Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Phandelver - Of Oxen and Faeries

Friday, March 11, 1491

Getting up with the first rays of a new sun, Fugnar leaves his comfortable bed and heads down the stairs to the common room at the Stonehill Inn, where the wonderful smell of freshly made bread and cooked bacon combine into a pleasant odor. Though he is up early, Fugnar is surprised to see that someone is already sitting at the bar. Toblen Stonehill, the proprietor, introduces Fugnar to Dice, a dragonborn wizard who arrived during the night. Toblen serves Fugnar with a heavy plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, four slices of fresh bread, and freshly churned butter. The meal is excellent, and soon Fugnar and Dice are sharing stories of the wilds and of their adventures.

Gundred Rockseeker told everyone to be back at Barthen's Provisions by 8 am, but by half past 7 Fugnar is still the only one present in the common room, and he starts to worry. He heads back upstairs, and knock on the doors to Kritza, Kaine, and Kyrdean, only to learn that all three of them ate something last night that did not agree with them, and they're too sick to get out of bed. Returning to the common room, Fugnar asks Dice if he would like to work on a caravan, given that they're now short staffed. Dice agrees to check it out.

Meanwhile, back on Alderleaf's farm, Kite wakes up at the crack of dawn when Alderleaf enters his barn to milk the cows. She helps him, and in exchange he brings her a steaming hot breakfast of pancakes, fresh fruits, and a hot mug of coffee. Now satiated, Kite heads back to town and enters the Stonehill Inn. Fugnar greets her loudly, then introduces her to Dice. They shake hands, before departing the inn and walking the two blocks to Barthen's Provisions. Gundred stands animatedly by the fenced gate to the courtyard, and he throw his fancy hat on the ground before stumping on it in front of Sildar, who is frowning slightly, a visibly upset Dori, and an unperturbed Durgan.

Kite inquires why Gundred is so upset. He tells her that the caravan's four oxen have been stolen, right under Emmy's nose. Fugnar asks the dwarf were the Tabaxi is, and he replies she's still sleeping in one of the caravan's wagons. Fugnar enters the wagon, and notices that Emmy is in fact still sleeping despite the racket outside. He notices a light sprinkling of pale blue powder on her face. He claps in front of her face, and she does not wake up. Dice takes a look at the blue powder, and clearly, this sleep is magical. Dice identifies the powder as fey sleeping powder.

Gundred is worried about his animals. There's evidence that someone was here, and the animals were led away. Kite tells him they will investigate who stole them, find the animals, and bring them back. Gundred offers each of them 20 gold pieces if they bring back all four of them so that the caravan can depart back for Neverwinter. Fugnar informs Gundred about the sick members of the caravan, and the dwarf swears loudly before stomping on his hat again. Kite, worried for the hat, redirects his energy, and says that by the time they get the oxen back, everyone should be back in good health. Mollified, Gundred picks up his hat, and dusts it before putting it back on his head. Sildar has an amused look on his face.

Examining the warehouse and the work yard, Kite notices several sets of smaller footprints moving around the pen where the animals were sleeping. It looks like goblins were in this space last night. Looking at the tracks, Fugnar determines that the oxen were not dragged out, but instead stampeded out of their pen and out of the gate, before heading out of town. Fugnar, Kite, and Dice follow the tracks left by the oxen. They ran out of Barrthen's Provisions, and headed south of Phandalin. The tracks are easy to follow, and Kite, Fugnar and Dice soon reach an abandoned farm house about 10 minutes outside of Phandalin. The tracks leave the road and clumb up the path leading to the rundown house. A large barn stands behind the house, and several ancient-looking trees which have seen better days pepper the property. 

Kite follows the road a few more steps, then jumps over the fence and sneaks to stand by a tree, providing archery cover if it is needed. Fugnar and Dice carefully walk up the path, weapons drawn. The tracks head to the left side of the barn, which leads to the barn's basement. Fugnar heads to the barn, while Dice stops by the house.

Abandoned house and barn

Looking inside the house through a broken window, Dice spots hundreds of stick bugs crawling all over the ruined kitchen furniture and implements. It seems odd, considering that it is March, and the weather is still cold. Based on the layer of dust on the ground, Dice is sure no one has been in the house recently. He leaves the house and joins Fugnar by the barn.

