the King has asked to tour the various ateliers and work sites of the Legendary to gain a better understanding of how a successful theater works.

Rushing out of the Legendary after the meeting, Mon, Branna and Marigold cross Svetozar Plaza and join the large crowd on the square in front of the Cathedral. The Cardinal's men are there, forming an inside square currently empty of people. The city guard has also been deployed, keeping the peace on the edge of the square. At precisely 11, Dhuka is escorted out under heavy guard, and is brought inside the square. There, the charges are read, and the religious court's decision that Dhuka is guilty and will have her bare back lashed ten times for the offense of cross-dressing. 

But enforcement of the decision seems delayed. The King emerges from the Cathedral with his Chamberlain, but the Cardinal is notable in his absence. The executioner of the sentence several times uses his whip in preparation, but seems reluctant to inflict punishment. Then Marigold notices him looking up the north tower of the Cathedral. Thinking there's an assassin, she urges Mon to do something.

Turning himself invisible and using his shadowstep ability, Mon climbs to the top of the tower, only to see the Cardinal standing near the bells' opening, holding Anya in chains with a perfect view of the square below where a pitiful Dhuka is about to be whipped. Mon swings at the Cardinal ...

Monday, September 9, 2024

Phandelver Episode 013

Saturday, April 8, 1491

After returning to Phandalin, they head back to Wave Echo Cave, leaving Kaine behind due to sickness.

They pursue their exploration of the cave, encountering a ochre jelly, a goblin trap, and a giant constrictor snake. They discovered a barracks filled with bugbears, and after they were eliminated they found the space easily defended, so they spent the night to recuperate.

Sunday, April 9, 1491

After healing, they head down a corridor and discover the mine's forge. A flameskull and eight skeletons attack them. The flameskull unleashes a fireball, knocking Kite and Shifty out. Valiant efforts destroyed the enemy, and the party retreated to the barracks to heal.

Monday, April 10, 1491

Returning to the forge, they are surprised to see the flameskull has returned. Another fireball forces them to withdraw. Shady 



 Shifty: 40 gp, 20pp

Shady: 30 gp, 20 pp




Paths to explore

Wyvern on the loose

Twiggleleaf at the barn told them the direction to the dwarven mine of Wave Echo Cave from the oxen, and that they felt danger in the mine. She also tells them of the spirit in the basement, which seeks to open a portal to summon an outside entity.

Thundertree, where Mirna is from, where they used to run an herb and alchemy shop in the southeast corner of the village before it was invaded by undead. An expensive emerald is still in the shop.


Friday, August 2, 2024

Phandelver Episode 012

Wednesday, April 5, 1491

Sister Garaele entrusts them with Agatha's comb, and tasks them to discover from the banshee the location of Bowgentle's spellbook. 

Emmy and Kyrdean trade the diamond comb to Agatha,  in exchange for the location, which she identifies as Old Owl Well, where it is currently in possession of a wizard. The banshee seems eager to answer questions if pretty things are offered.

Returning to Phandalin, they share the information with Sister Garaele. She tells them that Old Owl Well is near Agatha's grove, and she tells them the Harpers would reward them if they were to bring the spellbook back.


Friday, April 7, 1491

They stumble on an ambush. Fugnar captures the last hobgoblin, who reveals there is a price on their head. The Spider has sent messages all around Phandalin informing its agents and allies that the party After eliminating the threat, they find a scroll Price on their head: Fugnar, 100 gp; Kaine, 80 gp; Emmy and Kite, 75 gp. No price on Kyrdean's head

Finding a Red-Robed necromancer of Thay camping by Old Owl Well, Kyrdean backstabs the wizard, killing him instantly. His zombies fight but are defeated. Kyrdean finds the spellbook of Bowgentle. They take the wizard's nice tent.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Phandelver Episode 011

Monday, April 3, 1491

Shifty the male Wizard and Shady the female Cleric were hired by Kaine and joined the group seven days later. During that time, the rest of the party guarded the front room of Wave Echo Cave and healed their wounds.

In the first room they encounter six dwarven skeletons and two ogre zombies. Shady starts moving bones from the four-way room into this one. 

In the next room they encounter fungus and glowing puff balls. Kyrdean is attacked by a violet fungus and goes down. Fugnar saves him, and Shady uses her cure light wounds to revive him.

Continuing on, they find a cavern filled with skeletons. As Kite and Kyrdean engage the skeletons, Fugnar enters a room and releases the wraith dwelling inside. The wraith attacks the barbarian, and he goes down, damaged by necrotic energy. It then turns it attention to Kaine, who suffers a similar attack and also take necrotic damage. Shifty hurls his magic missile but the wraith sucks life out of him too, and he goes down.

Kite, Kyrdean, Kaine and Emmy work together and soon defeat the wraith. With Fugnar, Kaine and Kyrdean damaged by necrotic attacks, the party wisely decides to return to Phandalin to seek healing.





Friday, July 12, 2024

Phandelver Episode 010

Friday, March 25, 1491, continued

Fugnar spikes the doors from the inside, preventing enemies from entering

Kaine is propped against the south door, recuperating and listening for any movement on the other side of the door.

They search King Klarg's room, and look for Gundred's map.

Emmy cures Gundred's wounds, while Kyrdean uses the potion of healing he just found to help Kaine.

Fugnar and Kyrdean throw Klarg's body on the bed, and they light it on fire. 

Saturday, March 26, 1491

The party arrives in Phandelver, and everyone celebrates Gundred's return. 

Fugnar hires a young boy for one silver a day to spy on the Red Cloaks' hideout and report back if people return.

People passing through town have been asking about them, and several details seemed to have been revealed in an unnatural manner.

Fugnar suggests they should transform one of Gundred's wagons into a cell to transport the prisoners that were thrown in jail at the town hall a few days ago.

They agree to send the two dwarven teamsters and the prisoners, and perhaps find them a position on a ship.

Kyrdean gives them 200 gp to hire a wizard and a cleric, with a one-year contract providing them with an equal share of the treasure.

Monday, March 27, 1491

They arrive at Wave Echo Cave. Inside they find Tharden, Gundred's brother. His other brother, Nundro, is missing. 

At the bottom of the pit they find a dead goblin, with a strangely shaped head and skin streaked with green. It either fell, or was pushed, from the top, and it died before the dwarves.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Phandelver Episode 009

Thursday, March 24, 1491

Having completed their exploration of the Redbrands' hidehout, Kite, Kyrdean, Kaine, Fugnar and Emma return to Phandalin to heal, sleep, restock supplies, and decide on their next course of action.

Fugnar heads to the Stonewall Inn. There, he sees that Mirna, Nars and Nilsa arrived in the middle of the night, and were housed for free.

They go at Barten's Provisions and sell a bunch of items, gaining some gold and lightening their load.

After resting and preparing, they head out to Cragmaw Castle.


Friday, March 25, 1491

Fight an ogre who was chasing four goblins

The ogre had a burlap bag in which a goblin was bound and gagged. 

Goblin tells them he works for King Grol. Fugnar remembers that King Grol had send Klarg to Cragmaw Hideout. He reveals the secret entrance at the back of the castle. 

Kill King Grol, find Gunthar.