Friday, March 31, 2017

The Coopers are steamed

Sarenith 17, 4712

Following the arrests of Thorne's associates, the Hellknights conduct muscled interrogations. All of them tell a similar story. They last saw Thorne in the first week of Gorzan, which corresponds to the same time frame as the last time the sisters saw him. Roscoe orders further interrogations. The suspects are to be kept apart from each other and under 24 hours surveillance. They are to be interrogated at least twice a day until useful information is gathered from them.

Roscoe then departs the Citadel and meet his sisters and Omok at the Juliver Arms for breakfast.
Doliber welcomes them and vigorously shakes the Coopers' hands, congratulating them on their good fortune. When Roscoe looks confused, he tells them that earlier in the morning Gerald came in and announced that he and Cassandra would be married at the end of the Festival of Songs on Rova 1, 4712. After a great meal and some discussion about their brother's insanity, they decide it is time to return to the Emerald Spire. They gather their gear, and then head out. They'll deal with Gerald later.

They trek through the blooming countryside, and soon enter the Echo Woods. At the halfway point, the sky begins to cloud over, and the greenish darkness that descends bodes ill. The sisters immediately begin looking for shelter, as another green storm is striking the area. The best they can find is a large pile of rocks that offer protection against the rain, but not much else. Still, it's better than nothing so the Coopers hide there, weapons drawn and on guard against any surprises. The green fog rolls in, the cloud cover is low, and the winds begin to howl. Lightning flashes, and rain starts to pelt the ground. For half an hour, the intensity of the storm does not diminish.

Then, among two flashes of lightning, Daryle spots seven small figures emerge from the surrounding trees. The group is under attack. She recognizes them as twigjack, which they encountered back in the forest by Dimsdale. Darelle can smell the rot in the air. Clearly something is out there. The twigjacks separate and attack each member of the party. Roscoe and Darelle emerge from the shelter to engage, while Omok and Daryle stay behind and attack from a distance. The cackling of a voice can suddenly be heard, and giant slugs appear behind Daryle and Omok. Slime pours out of them, and the space soon become extremely slippery. Engaged on all sides, the Coopers do not notice the gnarled old man emerge from the nearest tree. He rushes Roscoe, who, surprised, gets knocked aside.

With the slime saturating the area, and with rain and wind battering them from all sides, the Coopers are soon down in the slime, struggling to get up and yet still fighting their enemies. The gnarled old man taunts them and tells them their doom awaits in the Spire. Eventually, he withdraws and merges back in a tree. After everyone managed to get up Darelle tells Roscoe and Omok about their previous encounter with the gnarled old man and tells them that he is an agent of chaos, one of the many who have emerged or been drawn to the Spire.

It takes four hours, but the storm finally abates. During this time they hear strange noises in the forest, and at one point a rendering cry of pain, but aside from hints that things are moving in the distance, nothing bothers the Coopers.

In the late afternoon, the Coopers reach the Emerald Spire. They enter through the tunnel and reach the Splinterden level. Using the transport token, they arrive on the Pleasure Gardens level, then use the hovering platform by the Devourer's throne to reach the 14th level.

The Coopers descend on the platform and arrive about a thousand feet lower in a large hall. The ceilings here are 30 feet tall, and the craftsmanship indicate that significant resources and time were spent building it. A large staircase lead from the elevator platform to a huge set of stone double doors. On either side are two large statues. The whole level is bathed in an eerily green light. On either side of the doors, in their own alcoves, are two statues, as finely crafted as those they encountered in the Pleasure gardens. The first one is that of a woman wielding a sword and appearing to be leading troops in combat. A star-shaped hole in her left palm is clearly visible. Omok comprehends languages and reads the inscription written in Azlanti "Eternal is the Seal of Estrekan. Eternal is her vigil against evil."

Next to the other statue the Coopers discover a dead body. Based on her cloak, Roscoe recognizes her as Tiawask, a missing wizard from the Goldencloak Iliara Starcloak had asked him to locate. She displays no visible wounds, and from the state of the body Darelle estimates that she's been dead about four days. Omok speaks with dead and converses with the dead wizard. Tiawask tells them her story of being captured by Klarkosh on the sixth level, and explains how she escaped using a potion of gaseous form. She was unable to find a way up, so she made her way down, hoping to discover another exit. She's been meandering down here over the last ten months, and died when she placed a star shape ioun stone in the statue's palm. The Coopers then notice that this statue has a similar star shape hole in its palm, but a stone fills the space perfectly. Roscoe promises to fulfill his mission and bring the body back when they return to Fort Inevitable.

Wrapping her hands in parts of her Shadowborn dress, Darelle retrieves the eastern star ioun stone. She realizes she has a similar stone in her equipment, the western star ioun stone. She is also suddenly able to read the inscription on the statue, even though it is written in Azlanti. It reads: "Dedicated to the brave sacrifice of Lady Estrekan of Almorain Blue, Knight Commandant of the Western Star." Omok casts divination to find out if placing the stars in the reverse order would work, and the answer is that indeed that is the fact.

On the count of three, Roscoe and Darelle place the stars in their appropriate spots, and the double stone doors shimmer, then majestically open. Daryle quickly spike them in place. In the middle of this large room is a huge clockwork leviathan, surrounded by four humanoids bounds in chains by its feet. The construct releases a jet of superheated magical steam that takes the Coopers by surprise. They suffer grievous wounds, but they engage the creature. Darelle is thrown against the wall, and falls to the floor. She notices that the humanoids' eyes and mouth are sewn shut.

Roscoe leads a valiant attack but he is grabbed and swallowed by the leviathan. He lands ten feet below in the creature's stomach, a pool of boiling water. Since the water itself is not magical, Roscoe is able to withstand the heat due to the protection against heat they acquired from the Mistress of Thorns back when they headed down to the magma level. Inside in the darkness he spots what seems like a large mechanical heart. It appears easy to dislodge, but Roscoe hesitates to do so.