Descending the path to the barn's stone basement, Fugnar sees the tracks disappear inside. Everything is pitch black underneath the barn. Fugnar throws a torch, but no light comes from the basement's interior. Both Fugnar and Dice hear soft music coming from deep inside, and they can also hear the bellows of an ox. Throwing caution to the wind, Dice enters the barn's basement, and is no longer visible.

Not seeing any threat, Kite leaves her guard post, and joins Fungar, who tells her what Dice did. Kite can also hear the music and the sound of oxen. Looking at each other, both Fugnar and Kite shrug, before entering the barn.

They join Dice at the end of a small grove of trees, in the middle of the night. Seven large pillars of stones stand about 10 feet tall, surrounding a small pond. Trees encircle the pillars, and the air is thick with stick bugs flying or resting on the pillars. The four oxen stand by the pond, in a sleep-like trance. Kite and Fugnar both notice they no longer have their collars. Looking up at the sky, Fugnar notices that the stars and constellations do not resemble those from home.He also sees the outline of the portal that can take them back home right behind them.

Now that they are here, the music they were hearing comes from this grove, and is produced by the stick bugs rubbing their hind legs on the stones, each of which produces a different tonality.

Fairy grove

Kite takes our her sprite flute and attempts to match the music. Despite not being a musician, she does a passable job, attracting the attention of several stick bugs that fly by her. A large stick bug, about five feet tall, detaches itself from the northernmost pillar, and morphs into a smooth humanoid shape, roughly as tall as a human child of ten. The fay walks forward and stops by the oxen, petting them before greeting the visitors in a singsong Common, and asking them their purpose in visiting the grove.

Kite introduces herself and her two companions, and tells the fay they are here to retrieve the oxen. The fay introduces themself as Twiggleleaf, the leader of this First World grove, and they tell Kite and her companions that they heard the bellows of the oxen as they were threatened by three goblins. Twiggleleaf and their friends came to the oxen's rescue. They captured the goblins, and freed the oxen and invited them to come to the grove to find peace and calm. Twiggleleaf tells them the oxen have said they are happy to be here and would like to stay.

Kite politely argues that the oxen must return with them, because they have a job to do and they are stranding a caravan, and a lot of people depend on their labor. Twiggleleaf briefly talks with the oxen, and then reports that they agree to go back, provided they get more food and more gentle care. But first, Kite, Fugnar and Dice must solve riddles asked by the oxen, then perform a dance and music routine to entertain the oxen, who wish for more fun in their lives.

 The first ox steps forward. Fugnar recognizes it as the strongest of the four oxen. The ox bellows, and Twiggleleaf translates: "Four pillars hold me, yet I bear tenfold. Mountains kneel when I unfold. What am I, with grip so fast, that bends the iron, shatters glass?" Fugnar, Kite and Dice discuss among themselves for a few moment, before Fugnar answers "Strength." The ox bellows, then steps back, while Twiggleleaf claps and bows. Fugnar finds a pice of glass about fist-sized.

The next ox steps forward. Kite remembers that this ox is the fastest of the group. The ox bellows, and Twiggleleaf translates: "I outrun whispers, chase the sun, before the day is even begun. I leave the stars in dusty trails, across the sky on silver rails. What am I, a fleeting streak, a blur of hooves on thunder's peak?" Without hesitation, Kite answers "Speed." The ox bellows proudly, then steps back to the group. Kite also finds a colored piece of glass at her foot.

The third ox steps forward. Fugnar recalls that when the other three oxen were flagging at the end of the day. this one was always ready to keep going. The ox bellows, and Twiggleleaf translates: Time itself I stride upon, through endless summers, winters gone. From sunlit dawns to starlit nights, I bear the burdens, hold the lights. What am I, with tireless tread, the ever-marching, unbowed thread?" After a short conversation, Dice hesitantly answers "Endurance." The ox bellows, and steps back. He finds a colored piece of glass at his feet.

The fourth ox steps forward. Kite vaguely remembers this ox as being the quietest and calmest of the four. The ox bellows, and Twiggleleaf translates: "A feather whispers in my touch, a tear I dry, so very much. With quiet hooves and moonlit grace, I mend the wounds of time and space. What am I, with calming art, the soothing balm within the heart?" After much pondering, FugnarKite and Dice agree that the answer is gentleness, so Dice volunteers the response, and the ox bellows, bows, and he finds yet another piece of colored glass at his feet.

Twiggleleaf explains that the glass pieces are trickery tokens, four iridescent glass tokens, each reflecting a different aspect of the oxen (strength, speed, endurance, and gentleness). When pressed against an object, the token imbues it with the corresponding aspect for a short duration. Twiggleleaf explains that for example, rock becomes super-strong, a feather swift, a rope unbreakable, and a touch becomes soothing.

Now that the oxen feel satisfied they have been recognized as individuals, Twiggleleaf tells the companions that they must now perform some act of entertainment that will display strength, speed, endurance, and gentleness. Fugnar, Kite and Dice huddle and come up with a plan. Kite takes out her sprite flute. She will play music while running, and she will jump in Dice's hand, who will throw her in the air. Fugnar will catch her, then walk around with Kite on his shoulders, while Dice dances around them. All of them will then fall to the ground and roll in the grass. They hope this performance will satisfy the oxen. 

They start the performance, and Kite's playing is much better than it was when they first entered the grove. Dice adds some drums to the music, while Fugnar jams to the music. Kite runs around the barbarian, then runs up to Dice, who take a hold of her feet and propels her into the air. Fugnar moves himself into position, and Kite lands directly on his shoulders. With her securely positioned on his shoulders, Fugnar performs a feat of martial agility with his trusted battle hammer, while Dice and Kite continue to make music. Following this display, the three of them collapse to the ground in the grass and lay still.

For a second nothing happens, but then all of the four oxen begin bellowing, and Twiggleaf claps. They translate for the oxen, telling Kite and her companions that their performance was appreciated by the oxen, and they could recognize themselves in their fluid movements. The oxen are agreeing to return with them, but would like to come back to the grove when their work is completed. Kite heartily agrees.

Stick bugs then move three magically sleeping goblins from beyond the pillars. Twiggleleaf tells them these goblins were trying to lead the oxen away. Fugnar asks why Emmy was also afflicted with the magical sleep, and Twiggleleaf replies they didn't want the Tabaski being hurt while the faeries rescued the oxen. Twiggleleaf also gives them four pods of a sleeping flower. Crush the pod, and the blue powder will put the person inhaling it to sleep.

Fugnar ties the sleeping goblins and places them on the oxen's backs after asking Twiggleleaf if the oxen would agree to carry them back to Phandalin. Dice asks Twiggleleaf what is happening in the house next to the barn, and Twiggleleaf reports that the house is occupied by an angry spirit that comes out at night and that dwells in the basement. The spirit is quite evil, but seems attached to something in the house. The spirit's corruption is slowly consuming the house, but the stick bugs are doing what they can to reduce some of these evil influences.

Emerging out of the barn's basement, they realize that it is late afternoon. The oxen lead the way back to Barthen's Provision, where a grateful Gundred welcome them back, handing Fugnar, Kite and Dice a purse each containing 20 gold pieces. Kite tells the dwarf that the oxen want to be better treated, and after hearing their story, Gundred agrees the animals will get more food and less abuse from Dori.

After having seen that the oxen are taken cared of, Fugnar brings the goblins inside the warehouse. When the first one wakes up, Dice spits acid on a bone to intimidate the creature. Fugnar pulls out his knife and a wet stone, and begins sharpening it. The goblin doesn't know why he's here, but he says he will tell them whatever they want to know. Fugnar asks why they were trying to steal the oxen. The goblin replies that they had been ordered to steal two of the oxen by their leader, Klarg, so that the caravan would be slower and easier to ambush. The goblins were to take the oxen to Cragmaw Castle, but when they entered Barthen's Provisions, they decided that they might as well take all four oxen. Then the next thing they knew they were waking up tied here.

Fugnar tells the goblin that he will not kill him. Instead, he gives him the purse containing 20 golds, and informs him he's been hired to harass those who walk around Phandalin with scarlet cloaks, and that for everyone of them who leaves town, he will give them more gold. All they got to do is bring back their cloaks. The goblin, who introduces himself as Blonk, agrees this sounds fun. Fugnar releases the other two goblins, and after they awake Blonk leads them out of Barthen's Provisions and they head northwest.

As they head back to the Stonehill Inn, Gundred tells them that the caravan will depart tomorrow morning at 8 from Barthen's Provisions, and hopefully everyone will feel better.

Gundred tells them the caravan will head out in the morning.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Phandelver - Traveling to Phandalin

Monday, March 6, 1491

In the city of Neverwinter for their own personal reasons, several individuals notice an announcement posted at several strategic locations throughout the Merchants' Quarter within the Protector's Enclave. They decide they will check it out.