Meanwhile, the combat outside the leviathan continues. Daryle is grabbed by the creature and is when swallowed, joining Roscoe in its stomach. He points the heart to his sister, and she removes it from the wall. The monster keeps operating, however. Roscoe then plans to throw the heart out before the leviathan releases steam again. Unfortunately, Roscoe misjudges the timing, however, and as he aims the leviathan releases another jet of steam. Both Roscoe and Daryle are ejected while Omok and Darelle suffers grievous wounds. Roscoe drops the heart to the ground, and Omok picks it up and puts it in his backpack.

The Coopers continue to rain blows on the leviathan, and they inflict enough damage to disable the construct. As the party recuperates, Darelle looks at the four humanoids. They are humans. She carefully removes the stitches from the first person's mouth and eyes. His voice is a first raw and much disused, and Darelle can't understand a word he says. She remembers the ioun stones, and heads back out to the statues and removes both of them. Returning in the room, she sees Omok following the lead and removing more stitches from the other folks.

The first man Darelle freed introduces himself as Ithan. His companions are Efrah, Urian, and the lady Ommarra. All of them were Knights of the Ioun Star, and they had pursued the perfidious Nhur Athemon from Azlant all the way to his refuge here at the Emerald Spire. In a mighty battle they destroyed the archmage and his acolytes but the lady Estrekan and themselves were slain in the process. They were revived later by the archmage, who had indeed become a lich before the fall of the Spire, and, to taunt them and flaunt his power over life itself, forced them to endure in mock salute for over ten centuries.

As he tells his tale, Gerald walks in holding a couple of spikes, and happily returns them to Daryle. The doors to the outside world close with a ominous bang. The Coopers are once again locked behind magical doors...

Friday, March 24, 2017

Of Hellknights and Gold

Sarenith 13, 471, continued

Roscoe cracks the accounting books of Fort Inevitable, both the real ones and those kept on the side and abandoned by Thorne since his disappearance. In the latter he discovers a letter. It is clearly coded.

He spends a few hours trying to break the code before he realizes that this letter is written in a similar code he used to employ with Thorne when they were both younger, back at the farm in Novensia.

Roscoe is pretty sure that Rose is Thorne, and Demon is Duke Mosley. But who is Lotus? Roscoe wonders aloud about why Mosley's death would create civil war among the Hellknights.

Roscoe continues to peruse the books, and he also discovers the following amounts that are not accounted for, even though there are "receipts" that prove the expenditures:
  • 34,000 crowns have been paid for bonuses for the out of town workers that helped rebuild Fort Inevitable.
  • 47,000 crowns have been paid for various repairs to the town wall and other Hellknight structures around Fort Inevitable, but upon investigation only minor work was performed, and certainly nowhere near the price the Hellknights paid.
  • Finally, there are 120,000 crowns that have been paid in miscellaneous expenses, including 13,000 listed as incentive pay for Roscoe. Roscoe never received any of this money.
When Roscoe relates these findings to Omok, the hobgoblin decides to question the orb of command to discover who benefited the most from the gold that was misappropriated. The orb of command answers that the largest beneficiary of this gold was Duke Mosley. Thorne has not been seen by any of the Coopers since the sisters tracked him to Braddon's General Store on Desmus 4. Roscoe puts out an order among Hellknights to report on his movements if seen. 

As if this was not enough, Doliver Reedbank arrives at the Citadel and he hands Roscoe a list of Thorne associates, as promised during their last meeting:
  • Roger Silverfish, employee of Drurn's Tannery, who helped Thorne hoard and move food during the famine.
  • Nolan Crueleye, Nethan Scarletlance, and Ivan Browndog, mercenaries from the Salamander Company provides muscle.
  • Daman Blackelk, who ran the racketeering racket in the tent city during the winter.
  • Selif Redlyon, who works at the Poldmar stables and who is responsible for smuggling merchandise in and out of Fort Inevitable through horse equipment.
  • Ossian, who sold water from his private well at inflated prices.
  • Dwayne Saucyeye, who works at the Ironworks, melted precious metals into mundane items so it could be smuggled out.
  • Regan Redeve, who works for the stonemason Zoldor Maril, has built various structures throughout the area, and indicates 3 specific locations. 
Roscoe orders Thorne's associates surveilled, and their comings and goings logged. If they meet Thorne, he wants them all arrested.
    Meanwhile, Shim Longbranch arrives at the Hunters' Lodge along with several other youths of the area, sent by the Seven Foxes to train. Darelle gives the ranger the keys, and he swiftly gets the youths organized into training groups. Daryle is impressed by Shim's exacting efficiency. Roscoe arrives over in the late afternoon, and brings his sisters up to date on what he has discovered in the accounting books. Daryle mentions that he should talk to Wirt to get some background information on the Duke.

    That night, Roscoe, Omok and the sisters are in the Commander's office. Roscoe sends a messenger to the Juliver Gate and requests that Maralictor Wirt report to his office. When she arrives, he asks her about the Duke. She informs him that Mosley is the bastard child of Queen Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, ruler of Cheliax, and he has spent his youth at Court. It is rumored that he headed out with a large army to the Worldwound to burnish his military credentials. When asked about the reference to the Hellknights fighting each other, Wirt reports that the situation in Cheliax is tense. Not everyone agrees with the diabolical pacts that have bound Abrogail II's authority over the state. Despite marshaling forces and effort, the Queen has been unable to eliminate all opposition. As the possibility of a civil war increase, Mosley has built a base of supporters throughout all Hellknight orders and clearly plans to take control of the organization and use it. Roscoe questions Wirt which side Mosley would support, and she answers that she's not sure, but he owes allegiance to his mother. The fact that there is doubt, however, means that his support is clearly not unwavering. Daryle asks Wirt where Audara Drovust, the former Lady Commander, fits in this picture.