Tuesday, March 7, 1491

Kyrdean Theris, a Tabaxi who enjoys eating exotic dishes, arrives in front of the Emberglow Emporium and he enters the large forum-style market. In one of the corner, sitting underneath an awning, a well-dressed dwarf is deep in discussion with a tall human. They pore over maps and books, evidently comparing notes and inventory. Kyrdean sits across the central court and observes the action.

Just before noon, Emerald "Emmy" Stone enters the Emporium. A grey and black Tabaxi resembling a tabby, Emmy finds a quiet corner, and prepares her lunch of fish stew. Using one of the communal fire pits, she carefully hangs her small cauldron above the flames, and, after filling it with water, starts placing fish and other ingredients inside. She too observes Gundred and his human companion, while carefully avoiding eye contact with Kyrdean.

At exactly noon, as the bells from the local temples ring, Kritza Redwind enters the Emporium. A dour dwarf, he heads directly to Gundred's table. The two dwarves shake hand, and after determining that Kritza was here because of the for hire sign, Gundred introduces his human friend, Sildar Hallwinter. The two of them have been fast friends for over a decade now, and Sildar is both a confident and a bodyguard.

Gundred then tells Kritza that he's looking for a few strong warriors to protect his two wagon caravan. The wagons will travel from Neverwinter to Phandalin, to deliver mining supplies to the trading post Barthen's Provisions, where they will be stored in the warehouse. The caravan will then return to Neverwinter, and pick up additional supplies before making one more trip to Phandalin. These supplies will once again be unloaded at Barthen's Provision, and the caravan will return to Neverwinter and disband. For each round trip, Gundred offers his fellow dwarf 12 gold pieces. Kritza agrees, and they shake hand, before Kritza signs a standard mercenary contract. Gundred informs Kritza that the caravan will depart the Emporium at 8 o'clock sharp tomorrow morning, and the dwarf promises to be there.

Half an hour later, the doors to the Emporium slam open and a tall barbarian from Icewind Dale enters the building. Heading straight for the dwarf, he introduces himself as Fugnar, and expresses his desire to hire his mighty battle hammer in service of the caravan. Gundred offers him 12 gp, but Fugnar counters with 150 gp. Gundred laughs heartily, and he offers 15 gp. Fugnar spits in his hand and shakes the dwarf's hand, before placing an X on the standard mercenary contract. 

At 1 pm, yet another Tabaxi enters the Emporium. Holding a walking stick with a cat paw pummel, Kite has white furs and black legs. Spotting the other two Tabaxi, Kite heads towards them and greets her cousins. Kyrden and Emmy are pleased to see her, and are even more pleased when she offers them each a bag of catnip. Turning towards the dwarf, she walks over, and compliments Gundred on his cool hat. Gundred explains the mission to her, and Kite agrees to join. Kyrden and Emmy, who followed, also join the caravan, and all three of them sign a standard mercenary contract for 12 gp per trip.

Right after Kite, a tall gaunt human enters the Emporium. Wearing a tall black hat and a plain black outfit, the man's cold grey eyes wander over the Emporium. Spotting the dwarf, he heads to his table, and introduces himself as Kaine. After hearing the caravan's mission and poring over some of Gundred's map, Kaine then offers his sword in exchange for 12 gp.

Wednesday, March 8, 1491

 Promptly at 8 o'clock, Kyrdean, Emmy and Kite return to the Emporium, quickly followed by Kritza, Fugnar, and Kaine. Two canvas-covered wagons stand outside the Emporium. Pulled by two oxen each, the wagons are clearly fully loaded. Gundred Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter have their own horses they will be riding along the wagons.

Gundred introduces the party to their teamsters. The first wagon is driven by Dori Copperbeard, a foul-mouthed former fighter who enjoys taking care of animals. The second wagon is driven by her husband, Durgan Ironbeard, who used to be a miner before joining life on the road. Unlike his colorful wife, Durgan is quiet, efficient, and an excellent cook. After inspecting the cargo manifest and the contents of the wagon one more time, Gundred mounts his pony and the caravan first heads south on the High Road, before turning east on the Triboar Trail. Gundred expects that with fully loaded wagons, the trip to Phandalin should take about three days. 