    Wirt replies that Audara also grew up at court, the third daughter of a minor noble at the same time as Mosley. It is believed that Mosley forced himself on her, and she has developed a hatred for the man. Upon her return to Cheliax, she purchased a barony and remained there over the last four months, developing her estate. The discussion then moves to the Hellknights and their Orders and organization. How could Mosley, who is from the Order of the Nail, be able to infiltrate and control the other Orders? Wirt speculates that he has been implementing sleeper agents for at least a decade in the other Orders, ready and awaiting his signals to throw them in complete chaos or even directly eliminate their leadership.

    After Wirt departs, the Coopers decide that the financial crisis threatening the Fort must be resolve. They decide to head back to Mosswater and retrieve more money from the treasury in the ghost city.

    On her way home, Darelle stops by Dr. Mordel's house. When he comes downstairs to meet her, she asks him if he could investigate her blue powder so that it could be replicated. He tells her he will do his best.

    Sarenith 14, 4712

    The Coopers head out in the middle of the night on their horse. They arrive mid-morning. Their first order of business is to ensure that the Food to Dye For remains a viable shelter. Their thorough inspection reveals that it indeed is. Roscoe is impressed at the quantity of bones that litter the roads. The Coopers then proceed carefully to the lighthouse. After searching the lighthouse, they find no disturbances that would indicate that someone has been in the building. Climbing to the top, they verify that the light has not been tampered with since the last time they were here. Daryle and Darelle carefully remove a section of the lense, and glance inside. Gold still glitters.

    Thus, over the course of the day, Roscoe, Omok and the Coopers manage to retrieve approximately 100,000 crowns. They place the money in old chests found in various houses around the city, then park the wagon in the warehouse behind the restaurant. While working, Roscoe wonders aloud if there was an astrologist or an oracle who might have predicted this disaster. The others do not know. Whatever happened here, Roscoe rhetorically asks.

    As the sun begins to drop, Darelle and Daryle return to Food to Dye For with the money. They carefully barricade themselves in the old restaurant. Omok and Roscoe remain in the lighthouse, curious to see what types of creatures come out at night. At sunset, Omok blasts the horn of Ovtik to summon whatever creatures dwell in the water to come to him. The creatures come out of the water, and soon the lighthouse is surrounded by some kind of undead ogres, pushing ahead of them undead orcs. They all try to climb the tower but can't. More fearsome are six-legged beasts that look like undead rhinos. They begin to meander the town, leaving the ogres and orcs behind. Roscoe and Omok debate the wisdom of attacking the undead, and eventually agree that they make great guards for their treasure, and that eliminating or greatly reducing their numbers would be to Coopers' detriment. They decide to wait.

    Unfortunately, the monsters' constant wail is grating. Omok, being deaf thanks to the horn of Ovtik, can't hear, but Roscoe begins to suffer under the noise. During the night Omok helps himself to the treasure inside the light.

    Sarenith 15, 4712

    Just before dawn monsters leave. Roscoe is completely wiped since he couldn't sleep at all during the night. The Coopers reunite in the lighthouse over breakfast. With so many chests, they decide that it would be safer to travel by cloud. Darelle summons her jar of cloud and the Coopers head back to Fort Inevitable. Roscoe deposit the money in the treasury. That should be more than enough to pay upcoming expenses and retire any debt Fort Inevitable accumulated under Thorne's trouble leadership in the treasury.

    Darelle brings back a barrel of Mosswater Dye and leaves it at the Hunters' Lodge, planning to study it and extract the recipe to replicate it in the future. Shim informs the Coopers about the progress of the trainees over the last day. He thinks that they should be ready to lead in about a month, though more time training would provide them with better odds of surviving an attack.

    Returning to the Fort, Darelle talks to Mordel about what might have triggered so many demons. He doesn't know for sure, but he suspects that an expedition by the Hellknigths about two years ago might have hastened their arrival. He also provides her with a recipe to recreate the blue pegasus. Now all she will need is to gather the ingredients. Thankfully there is a laboratory she can use at the Hunters' Lodge.

    Roscoe asks Wirt about the status of Thorne's associates. She replies that there have not been any unusual activities. With the quarterly muster and trials coming up soon, Roscoe decide it's time to round them up. They may be more talkative under arrest, and if nothing else they will provide a good spectacle for the crowd as they are executed. Warrants are issued, and Hellknights are dispatched to seize them.

    Sarenith 16, 4712

    Roscoe decides it's time to mint new Hellknights. Accompanied by Omok, they head out to the Hunters' Lodge. There, Roscoe leads Omok and three of the trainees down in the mine, where they confront the demon behind the crystal. Omok breaks the barrier after some effort, and in the fight everyone is bloodied but the demon is dispatched, and the hobgoblin and his three companions are immediately officially appointed as Hellknights by the Lord Commander himself.

    Taking a look through the gaps in the broken crystal,  Darelle sees shadow dimension beyond. How can they prevent other creatures from stepping through? Daryle suggests that they consult Abernard. The sisters trek back to Fort Inevitable and meet with the old man at his house. Abernard welcomes them, and he tells them they just missed their brother Gerald. Darelle inquires as to whether Abernard noticed anything weird or different about Gerald, and reports her beliefs that an impostor is running around. Abernard states that in fact Gerald has not been his whinny self lately, and no calamity has befallen the town.

    After hearing the sisters' plea for help in sealing the gap in the crystal, Abernard travels to the Hunters' Lodge and takes care of the problem.

      Friday, March 17, 2017

      The Foxes assemble

      Gozran 5, 4712

      Concerned over the loyalty of the Hellknight command staff, Roscoe and Omok devise a clever strategy to determine whom can be counted on. Every day, they will question the orb of command with the name of a Hellknight on the command staff and determine whether that individual is loyal to Roscoe or not. Over the course of the next 45 days, the same depressing answer is returned: No one is loyal to Roscoe. The entire command is not loyal, nor are any of the senior officers out in the field. Roscoe begins to ponder how to replace the command structure before it is too late.

      Three options present themselves to Roscoe. First, he can clean up the command staff of Fort Inevitable either by wholesale replacement or through attrition and appoint a new command staff that will be loyal to him. His second option is to figure a way to exile the Hellknights completely by clever stratagem or rapid battle attrition, and replace them with soldiers loyal to Roscoe before the next quarterly exchange of troops. The third option is to simply walk away from the Fort and its people.

      It will take Roscoe a long time to reach a decision, and he wants to talk to his siblings. Unfortunately, none of them are currently around.

      Sarenith 12, 4712

      Now back from investigating the stealing of lumber, Daryle and Darelle meet with Roscoe and report on their discoveries. First, they mention that one of the conversation they overheard on the Unbroken dealt with the rumor that Duke Mosley's injuries were serious and were getting worse. Such rumors have been swirling around Fort Inevitable for a few months now.

      They mention to him that it's time to come up with an exit strategy from Fort Inevitable. Roscoe tells them he's been thinking the same thing, and it is time to implement his strategy. He presents the options he and Omok have been weighing over the last few weeks. The sisters agree that the first option, that of replacing the command staff with new leaders is the best option. There is no realistic way to entirely remove the Hellknights from Fort Inevitable, and as for simply walking away many people in town and around depend on them, including their mother's cousin and others who depend on them for help or for work.

      Roscoe mentions that there are references in Hellknight files to an organization in Fort Inevitable called the Seven Foxes. This resistance group was decimated six years ago when two of its leaders were arrested, tried, and executed following the assassination of the former Lord Commander, Emos Varden. Since then there have been hints that this group still operates in the shadows, but none of the remaining principals' identities have been revealed. Perhaps someone can connect Roscoe with this group and survey their interest in participating in a replacement of the Hellknight command staff? Darelle says that she's never heard of this group, but Dr. Mordel probably has. The Coopers decide to go talk to him. Their plan is to invite some of the Foxes at the Hunters' Lodge, then discuss with them Roscoe's plan.

      After exchanging pleasantries, Darelle reaches the reason for their visit. She explains the dilemma the Coopers are in, and explains the three options outlined by Roscoe. Mordel agrees that the first option is not the safest, but it provides the most likelyhood of keeping Fort Inevitable away from disaster. Roscoe asks Mordel if he knows of anyone who could serve in a leadership position and be loyal to the town. Mordel provides the names of six people who could form an effective council to govern Fort Inevitable: Falandra Nolm, whom he trusts; Abernard Roysts, whom he does not trust; Karlyle the Butcher, whom he does not trust but knows he has Fort Inevitable's best interests at heart; Doliver Reedbank, owner of the Juliver Arms, whom he trusts; Mormuk Goldfoot, owner of Goldfoot's Mercantile, whom he trust; and Peter Ardra, son of Adrian Ardra, one of the civic leaders of Fort Inevitable. Adrian was executed following the assassination of the Lord Commander Varden in 4706, and Peter is currently in exile. When asked by Darelle whether he could also serve, Dr. Mordel replies that he has no interest being involved in such a leadership entity. He expresses that he has enough work with his research and his patients.

      Departing Dr. Mordel's hospital, Roscoe and the sisters decide they need to organize a meeting between themselves and members of the Seven Foxes. Getting the Seven Foxes involved, along with the citizens named by Dr. Mordel would help fill a void left with a dismantling of the Hellknight command staff. Roscoe asks his sisters where they think they should start looking. Daryle mentions that Mordel suggested Karlyle's name. Since she's on friendly terms with Karlyle, and he seems to know everyone that's anyone in Fort Inevitable, he's probably the first one the Coopers should talk to. Roscoe agrees and says that he will talk to Doliver, since he used to live there and knows the halfling pretty well. Darelle agrees to talk to Falandra. The Coopers part ways to talk to their respectives contacts.

      Daryle is the first one to reach her destination. The doors are wide open, and Karlyle is busy butchering a sheep with his assistant. They make small talk for a few minutes, and then Daryle intimates that she would like to talk to him alone. Karlyle sends his assistant away, and brings Dayle to his storage area. Daryle uses all of her diplomatic and innuendo to invite Karlyle to a dinner at the Hunters' Lodge that very night. She tells him that he can invite a friend, and intimates that she hopes members of the Seven Foxes will be present. When Karlyle discovers that Roscoe will also be there, he wonders aloud, in these times of trouble, how his return back to the Fort will be made safe. Understanding that he's asking for a guarantee of safety that this is not a Hellknight trap to catch the resistance, Daryle personally vouches that he will neither be harmed not impeded. Karlyle agrees to meet her there at dinner time.

      Roscoe arrives at the Juliver Arms. As he enters, the conversation among the numerous guests gathered for lunch swiftly come to an end. He steps to the counter, and is greeted by Doliver Reedbank. They talk for a few minutes, then Roscoe notices that the place has emptied rather quickly. He takes this opportunity to invite the halfling to a meeting at the Hunters' Lodge. Doliver agrees to meet him there at dinner. Roscoe steps outside, and waits around the corner. The departed guests all return inside the inn. Roscoe shakes his head and walks away. This is another reason to implement his plan!

      Darelle walks to Nolm Bindery and is greeted by Gerald, who appears to be balancing the books. Something is off, though, and she can't quite put her finger on it. She meets Falandra in the back of the store, and asks her if she's noticed something strange about Gerald. Falandra replies that indeed she has. Gerald has not screwed up anything nor has he destroyed anything of significance in the last month. Darelle shakes this off and invites Falandra to dinner tonight. She agrees to attend.