The first day passes without incident. The spring weather is warm and sunny, and the traveling is smooth. Gundred explains that he and several of his family members rediscovered a long lost dwarven mine near Phandalin, and that this cargo and the next ones will complete the equipment they need to resume exploiting the dwarven mine. He's excited at the prospect of reviving the enterprise even more than he is of actually mining.

As night falls, they stop and make camp in a field next to the High Road. The wagons are pulled next to each other, and Durgan sets up two awnings to cover the portable table where he begins to prepare the evening meal. Fugnar sets a fire, while Dori unleashes the animals and takes care of their needs. Soon, the smell of a delicious stew floats through the camp site, while Durgan works furiously on tomorrow's ration of bread.

While waiting for dinner to be ready, Kritza takes a bottle out of his backpack and takes a sip. Intrigued, Gundred asks the other dwarf what he's drinking, and Kritza confesses he crafts his own wine, which he calls Miner's Delight. Astounded, Gundred tells the dwarf that he collects wines, and that he would love to trade some of his personal wine in exchange for some of Kritza. Kritza agrees, and he parts with two bottles of Miner's Delight in exchange for a bottle of Starfall Chardonnay and one of Dragonfire Red.

After a delicious meal watered with dwarven ale, Gundred and Sildar sing a few dwarven songs, and retell some of their adventures before a guard is set and the rest go to bed.


Wednesday, March 9, 1491

The night is uneventful, but the weather changed and rain moved in. By mid-morning everyone is thoroughly wet, and Dori curses an impressive storm of words every time her wagon hits a pothole. 

Passing through a dell, the wagons are surrounded by a group of sprites, who are curious as to the contents of the wagons. Luckily, Kritza is able to communicate with them. They tell Kritza that they want some token before they will let the caravan pass. Emmy starts talking with them through Kritza, trying to reason and explain that there is nothing of interest for sprites in the wagons. The sprites inform Kritza that they want to speak with a more interesting Tabaxi, so Kite steps up, and tells them how two years ago she was traveling to the coast, and a wise old man in the forest told her about a place where she could find very rare shells. She went there with great difficulty, and the trip was harrowing, but she came back with amazing shells, which she graciously offers the sprites. Meanwhile, Fugnar guides the caravan away from the sprites. Pleased, the sprites thank Kite for the gift, and Kritza for translating, and they fly back into the woods.

The nightly camp and its fire are not warm enough to dry them enough, and sleeping conditions are miserable.

Thursday, March 10, 1491

The weather continues to be miserable as rain falls even harder than the previous day. Mid-morning, a few hours away from Phandalin, the caravan leaves the Triboar Trail and turns south on the path leading to their destination. They come to a small river, about 15 feet wide and three feet deep that is crossed by a low wooden bridge. Two ropes have been strung from one tree on one shore to another on the opposite shore, creating a loose X. In the middle of the X, another rope has been tied, and a human wearing a scarlet cloak hangs upside down, his hands touching the wooden boards. 

Suspecting a trap, Kite heads on the bridge to check it out. Kaine and Kritza head to the right side of the bridge, while Kyrdean and Fugnar take the left side. Underneath the bridge, they see four heavily armed nymphs clearly ready to ambush travelers. Kaine fires on the first nymph, and mayhem ensues. The nymphs are eventually all killed, though they inflicted some damage on the party, with Kite and Kritza suffering the most grievious wounds.

With the nymphs dead, Fugnar strings the nymphs up under the bridge as a warning to others. Kite takes the human off the rope, and search him. Finding nothing of value, Kite takes the warm red cloack and drapes herself in it. She grabs the body, and places it in the second wagon to bring it to Phandalin so that it can be identified.

Searching the nymphs, Kritza finds a valuable malachite that must have been used as a spell focus. The dwarf collects the precious stone.

Arriving in Phandalin without further incident early in the afternoon, the wagons pull in front of Barthen's Provisions. The owner, Elmina Barthen, steps out of the building and heartily shakes Gundred's hand, welcoming him back. Her workers open the gate to the courtyard, and the wagons are pulled inside, and they unload the mining equipment and the supplies out of the wagons. Elmina looks at Kite funny, but after a few moments she resumes her conversation with the dwarf. 

When Gundred is done talking with Elmina, he thanks his crew, telling them that they should be able to secure lodging at the Stonehill Inn, in the now empty wagons, or they can find lodgings with local farmers. He looks forward to seeing them all tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, so they can make the return trip back to Neverwinter.