      In the afternoon the Coopers arrive at the Hunters' Lodge. Darelle prepares a sumptuous meal. Daryle patrols the grounds. Roscoe prepares his argument. Around five, the guests begin to arrive. Karlyle is the first one there, followed closely by Falandra and Abernard. Soon, Doliver and his cousin Dunleaf Appletop also cross the bridge. High Mother Sarise Dremagne , head of the Temple of the Golden Key arrives next. This surprises Roscoe, but not as much as the next guest to arrive: Maralictor Wirt! Finally, old Mother Holworth is the last to arrive. There are now seven guests at the Hunters' Lodge.

      Roscoe questions Wirt and asks who invited her. Mother Holworth discreetly nods at the group, and Karlyle reveals that he invited her. Wirt may not be loyal to Roscoe, but she appears to be loyal to the people of the Fort. Roscoe then presents his plan, with the hope that the Seven Foxes could take a leadership position. Mother Holworth retorts that they are not willing to stick their neck out at this time in case his plan backfires, but they know some reliable young folks who could step up and fill these roles, with the Seven Foxes remaining in the shadows for the time being. However, Dunleaf adds, they have a condition. Thorne and his various associates and enterprises must be dealt with. Roscoe tells them that Thorne has already lost access to the treasury, and that he is more than willing to deal with his associates if Dunleaf could provide a list of names. Dunleaf agrees to do so. Darelle talks with Dunleaf Appletop about the missing lumber and reports what her sister and her discovered. Dunleaf is pleased that at least the wholesale theft of lumber from Fort Inevitable has been dealt with. Falandra agrees to take a look at the bookkeeping Thorne did while in charge.

      Satisfied with their meeting, the Seven Foxes depart. The Coopers return to Fort Inevitable soon after. That very night, Falandra delivers three forged letters to Roscoe.

      Sarenith 13, 4712

      In the morning, Roscoe requests his top three commanding officers to meet with him, one at a time. Using Falandra's forged letters, he informs them that he has received news from the Hellknight hierarchy that several forts have recently lost their commanding officers, and due to their tireless and devoted services, they are being promoted but most leave immediately. By the end of the day, all three have ridden away. Roscoe's plan has begun!

      Friday, March 10, 2017

      Who knew a jar of cloud would be so helpful?

      Desnus 6, 4712

      Early in the morning, Darelle meets Dr. Mordel and informs him about their adventure at the Hunters' Lodge the previous night. She describes to him the type of demon trying to break through a crystal barrier. Mordel tells her that he's not familiar with this type of demon, but without knowing more details, he still thinks that if the demon had been powerful enough it would have already broken through the barrier. It's unlikely that the demon will manage to break free any time soon. Darelle tells him that the miners seemed to just have reached the crystal, and with the rubble standing in front of the crystal even if he breaks through he will be slowed down. Just in case, however, Mordel gives Darelle a metal glove and tells her it is called a hand of banishment. He instructs her on how to use it. Darelle also asks him about her jar that she discovered. After carefully examining it, he looks impressed and tells her it is a jar of cloud.

      After an early lunch, the Cooper sisters head back to the Hunters' Lodge. They peruse the building again and discover a set of keys that can be used to secure the space. They head back inside the mine through the basement, and find that the demon still hasn't broken through the crystal barrier. Daryle places the hand of banishment against the crystal. They then return to the ground floor and secure the Lodge as best they can, before returning to Fort Inevitable.

      That evening, Darelle and Daryle meet with Gerald at his house for dinner. He has managed to remove most of his unwanted guests and is now sharing his house with one family of seven, which is a vast improvement on the 15 other people who moved inside his house following the devastating fire that destroyed much of Fort Inevitable. During dinner, Daryle mentions the spellbook she had seen Gerald carry away from Abernard Royst's residence. Daryle voices her suspicion that Nissa might have been impersonating him, and that if it were in fact Nissa she was stealing a book again, hoping that Gerald would get caught. Gerald is indignant that his sisters would accuse him of stealing. After all, he's nothing like Thorne (examples here, here and here).

      With this issue settled, Gerald reveals what he has discovered about the missing lumber. A vast quantity of lumber has been taken by unscrupulous caravans to Mosswater, a city well known to the Coopers. The cargo wood is unloaded early in the morning, after the monsters that dwell there have retired for the day, and the caravan swiftly leaves. The next caravan that follows, a few days later, repeats the process. The wood is always removed by the time the next delivery comes. Gerald reports to his sisters that his investigation has led him to a series of ships, which ply the West Sellen river. These ships, all commanded by notorious rogues, are removing the wood and taking it down river. He has been unable to track where the wood is unloaded, however, so he has devised a plan, and Roscoe has agreed to see it through. Gerald has arranged for another cargo of wood to be delivered to Mosswater. Since the shipments have only been stopped for two weeks, it is unlikely that all ships involved in this illicit trade are aware that the Hellknights have suspended deliveries.

      His investigation indicates that the Last Song, a ship owned and commanded by Elloise Drake, will pick up this wood and deliver it. He suspects that Elloise Drake is in fact the notorious Lady Wavedancer, a remorseless pirate captain. She has a well-knit crew, which means it is nigh impossible to join as a crew member. Thus, Gerald proposes that Daryle and Darelle smuggle aboard the ship on its stop prior to Mosswater in a specially designed crate. They are then to remain hidden until the wood is loaded and delivered. Gerald provides them with a letter of authority signed by Roscoe allowing Drake's arrest for piracy. Thus, the goals are two-fold. First, locate where the wood goes. Then, take custody of Drake. If possible, the Cooper sisters are to accomplish both tasks. If not possible, tracking the wood is more important.

      The crate Gerald designed is large enough to accommodate both sisters. It possesses two secret doors, on either end, that can only be opened from inside. The crate contains food, drinks, blankets and pillows, reading material, a source of light, as well as  a self-emptying chamber pot. If the crate is opened, it will appear to be full of china thanks to an illusion created by Abernard Royst.

      Daryle asks him how long he thinks this will take. He replies that it is his understanding that the Last Song will head down the Sellen River to Cassomir at the mouth of the river by the Inner Sea. Gerald surmises that the wood will be unloaded along the way. The sisters agree to this scheme, and immediately depart for the small village of Warren, the Last Song's last stop before Mosswater.

      Desnus 7, 4712

      The sisters arrive in Warren early in the afternoon, in time to hide in the container before it is delivered and loaded aboard the Last Song. As Gerald expected, the container is opened, but the crew is tricked by Abernard's illusion. Along the way, Daryle plans on stopping in Daggermark if time allows. Over the course of the evening, Darelle and Daryle are able to ascertain that the ship possesses a crew of thirty humans. They also notice Drake and her tall bodyguard and second in command. A monk in appearance, he presents a fearsome figure and is likely to make ranged combat difficult, if not impossible. Aboard the ship is also a strange catfolk sailor who loves to demonstrate his skills with the rapier any chance he gets. The Cooper sisters overheard other sailors call him Whalerider.

      The remaining cargo aboard the Last Song consists of fine clothes, barrels of Zelnaux wine, and seven boxes labelled "nails." A large empty space sits below the hatch doors. This seems to be the space where the wood will be placed as it is loaded aboard the ship. That night, in a plot reminiscent of their encounter with the giants, the Coopers decide to poison the crew's food the next night, and repeat the process over the next couple of nights so that the crew is not sick enough to be unable to sail, but miserable and tired enough to not put up much of a resistance if the need arises for the sisters to commandeer the ship.

      At night, once everyone but the night watch has been sleeping, Darelle, disguised as Short Mike, one of the sailors she saw earlier in the day, leaves the safety of the crate. She explores the kitchen and poisons the gruel by dropping a powdered substance of her own concoction in it. In the storeroom she discovers that there is a large quantity of liquor on board. She reports her findings to her sister, and Daryle speculates that the ship probably also acts as a floating casino along the river.

      Desnus 8, 4712

      Midday, some of the crew begins to show digestive issues as the frequency of trips to the heads increase. That night, Darelle repeats the poisoning process in the gruel. As she sneaks around the ship, she once again notices Whalerider practicing his swordsmanship atop one of the mast's booms. He looks down and winks at her. There's no way he saw, her, did he?

      Desnus 9, 4712

      The ship pulls alongside the main dock in Mosswater mid morning, and the crew begins to load the wood aboard the ship. Darelle takes her potion of invisibility and climbs to the deck to see who is loading the wood in Mosswater. Only the crew is present, confirming what Gerald said. It takes three hours to load up the cargo, and the crew appears very skilled, as if they have done this very thing a number of times. During the loading, Darelle disembarks the Last Song. She finds a abandoned building with a small courtyard. She plants a sapling of the rainbow star flower she harvested in the Pleasure Gardens.

      That night, Daryle comes out of the container and marks the wood "Property of Fort Inevitable." Darelle ventures out to the galley and poisons the gruel. Whalerider is once again practicing his swordsmanship, this time on the forecastle's railing. What a strange catfolk, she thinks to herself.

      Desnus 11, 4712

      The Last Song docks in Daggermark in the afternoon. Some cargo is unloaded after customs inspectors visit the ship, and new cargo is taken aboard. The wood is not moved and remains on board. Throughout the night the Coopers see a steady stream of civilians come down to the crew room and gamble the night away. Daryle was right in her speculations. Unfortunately, Darelle is unable to poison the gruel that night.

      Desnus 12, 4712

      The last of the gamblers depart the ship at dawn, leaving their earnings behind. The Last Song sails from Daggermark soon afterwards. Darelle poisons the gruel, but almost runs into Whalerider, who was coming out of the ship's head. He looks straight at her for a brief second, before continuing to his destination. Did he see the sneaking ranger?

      Desnus 15, 4712 

      The Coopers are awaken by the sounds of hushed rushing. The crew is in a hurry and all men are carrying weapons. Darelle comes out of the container and looks out a porthole. The Last Song is hot on the trail of another ship, and soon the sounds of cannons reverberate. The Last Song closes in and the crew boards the other ship. Quickly the other ship is pillaged, and new cargo is lowered into the hold, blocking most of the paths. The containers are labeled Albury of Woodsedge, which happens to be the Last Song's next stop. Daryle surmises that this might become awkward if a customs agent searches the ship when they pull into the harbor.

      That night, along with poisoning the gruel, the Coopers discreetly rearrange the cargo so there is more room for them to move around the hold. For once, Whalerider is nowhere to be seen.

      Desnus 17, 4712 

      The Last Song arrives in Woodsedge. Evidently a bribe is exchanged because the customs inspector does not come to examine the cargo hold. A few items are unloaded, then the ship quickly departs. The sisters reason that the delivery point must be getting closer. Darelle ups the dosage and poison of the gruel. Whalerider is once again seen practicing his skills, this time atop the crow's nest as he passes the time as a lookout.

      Desnus 21, 4712 

      The Last Song arrives in Bellis, transfers some cargo, and departs the same day. Daryle discover that this area's favorite drink is known as the Forester's Special. The sisters are getting sick of this trip, and they have now read every book aboard the container. They're getting sick of encountering Whalerider in various places around the ship at all times of the night, always practicing his skills. Every time, it's almost like he can see them for the briefest of instants.

      Desnus 24, 4712 

      The Last Song arrives in Cassomir and unloads much of its cargo, except for the wood and the Coopers' container. No other cargo is loaded. The crew moves noticeably slower and their efficiency has been reduced dramatically due to the poisoning. Many civilians come on board that night to play in the ship's casino.