Owned by Toblen Stonehill, the Stonehill Inn is a cozy two floors stone building located in the middle of town. The prices are affordable, and the food is delicious. Fugnar, Kaine, and Kyrdean head to the inn.

Sitting in the inn's common room, Kaine orders an uncooked and unpeeled red potatoes along with a large hill giant tankard of bitter stout. Kyrdean orders the lamb stew with elven quith-pa on the side. Fugnar gets a giant bowl of cariboo soup. Kaine asks Toblen about the history of the town. Toblen tells him that he should talk to the dwarf scholar Gwyn Oresong, who is also staying here at the inn, and should be returning this evening.

Kite and Emmy head to meet with the town master, Harbin Wester. Still wearing the scarlet cloak, she tells him they found a body hanging from a bridge, and they wanted to let the town master know. He tells them he will most definitively investigate the manner, and will dispose of the body for them. Puzzled at the town master's attitude, Emmy and Kite depart. Emmy will spend the night in one of the now dry wagons. Kite, for her part, looks for a farm, and soon meets Alderleaf, a local landowner. At first the man is openly hostile, and tells her to move along, he does not want any ruffians on his farm. After some questioning, Kite discovers that the Redbrand Ruffians, a local gang, has been terrorizing the good citizens of Phandalin for the last year or so. With their headquarters at the Sleeping Giant, a local watering hole, the Redbrands are thieves, and Alderleaf is not sad to hear of the demise of one or their own. Now understanding that Kite is in fact not one of the Redbrands, he permits her to seep in his hayloft for the night. She trades seeds with Alderleaf.

In the evening, Gwyn Oresong enters the Stonehill Inn. Kritza and Kaine approach her, and ask her questions about Phandalin and its surroundings. Gwyn tells them that Phandalin was originally a farming community notable for its mages and enchanters. Boasting a large and prospering community of humans, gnomes and dwarves, the town became a member of Phandelver's Pact following the discovery of the Forge of Spells in the dwarven mining operation of Wave Echo Cave. Unfortunately, this prosperity atttracted the attention of bandits. Led by mercenary wizards, the bandits attacked and sacked Phandalin, before raiding Wave Echo Cave. The dwarven miners were slain, and all traces of the mine vanished from the records. The town itself was abandoned for centuries.

In the last twenty years Phandalin has once again become inhabited, and the dwarves have returned, looking for Wave Echo Cave. When Kyrdean tells Gwyn they escorted Gundred's caravan, Gwyn acknowledges that Gundred believes he has rediscovered Wave Echo Cave, and plans on exploiting it with members of his family.

Kite heads to the Stonehill Inn, and finds her cousin, Fugnar, Kaine, and Kritza hanging with Gwyn. She tells them about the Redbrands. Kaine realizes they made a mistake when they killed the nymphs, but Fugnar still thinks they deserved it, as they clearly were planning to ambush the caravan. Kritza suggests having a scarlet cloak in their possession could make it easier to infiltrate the brigands.

Everyone heads to bed, and sleep better now that they are dry.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Phandelver Campaign Begins

Phandelver Campaign Begins

Here we go again! Ten years after starting and then, three years later, completing the Emerald Spire campaign, and having made it halfway through Princes of the Apocalypse before my group ran out of stamina, I had said I would never run another lengthy campaign again, as some of the companions in my gaming group suffer from the "What's next" disease and are chronically incapable of sticking with a game for more than four or five sessions. But then a friend said he would purchase Beadle and Grimm's legendary edition of Phandelver & Below: The Shattered Obelisk if I would be willing to run it. After much arm twisting, we're about to start it on Friday, January 5, 2024, and even the what'snexters have "committed" to seeing this campaign through. 

I sent out a questionnaire to all players looking to flesh out their PCs, and here are some of the characters who will be joining the campaign as the PCs meet for the first time in the city of Neverwinter.

Kyrdean Theris, a Tabaxi who enjoys sunsets, sunflowers, and who loves to eat pan-seared knucklehead trout hand pies with elven quith-pa on the side.

A currently unnamed Tabaxi, who loves fish and is looking looking for a perfect homestead location.

Kritza Redwind, a Hill Dwarf who loves lamb stew and who enjoys making his own fine artisanal wines.

A currently unnamed human battle-axe wielding barbarian who enjoys eating caribou and who loves to hunt and trap.

This should be interesting!