      Desnus 25, 4712 

      The Last Song departs Cassomir at high tide. Gerald had intimated that Cassomir was the last stop on the ship's route before returning north, but clearly this is not the case as it enters the Inner Sea and continues to head in a southwesterly direction.

      Desnus 27, 4712 

      Out at sea, the weather has deteriorated. The sea gets choppier and the sisters are soon sick. A bell rings, and the crew activates, as much as possible with most of the members still sick with food poisoning. Darelle smuggles out of the container. A large warship looms in the distance, and the Last Song is closing fast. Darelle is worried that the crew might try to attack the unsuspecting warship.

      This proves not to be the case, however, as the Last Song approaches then ties in with the other ship. Soon the crew begins to transfer the lymber from the Last Song to the warship. Darelle uses her potion of invisibility to sneak around the ship. The warship is named Unbroken, and she spots Hellknights on the bridge, including one who served in Fort Inevitable last year. Darelle manages to board Unbroken and stealthily reaches the captain's quarters. There, the Hellknights are discussing the lumber's arrival and what it portends. They have heard the rumors that lumber would no longer forthcoming from Fort Inevitable, and they were about to give up their vigil. Now they plan on remaining here for another two weeks and see if more lumber arrive. In two weeks, they will sail back to their homeport of Westcrown. They also discuss the news of Duke Mosley's injuries, and they worry aloud that were he to die it would be a dire news for Cheliax.

      As the lumber is transferred over, it is clear to Darelle that this ship could hold the equivalent of four times the lumber carried in the Last Song. Meanwhile, back on the merchant ship, Daryle secures everything in the crate and packs their bags in case the sisters must perform a hasty exit. Darelle returns to the ship and reunites with her sister, filling her in on developments aboard the Unbroken. Darelle sends one of the birds of the tree token to notify Gerald of what has happened.

      In the evening, the ships separate and the Last Song turns around and heads north, though they can't see him, the Coopers feel that the solitary figure looking back in their general direction as the ship slowly disappears over the horizon is Whalerider. At night, Daryle rummages through the clothes and finds several sets of fine clothes and appropriates them. Darelle takes food and places everything inside the chamber pot portable hole. The sisters then leave the Last Song by riding a piece of cloud from the jar of cloud. They hover above the Unbroken for the night, but when it is clear the ship will not move, they depart at dawn, and head east towards Westcrown.

      Sarenith 10, 4712

      For two weeks the sisters float eastward in their cloud castle. At dusk, they arrive above Westcrown. A short investigation does not reveal any information about the Unbroken or the ultimate location of the lumber delivery, but the Coopers do come across several signs that tensions are brewing in the former capital of Cheliax, and that a civil war is possible in the near future.

      During the Coopers' absence, Dr. Mordel discovered that the poison dropped in Fort Inevitable's water supply was an alchemy blend of dark reaver powder, paraffin and extract of hoya carnosa. This poison, when diluted, affects a person's Constitution and can cause death. Those who do not die suffer as if they have a a terrible flu but manage to recover within a week. They can, however, contract another bout if drinking contaminated water.

      Sarenith 11, 4712

      The Cooper sisters employ Darelle's blue pegagus and accomplish what took them nearly a month and a half by ship and cloud in a single day.  month-long trip from to Fort Inevitable. Daryle and Darelle think that the time has come to create a new Hellknight command structure. They will talk to Roscoe about it tomorrow.

      Saturday, March 4, 2017

      The chess game has started

      Desnus 4, 4712

      Daryle is on Hellknight patrol in the middle of the night walking with her sister Darelle and two other soldiers when the sisters notice suspicious activity near one of the wells. A man is sitting by the well holding a keg of wine singing Hooray, it was inevitable softly to himself. Daryle talks to the man and he is clearly intoxicated. In the conversation, the drunk reveals that he got the keg from Thorne, but he was told he wasn't supposed to say that. Daryle arrests the man and orders the Hellknights to escort him to the drunk tank and to place the keg in evidence. She quickly examines the keg and notices that it is from the Zelnaux winery. They shackle the man's hands, and leave with him and the keg.

      Meanwhile, Darelle smells the well and it resembles the plant hoya carnosa, take a sample of the water and notices it is very waxy. This well, much like many others in Fort Inevitable, has been contaminated with a waxy substance. She packages the water in a jar for further study.

      After some waiting for the two soldiers to return, the Coopers decide to head back towards the Citadel. They discover the prone figures of the two soldiers. Daryle checks for vital signs but she sees severe puncture wounds. There is no sign of the drunk, but the keg lays on the ground. The wounds are similar to those inflicted to the Juliver Gate guards a month back. Daryle sounds the alarm, and as soldiers arrive on the scene she reports the incident, and she requests that Commander Roscoe be notified as well, even though he is on patrol with a party of Hellknights in the mountains, searching for the giants.

      While examining the Zelnaux keg that has been left behind, Darelle discover that the keg has a secret hinge that opens a hole in the top. When leaned over, this hole could be used to dump the contents of the keg out of it without being noticed. Unfortunately the keg is empty, but it still smells like hoya carnosa.

      Wanting an explanation, Darelle and Daryle decide to go and find their younger brother Thorne. They locate him in Braddon's General Store as he is about to open his doors. After a headed conversation he reports that he doesn't know anything about the water being poisoned, but he suspects the poisoners from Daggermark. He also acknowledges that he did sell kegs of Zelnaux mead, and his most recent sale, of 7 kegs, was to the Hunters' Lodge. When asked by Daryle, he produces a liquor license he obtained from the Hellknights. He also tells her that he actually doesn't own the mead but acts as a broker between Mayor Dunleaf Appletop and other parties interested in this rare beverage, so even if he did not have a liquor license, which he did, he never owned any liquor himself and therefore would not be in violation of any Hellknight ordinances.

      Daryle informs him about the millions of board feet missing. Thorne professes not to know anything about it, and for some unknown reason Daryle believes that his surprise is genuine. Thorne had not heard about the wood being stolen, and he vows to investigate and find out how he can get a cut. Perhaps Gerald has discovered something since he was asked to look into the topic.

      Darelle decides to bring the sample of the water she collected from the well to Dr. Mordel. The good doctor agrees to investigate the waxy water and perform alchemy checks. Darelle wonders if there's some illegal dumping going on. It does seem like a strange way to get rid of whatever this substance is. Dr. Mordel tells her the local priests are treating the water, but they can't keep up. Clearly someone is still contaminating the water. In Fort Inevitable, most wells are about one hundred feet deep and reach the water table, but in a few cases the wells had to be dug to about one hundred and fifty feet. It is believed these wells tap a different water table. However, wells from both depth have been contaminated.

      The Coopers decide to head over to the Hunters' Lodge, on the outskirts of the forest. The place looks as it always does, but there are now three very mean looking and well trained dog, as well as two men on the deck who appear involved in casual conversation but are in fact guarding the place. Daryle approaches and asks to speak with the owner. The lodge's president introduces himself as Vorkstag and listens politely to Daryle's inquiries. After some back and forth he agrees to let her look at his wine cellar even though she doesn't have a search warrant. In the cellar Daryle discovers the lodge only has two barrels and not the seven Thorne claims to have sold. Was their younger brother lying to them?

      Back in Fort Inevitable, Daryle and Darelle pay a visit to Karlyle the Butcher. He tells the sister that the last time he had contact with the lodge's president, Peter Dusk, was about two months ago. Come to think of it, he has not seen any of the hunters for at least a month. The sisters consult the tax rolls. The quarterly taxes were paid by Vorkstag, the new club president. Darelle writes down a timeline in a her notebook:
      • 73 days ago, Karlyle claims that this is the last time he saw Peter Dusk, the hunter also known to Daryle.
      • 36 days ago, an assassin kills Hellknight guards at the Juliver Gate. There are reports that many of the wells in Fort Inevitable have been poisoned, and there's a confrontation between Roscoe and Karlyle the Butcher. An assassination atttempt on Roscoe's life results in the destruction of a newly erected apartment block.
      • 34 days ago, all of the ruffians and workers from Daggermark are tricked into leaving Fort Inevitable on rumors of a gold rush in the hills.
      • 30 days ago, paperwork is filed with the Hellknights indicating that the Hunters' Lodge has a new president.
      • 7 days ago, the Cooper sisters resolve the confrontation between the Hellknights and the villagers of Dimsdale.
      • 5 days ago, Thorne brokers the sale of 7 kegs of Zelnaux mead with the Hunters' Lodge.
      • Today, the sisters discover that one of these kegs is used to poison at least one well in Fort Inevitable.
      Daryle thinks the wells should be locked. Darelle thinks the wells should be guarded. Both of these measures should be implemented to stop the contaminated process. Plain clothes officers should be placed next to wells. These ideas are suggested to Maralictor Wirt, who agrees to the measures and dispatches soldiers immediately.

      Darelle goes back that evening Dr. Mordel's neighborhood patrol could guard the wells. Mordel tells her that his sources report a master alchemist from Daggermark is involved in the plot to poison the residents and the Hellknights of Fort Inevitable. Dr. Mordel says that his agents will keep an eye on the wells. When Darelle questions whether an alliance of assassins and poisoners could truly take place, Mordel responds that if their target was a common enemy, they may be able to put aside their differences.

      Daryle tells Mordel about the missing members of the hunter's guild. Mordel replies that he will try to find out as much as possible.

      The sisters meet again with Thorne, who claims not knowing why both guilds would want him dead. He speculates that the presence of demons indicate that Duke Mosley, who is a member of the Order of the Nail, and has an not-so-secret interest in demons, might be behind the overall plot, maneuvering pieces like the assassins, the poisoners, the Mistress of Thorns, the giants, and Greenhide and his goblins like so many pieces on a chessboard.

      Darelle then talks to Falandra about manufacturing evidence against Thorne to get him demoted. Falandra replies that it shouldn't be too hard, but maybe the sisters should address themselves to Maralictor Wirt while Roscoe is gone first. They do so, and Wirt is more than happy to immediately suspend Thorne's access to the treasury.

      Desnus 5, 4712

      Passing through town in the morning, Darelle finds a message waiting for her at the Juliver Gate. Dr. Mordel urgently needs to see her. She goes over to his house, and he tells Darelle that there are 22 members of the poisoners' guild in the hunter's lodge. He also shows her the prisoner he captured in the night. The demon is currently captured behind a series of walls of forces in Mordel's basement, and the good doctor will attempt to get as much information as possible from it.

      Leaving the house, the sisters run into Gerald who tries to hide that he is carrying a spellbook. He was coming from the direction of Abernard's house, and he looks suspiciously guilty, as if he had borrowed the book without permission.

      In the evening, the sisters trek to the Hunters' Lodge. The sisters fire arrows and slay the guard, then Darelle entangles the dogs under the porch. They break into the lodge and interrupt a card game, only to let one of the guards escape. He returns with a team, but in no time the Coopers dispatch them all. Exploring the lodge, they discover an alchemy lab on the second floor. Darelle finds a jar of cloud.

      In the basement they discover over 40 barrels of Zelnaux mead behind a secret wall. They then find another trap door leading downward. The latter takes them about 150 feet below ground, in a series of tunnels. Someone has been mining crystals. They locate the rest of the poisoners' crew, who are running away. The sisters manage to eliminate them all, then they track what had scarred them. In a wall at the end of one tunnel, they discover a clear crystal window, and on the other side is a frightening outsider who appears to be trying to break free. The sisters wisely decide to withdraw, and they return to Fort Inevitable.